-*- mode: org -*- git clone git://git.sisudoc.org/markup/sisu-markup-samples * what is this These are samples of documents for use by SiSU prepared with SiSU markup the current markup versions are contained in the sub-directory: ./data/samples/current/en/ * To install sisu using nix (flake) nix flake update nix flake show nix build . --print-build-logs nix develop .#devShell --print-build-logs -c zsh * To run sisu against sisu-markup samples Output in multiple formats can be generated running SiSU against the markup samples, e.g. you could try: sisu -v --html ./data/samples/current/en/the_wealth_of_networks.yochai_benkler.sst sisu -v --html --epub ./data/samples/current/en/the_wealth_of_networks.yochai_benkler.sst sisu --html ./data/samples/current/en/* see: <http://www.sisudoc.org> * On Debian (a) this package is placed in non-free, as the documents are released under the author or original publisher's license, and the substantive texts of the document is to be kept un-altered, which falls outside the Debian Free Software Guidelines (b) this package would be placed in /usr/share/doc/sisu-markup-samples as reference material on how to markup documents