diff options
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 123 deletions
diff --git a/lib/sisu/v2/help.rb b/lib/sisu/v2/help.rb
index 2ddabdfd..b07ab6ed 100644
--- a/lib/sisu/v2/help.rb
+++ b/lib/sisu/v2/help.rb
@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ module SiSU_Help
def help_request
- regx=/^(list|com(?:mands)?|mod(?:ifiers)|markup|syntax|example(?:37|38)?|head(?:ers?)?|(?:heading|title|level|structure)s?|endnotes|footnotes|tables?|customise|skin|dir(?:ectories)?|paths?|lang(?:uage)?|modules|setup|conf(?:ig(?:ure)?)?|standards?|li[cs]en[sc]e|scratch|install|termsheet|dublin(?:core)?|dc|customise|styles?|appearance|theme|env(ironment)?|dir(?:ector(?:y|ies))?|metaverse|abstract|features|summary|(?:short)?cuts?|sisu|about|ext(?:ernal)?(?:_?prog(?:rams)?)?)|utf-?8|plaintext|html|xml|xhtml|epub|odf|odt|opendocument|css|pdf|latex|tex|(?:tex)?info|search|(?:hyper)?est(?:raier)?|searchform|cgi|sql|db|postgresql|pg?sql|sqlite|convert|php|webrick|sitemaps?|ya?ml|ansi|colors|-[AabcDdEeFHhIMmNnopqrRSstUuVvwXxyZz0-9]|-[Ddcv]|-[CcFLSVvW]/
+ regx=/^(list|com(?:mands)?|mod(?:ifiers)|markup|syntax|example(?:_v1|_v2)?|head(?:ers?)?|(?:heading|title|level|structure)s?|endnotes|footnotes|tables?|customise|skin|dir(?:ectories)?|paths?|lang(?:uage)?|modules|setup|conf(?:ig(?:ure)?)?|standards?|li[cs]en[sc]e|scratch|install|termsheet|dublin(?:core)?|dc|customise|styles?|appearance|theme|env(ironment)?|dir(?:ector(?:y|ies))?|metaverse|abstract|features|summary|(?:short)?cuts?|sisu|about|ext(?:ernal)?(?:_?prog(?:rams)?)?)|utf-?8|plaintext|html|xml|xhtml|epub|odf|odt|opendocument|css|pdf|latex|tex|(?:tex)?info|search|(?:hyper)?est(?:raier)?|searchform|cgi|sql|db|pg|postgresql|pg?sql|sqlite|convert|php|webrick|sitemaps?|ya?ml|ansi|colors|-[AabcDdEeFHhIMmNnopqrRSstUuVvwXxyZz0-9]|-[Ddcv]|-[CcFLSVvW]/
help_info=%{#{@cX.blue_hi}SiSU help#{@cX.off} #{@cX.ruby}~#{@cX.off} #{@request}}
- help_list=%{#{@cX.blue}sisu --help#{@cX.off} #{@cX.cyan}type keyword else "enter" to exit help:\n\tkeywords include:#{@cX.off} #{@cX.brown}list, (com)mands, short(cuts), (mod)ifiers, (env)ironment, markup, syntax, headers, headings, endnotes, tables, example, customise, skin, (dir)ectories, path, (lang)uage, db, install, setup, (conf)igure, convert, external_programs, dublincore, termsheet, search, sql, hyper(est)raier, features, external_programs, license#{@cX.off} \n}
+ help_list=%{#{@cX.blue}sisu --help#{@cX.off} #{@cX.cyan}type keyword else "enter" to exit help:\n\tkeywords include:#{@cX.off} #{@cX.brown}list, (com)mands, short(cuts), (mod)ifiers, (env)ironment, markup, syntax, headers, headings, endnotes, tables, example, customise, skin, (dir)ectories, path, (lang)uage, db, install, setup, (conf)igure, convert, termsheet, search, sql, features, license#{@cX.off} \n}
help_prompt=%{#{@cX.fuschia}exit, [or carriage return to exit help] #{@cX.off}\n#{@cX.blue_hi}SiSU help#{@cX.off} #{@cX.ruby}~#{@cX.off} }
until gotten =~/exit|quit|bye|q|^\s*$/ \
and ( @request.nil? or @request.empty? )
@@ -91,60 +91,60 @@ module SiSU_Help
when /h((?:elp)| )|~/i
- when /list/; @help.summary
- when /com(mands)?/; @help.commands
- when /mod(ifiers)?/; @help.modifiers
- when /markup|syntax/; @help.markup
- when /example\b/; @help.example
- when /example37/; @help.example37
- when /example38/; @help.example38
- when /(?:heading|title|level)s?|structure/; @help.headings
- when /head(ers?)?/; @help.headers
- when /dublin(core)?|dc/; @help.dublin_core
- when /(?:foot|end)notes/; @help.endnotes
- when /tables?/; @help.tables
- when /customise|skin/; @help.customise
- when /modules/; @help.modules
- when /env(ironment)?/; @help.environment
- when /dir(ector(y|ies))?/; @help.directories
- when /paths?/; @help.path
- when /setup/; @help.setup
- when /conf(?:ig(?:ure)?)?/; @help.configure
- when /standards?/; @help.standards
- when /lang(?:uage)?/; @help.languages
- when /li[cs]en[sc]e/; @help.license
- when /scratch/; @help.scratch
- when /install/; @help.install
- when /termsheet/; @help.termsheet
- when /customise|styles?|appearance|theme/; @help.customise
- when /metaverse/; @help.dal
- when /plaintext|ascii|-[aAeE]/; @help.plaintext
- when /utf-?8/i; @help.utf8
- when /html|-[hH]/; @help.html
- when /css/; @help.css
- when /xhtml|-b/; @help.xhtml
- when /xml|-[xX]/; @help.xml
- when /odf|odt|opendocument|-o/; @help.odf
- when /epub|-e/; @help.epub
- when /php/; @help.php
- when /pdf|-p/; @help.pdf
- when /latex|tex/; @help.latex
- when /(tex)?info/; @help.texinfo
- when /lout/; @help.lout
- when /concordance|index|-w/; @help.concordance
- when /search\b/; @help.help_search
- when /(?:hyper)?est(?:raier)?/; @help.hyperestraier
- when /db|database|sql|postgresql|sqlite|pg?sql|-[dD]/; @help.sql
- when /searchform|cgi/; @help.cgi
- when /convert/; @help.convert
- when /webrick|-W/; @help.webrick
- when /abstract|features|summary|about|sisu/; @help.abstract
- when /ext(?:ernal)?(?:_?prog(?:rams)?)?/; @help.external_programs
- when /ya?ml/; @help.yaml
- when /sitemaps?/; @help.sitemap
- when /(?:short)?cuts?/; @help.shortcuts
- when /ansi|colors?/; SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new('c').colors
- else @help.summary
+ when /list/; @help.summary
+ when /com(mands)?/; @help.commands
+ when /mod(ifiers)?/; @help.modifiers
+ when /markup|syntax/; @help.markup
+ when /example\b/; @help.example_v2
+ when /example_v1/; @help.example_v1
+ when /example(_v2)?/; @help.example_v2
+ when /(?:heading|title|level)s?|structure/; @help.headings
+ when /head(ers?)?/; @help.headers
+ when /dublin(core)?|dc/; @help.dublin_core
+ when /(?:foot|end)notes/; @help.endnotes
+ when /tables?/; @help.tables
+ when /customise|skin/; @help.customise
+ when /modules/; @help.modules
+ when /env(ironment)?/; @help.environment
+ when /dir(ector(y|ies))?/; @help.directories
+ when /paths?/; @help.path
+ when /setup/; @help.setup
+ when /conf(?:ig(?:ure)?)?/; @help.configure
+ when /standards?/; @help.standards
+ when /lang(?:uage)?/; @help.languages
+ when /li[cs]en[sc]e/; @help.license
+ when /scratch/; @help.scratch
+ when /install/; @help.install
+ when /(?:--)?termsheet/; @help.termsheet
+ when /customise|styles?|appearance|theme/; @help.customise
+ when /metaverse/; @help.dal
+ when /(?:--)?plaintext|(?:--)?te?xt|-[aAeE]/; @help.plaintext
+ when /utf-?8/i; @help.utf8
+ when /(?:--)?html|-[hH]/; @help.html
+ when /css/; @help.css
+ when /(?:--)?xhtml|-b/; @help.xhtml
+ when /(?:--)?xml|-[xX]/; @help.xml
+ when /(?:--)?odf|(?:--)?odt|opendocument|-o/; @help.odf
+ when /(?:--)?epub|-e/; @help.epub
+ when /php/; @help.php
+ when /(?:--)?pdf|-p/; @help.pdf
+ when /latex|tex/; @help.latex
+ when /(tex)?info/; @help.texinfo
+ when /lout/; @help.lout
+ when /concordance|index|-w/; @help.concordance
+ when /search\b/; @help.help_search
+ when /(?:hyper)?est(?:raier)?/; @help.hyperestraier
+ when /db|database|sql|postgresql|(?:--)?sqlite|(?:--)?pg|pg?sql|-[dD]/; @help.sql
+ when /searchform|cgi/; @help.cgi
+ when /convert/; @help.convert
+ when /(?:--)?webrick|-W/; @help.webrick
+ when /abstract|features|summary|about|sisu/; @help.abstract
+ when /ext(?:ernal)?(?:_?prog(?:rams)?)?/; @help.external_programs
+ when /ya?ml/; @help.yaml
+ when /sitemaps?/; @help.sitemap
+ when /(?:short)?cuts?/; @help.shortcuts
+ when /ansi|colors?/; SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new('c').colors
+ else @help.summary
print help_list
print help_prompt
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ module SiSU_Help
def summary
print <<WOK
- SiSU, Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Ralph Amissah
+ SiSU, Copyright (C) 1997 - 2010 Ralph Amissah
License GPL version 3 or Later. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GPL3 or later.
For more license detail type/enter: "sisu --help license"
@@ -181,8 +181,8 @@ alternatively typing #{@cX.orange}sisu --help#{@cX.off} #{@cX.green}[keyword]#{@
#{@cX.green}structure#{@cX.off} sisu --help structure (document structure, headings, tables of contents)
#{@cX.green}endnotes#{@cX.off} sisu --help endnotes
#{@cX.green}tables#{@cX.off} sisu --help tables
- #{@cX.green}example 0.37#{@cX.off} sisu --help example37
- #{@cX.green}example 0.38#{@cX.off} sisu --help example
+ #{@cX.green}example 1.0#{@cX.off} sisu --help example_v1
+ #{@cX.green}example 2.0#{@cX.off} sisu --help example
#{@cX.green}search#{@cX.off} sisu --help search
@@ -343,12 +343,13 @@ WOK
#{@cX.ruby}--update#{@cX.off} #{@cX.green}[filename/wildcard]#{@cX.off} Checks existing file output and runs the flags required to update this output. This means that if only html and pdf output was requested on previous runs, only the -hp files will be applied, and only these will be generated this time, together with the summary. This can be very convenient, if you offer different outputs of different files, and just want to do the same again.
- #{@cX.ruby}-1#{@cX.off} to #{@cX.ruby}-5#{@cX.off} #{@cX.green}[filename or wildcard]#{@cX.off}
+ #{@cX.ruby}-0#{@cX.off} to #{@cX.ruby}-5#{@cX.off} #{@cX.green}[filename or wildcard]#{@cX.off}
#{@cX.green}Default shorthand mappings#{@cX.off} (note that the defaults can be changed in the #{@cX.green}sisurc.yml#{@cX.off} file):
(these can be turned off if unavailable in sisurc.yml under program_set:)
#{@cX.green}processing shortcut defaults set to:#{@cX.off}
color defaut set (on==true) #{@cX.blue}#{cf_defaults.color}#{@cX.off}
+ sisu -0 (also just "sisu") #{@cX.blue}#{cf_defaults.cf_0}#{@cX.off}
sisu -1 #{@cX.blue}#{cf_defaults.cf_1}#{@cX.off}
sisu -2 #{@cX.blue}#{cf_defaults.cf_2}#{@cX.off}
sisu -3 #{@cX.blue}#{cf_defaults.cf_3}#{@cX.off}
@@ -375,7 +376,7 @@ WOK
- def misccom
+ def misc
#{@cX.green}-s#{@cX.off} [filename or wildcard] #{@cX.green}spellcheck#{@cX.off} (aspell previously ispell
@@ -501,35 +502,35 @@ WOK
def example
- def example37
+ def example_v1
print <<WOK
-% SiSU 0.16 - 0.37
+% SiSU 1.0
-0~title Working Sample Document
+@title: Working Sample Document
-0~subtitle Demonstrating markup
+@subtitle: Demonstrating markup
-0~creator Ralph Amissah
+@creator: Ralph Amissah
-0~markup num_top=4
+@markup: num_top=4
-0~bold [regular expression of words/phrases to be made bold]
+@bold: [regular expression of words/phrases to be made bold]
-0~italics [regular expression of words/phrases to italicise]
+@italics: [regular expression of words/phrases to italicise]
-0~links { SiSU }http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu { FSF }http://www.fsf.org
+@links: { SiSU }http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu { FSF }http://www.fsf.org
-1~ A Sample Document
+:A~ A Sample Document
-2~ just for fun
+:B~ just for fun
-4~ This is Chapter One or Article One
+1~ This is Chapter One or Article One
Ordinary Text follows here. The Title would be a Chapter or Article depending on the type of document you were working to produce.
-4~ This would be Chapter Two or Article Two
+1~ This would be Chapter Two or Article Two
And so on.
@@ -545,27 +546,31 @@ The example ends here.
- def example38
+ def example_v2
print <<WOK
-% SiSU 0.38
+% SiSU 2.0
@title: Working Sample Document
+ :subtitle: Demonstrating markup
-@subtitle: Demonstrating markup
-@creator: Ralph Amissah
+ :author: Amissah, Ralph
+ :published: 2010-09-18
-@markup: num_top=4
-@bold: [regular expression of words/phrases to be made bold]
+ :copyright: Ralph Amissah
-@italics: [regular expression of words/phrases to italicise]
+ :num_top: 1
+ :bold: [regular expression of words/phrases to be made bold]
+ :italics: [regular expression of words/phrases to italicise]
-@links: { SiSU }http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu { FSF }http://www.fsf.org
+ { SiSU }http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu { FSF }http://www.fsf.org
-:A~ A Sample Document
+:A~ @title @author
:B~ just for fun
@@ -579,7 +584,7 @@ And so on.
Assuming sisu is configured properly so it has been instructed where to put the work files and ouput files, you would generate this text once saved, with the suffix .sst if saved as example.sst, by typing sisu -mhwxp example.sst while in the directory in which the file is saved.
-_1 -m initial processing, -h html (css based), -w concordance for html, -x xml, -p pdf output, generated via latex, there are of course additional options
+_1 --dal initial processing, --html (css based), --concordance (html), --epub, --odt, --pdf output, generated via LaTeX, there are of course additional options
_1 for a listing type: sisu ~ commands
@@ -592,21 +597,20 @@ WOK
def headers
print <<WOK
Header tags appear at the beginning of a document and provide meta information on the document (such as the Dublin Core), or information as to how the document as a whole is to be processed.
-All header instructions take either the form #{@cX.green}@headername:#{@cX.off} or #{@cX.green}0~headername#{@cX.off}. All Dublin Core meta tags are available
+All header instructions take either the form #{@cX.green}@headername:#{@cX.off} followed on the next line by an indented sub-category header if any #{@cX.green}:sub-headername:#{@cX.off}.
#{@cX.green}@indentifier:#{@cX.off} information or instructions
-#{@cX.green}0~indentifier#{@cX.off} information or instructions
where the #{@cX.green}"identifier"#{@cX.off} is a tag recognised by the program, and the #{@cX.green}"information"#{@cX.off} or #{@cX.green}"instructions"#{@cX.off} belong to the tag/indentifier specified
- Note: a header where used should only be used once; all headers apart from 0~title are optional; the @structure: or 0~toc header is used to describe document structure, and can be useful to know.
+ Note: a header where used should only be used once; all headers apart from @title: are optional; the @structure: or 0~toc header is used to describe document structure, and can be useful to know.
This is a sample header (#{@cX.fuschia}Dublin Core in fuschia,#{@cX.off} #{@cX.cyan}other information headers in cyan,#{@cX.off} #{@cX.ruby}markup instructions in red#{@cX.off}):
#{@cX.fuschia}@title:#{@cX.off} My Title - This is now the Title of the Document and used as such
+ #{@cX.cyan}:subtitle:#{@cX.off} The Subtitle if any
-#{@cX.cyan}@subtitle:#{@cX.off} The Subtitle if any
-#{@cX.fuschia}@creator:#{@cX.off} [or @author:] Surname, Other names (if more than one author separate author names with a semi colon, if name is of an institution just write name or the name contains a comma enclose in quotation marks)
+ #{@cX.fuschia}:author:#{@cX.off} Surname, Other names (if more than one author separate author names with a semi colon, if name is of an institution just write name or the name contains a comma enclose in quotation marks)
-#{@cX.fuschia}@topic_register:#{@cX.off} [e.g.:] text markup language; application:text processing;output:html|xml|latex|pdf|sql
+ #{@cX.fuschia}:topic_register:#{@cX.off} [e.g.:] text markup language; application:text processing;output:html|xml|latex|pdf|sql
#{@cX.fuschia}@subject:#{@cX.off} (whatever your subject)
@@ -1354,6 +1358,9 @@ WOK
def termsheet
print <<WOK
+ #{@cX.green}sisu --termsheet [termsheetname].termsheet.rb#{@cX.off}
+ will produce the collection of documents associated with [termsheetname.termsheet.rb]
#{@cX.green}sisu -t [termsheetname].termsheet.rb#{@cX.off}
will produce the collection of documents associated with [termsheetname.termsheet.rb]
@@ -1416,7 +1423,7 @@ WOK
sisu --query-0.38
for markup:
- sisu --help example38
+ sisu --help example
sample marked up documents are provided in directory:
@@ -1460,6 +1467,7 @@ WOK
def dal
print <<WOK
+ sisu --dal [filename/wildcard] creates the metaverse, used by all other modules for downstream processing
sisu -m [filename/wildcard] creates the metaverse, used by all other modules for downstream processing
@@ -1473,29 +1481,25 @@ WOK
def plaintext
print <<WOK
- sisu -A [filename/wildcard] plaintext with dos linefeeds (footnotes follow paragraphs)
- sisu -a [filename/wildcard] plaintext with Unix linefeeds (footnotes follow paragraphs)
+ sisu --txt [filename/wildcard] plaintext with Unix linefeeds (footnotes follow paragraphs)
+ sisu -t [filename/wildcard] plaintext with Unix linefeeds (footnotes follow paragraphs)
- sisu -E [filename/wildcard] plaintext with dos linefeeds (endnotes follow document)
- sisu -e [filename/wildcard] plaintext with Unix linefeeds (endnotes follow document)
- sisu -ho [filename/wildcard] exclude ocn, object numbers
def html
print <<WOK
+ sisu --html [filename/wildcard] html document type suffixes included
sisu -h [filename/wildcard] html document type suffixes included
- sisu -H [filename/wildcard] html without document type suffixes
- sisu -ho [filename/wildcard] exclude ocn, object numbers
def xhtml
print <<WOK
+ sisu --xhtml [filename/wildcard] xhtml document
sisu -b [filename/wildcard] xhtml document
@@ -1503,11 +1507,16 @@ WOK
def xml
print <<WOK
+ sisu --xml-sax [filename/wildcard] xml document (sax type parsing)
sisu -x [filename/wildcard] xml document (sax type parsing)
+ sisu --xml-dom [filename/wildcard] xml document (dom type parsing)
sisu -X [filename/wildcard] xml document (dom type parsing)
+ sisu --odt [filename/wildcard] odt document, (odf open document format)
sisu -o [filename/wildcard] odt document, (odf open document format)
+ sisu --epub [filename/wildcard] odt document, (epub document)
sisu -e [filename/wildcard] odt document, (epub document)
@@ -1515,6 +1524,8 @@ WOK
def odf
print <<WOK
+ sisu --odt [filename/wildcard] odt document, (odf open document format)
sisu -o [filename/wildcard] odt document, (odf open document format)
@@ -1522,6 +1533,7 @@ WOK
def epub
print <<WOK
+ sisu --epub [filename/wildcard] epub document, (open format for e-books)
sisu -e [filename/wildcard] epub document, (open format for e-books)
@@ -1537,6 +1549,7 @@ WOK
def pdf
print <<WOK
+ sisu --pdf [filename/wildcard] produces pdf files from LaTeX output
sisu -p [filename/wildcard] produces pdf files from LaTeX output
@@ -1544,6 +1557,7 @@ WOK
def latex
print <<WOK
+ sisu --pdf [filename/wildcard] produces pdf files from LaTeX output
sisu -p [filename/wildcard] produces pdf files from LaTeX output
@@ -1551,6 +1565,7 @@ WOK
def texinfo
print <<WOK
+ sisu --texinfo [filename] produces texinfo and info files
sisu -I [filename] produces texinfo and info files
info and texinfo files are currently left in a separate work/output directory... have not decided what to do with them
@@ -1577,6 +1592,8 @@ WOK
def concordance
print <<WOK
+ sisu --concordance starts the sisu webrick server, default port 8081
+ sisu --wordmap starts the sisu webrick server, default port 8081
sisu -W starts the sisu webrick server, default port 8081
@@ -1596,6 +1613,7 @@ WOK
def cgi
print <<WOK
+ sisu --sample-search-form generates a sample search form
sisu -F generates a sample search form
sisu -F --webserv=webrick generates a sample search form for use with the webrick server
@@ -1611,24 +1629,22 @@ WOK
print <<WOK
Mappings to two databases are provided by default,
- postgresql and sqlite,
- the same commands are used within sisu to construct and populate databases
- however -d (lowercase) denotes sqlite and -D (uppercase) denotes postgresql
- the examples here will used -d (lowercase)
- alternatively --sqlite or --pgsql may be used
+ postgresql (--pg or -D) and sqlite (--sqlite or -d),
+ the same modifier commands are used within sisu to construct and populate
+ databases the examples here will use --sqlite
- sisu -d --createdb creates database where no database existed before
- sisu -d --create creates database tables where no database tables existed before
- sisu -d --dropall destroys database (including all its content)!!
- sisu -d --recreate destroys existing database and builds a new empty database structure
+ sisu --sqlite --createdb creates database where no database existed before
+ sisu --sqlite --create creates database tables where no database tables existed before
+ sisu --sqlite --dropall destroys database (including all its content)!!
+ sisu --sqlite --recreate destroys existing database and builds a new empty database structure
- sisu -d --import [filename/wildcard] populates database with the contents of the file
- sisu -d --update [filename/wildcard] updates file contents in database
+ sisu --sqlite --import [filename/wildcard] populates database with the contents of the file
+ sisu --sqlite --update [filename/wildcard] updates file contents in database
- sisu -F --webserv=webrick builds a cgi web search frontend for the database created
+ sisu --sample-search-form --webserv=webrick builds a cgi web search frontend for the database created
- user: #{@cX.blue}#{@db.user}#{@cX.off}
+ user: #{@cX.blue}#{@db.psql.user}#{@cX.off}
current db set: #{@cX.blue}#{@db.psql.db}#{@cX.off}
port: #{@cX.blue}#{@db.psql.port}#{@cX.off}
dbi connect: #{@cX.blue}#{@db.psql.dbi}#{@cX.off}
@@ -1640,7 +1656,7 @@ WOK
Note on databases built
By default, [unless otherwise specified] databases are built on a directory basis, from collections of documents within that directory.
The name of the directory you choose to work from is used as the database name,
- i.e. if you are working in a directory called #{@cX.blue}#{@env.path.home}/ebook#{@cX.off} the database #{@cX.blue}SiSU_ebook#{@cX.off} is used. [otherwise a manual mapping for the collection is necessary]
+ i.e. if you are working in a directory called #{@cX.blue}#{@env.path.home}/ebook#{@cX.off} the database #{@cX.blue}#{Db[:name_prefix]}ebook#{@cX.off} is used. [otherwise a manual mapping for the collection is necessary]
@@ -1648,7 +1664,8 @@ WOK
def webrick
print <<WOK
- sisu -W starts the sisu webrick server, default port 8081
+ sisu --webrick starts the sisu webrick server, default port 8081
+ sisu -W starts the sisu webrick server, default port 8081
@@ -1767,8 +1784,7 @@ WOK
SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
- Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
- 2007, 2008 Ralph Amissah
+ Copyright (C) 1997 - 2010 Ralph Amissah
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
@@ -1815,7 +1831,7 @@ WOK
* Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
* Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
-© Ralph Amissah 1997, current 2005.
+© Ralph Amissah 1997, current 2010.
All Rights Reserved.
Information on these may be obtained from:
@@ -1836,7 +1852,6 @@ sisu_convert does the initial conversion from a couple of file formats to SiSU f
#{@cX.cyan}sisu_convert#{@cX.off} [keyword]
sisu [keyword]
#{@cX.green}--html#{@cX.off} convert from html
- #{@cX.green}--pace#{@cX.off} convert from html does some initial headers...
Preparing Documents for SiSU
#{@cX.green}--word97#{@cX.off} sisu --help markup (an incomplete overview)