.\" Name: SiSU - Simple information Structuring Universe .\" Author: Ralph Amissah .\" Description: sisu-examples manpage .\" arch-tag: sisu-examples manpage .\" License: GPL 2 or later .\" Notes: Process this file with .\" groff -man -Tascii sisu.1 .\" nroff -man sisu.1 | most .\" |sisu.1|@|^|<url:sisu.1> .TH sisu_examples 1 "October 31, 2006" "version 0.48" "SiSU markup samples and configuration related offerings (optional package)" .SH NAME .B SiSU \- Structured information, Serialized Units \- a document publishing system .SH SYNOPSIS .B sisu_examples .PP This is an optional package of sisu examples, mainly sample markup files. They are installed installed under .I /usr/share/sisu\-examples or the equivalent directory (change this path as appropriate for the information provided below). .SH Document Markup .PP Sample markup documents are located in .I /usr/share/doc/sisu/sisu_markup_samples/dfsg and these document samples in .I /usr/share/doc/sisu/sisu_markup_samples/non\-free (or the equivalent shared directory) .PP A few more sample documents are available at .I <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/SiSU/2.html> .SH Cgi database frontend .PP A simple example of a cgi frontend to query a sisu created postgresql database is to be found under: .I /usr/share/sisu/conf/cgi\-bin .SH Configuration samples .PP Some configuration files are located at: .I /usr/share/sisu/conf .\"%% Vim .SH Vim support files .PP Vim support is provided by way of an ftplugin/sisu file, installed automatically in Debian, else located under .I /usr/share/sisu/conf/vim .PP This provides, vim folds, syntax higlighting a color file and some default settings. .PP if not installed place filetype and ftplugin under .I ~/.vim .PP Other syntax highlighters .I /usr/share/sisu/conf/syntax .SH Conversion .PP Some very rough initial conversion from html routines using wvWare .I /usr/share/sisu/conf/convert (not tested recently) .\"%% Further Information .SH FURTHER INFORMATION .PP For more information on .I SiSU see: .I <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu> .PP or .I man sisu .SH AUTHOR Ralph Amissah .I ralph@amissah.com or .I ralph.amissah@gmail.com .SH SEE ALSO .BR sisu(1), .BR sisu(8), .BR sisu_webrick(1), .BR sisu_termsheet(1),