path: root/man/man8/sisu_howto.8
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'man/man8/sisu_howto.8')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2301 deletions
diff --git a/man/man8/sisu_howto.8 b/man/man8/sisu_howto.8
deleted file mode 100644
index 7717fd7d..00000000
--- a/man/man8/sisu_howto.8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2301 +0,0 @@
-.TH "sisu_howto" "1" "2007-09-16" "0.59.1" "SiSU"
-An online manual of sorts should be available at:
-The manual pages provided with
-.B SiSU
-are also available online, and there is an interactive help, which is being
-superseded by the man page, and possibly some document which contains this
-.B SiSU
-is installed on your system usual man commands should be available, try:
-man sisu
-.B SiSU
-man pages can be viewed online at:[^1]
-An online version of the sisu man page is available here:
-* various sisu man pages <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/man/> \ [^2]
-* sisu.1 <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/man/sisu.1.html> \ [^3]
-* sisu.8 <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/man/sisu.8.html> \ [^4]
-* sisu_examples.1 <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/man/sisu_examples.1.html> \ [^5]
-* sisu_webrick.1 <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/man/sisu_webrick.1.html> \ [^6]
- sisu \-\-help
- sisu \-\-help \ [subject]
- sisu \-\-help env \ [for \ feedback \ on \ the \ way \ your \ system \ is \
- setup \ with \ regard \ to \ sisu]
- sisu \-V \ [same \ as \ above \ command]
- sisu \-\-help commands
- sisu \-\-help markup
-Running sisu (alone without any flags, filenames or wildcards) brings up the
-interactive help, as does any sisu command that is not recognised.
-In the data directory run sisu \-mh filename or wildcard eg. \"sisu \-h
-cisg.sst\" or \"sisu \-h *.{sst,ssm}\" to produce html version of all
-Images, css files for a document directory are copied to their respective
-locations in the output directory.
-while within your document markup/preparation directory, issue the following
- sisu \-CC
-.B SiSU
-can populate PostgreSQL and Sqlite databases and provides a sample search
-form for querying these databases.
-This note provides an example to get you started and will use sqlite
-It is necessary to:
-(1) make sure the required dependencies have been installed
-(2) have a directory with sisu markup samples that is writable
-(3) use sisu to create a database
-(4) use sisu tp populate a database
-(5) use sisu to start the webrick (httpd) server
-(6) use sisu to create a search form
-(7) copy the search form to the cgi directory
-(8) open up the form in your browser
-(9) query the database using the search form
-.B (1) make sure the required dependencies have been installed
-if you use
-.B Debian
-, the following command will install the required dependencies
-aptitude install sisu\-sqlite
-.B (2) have a directory with sisu markup samples that is writable
-ideally copy the sisu\-examples directory to your home directory (because the
-directory in which you run this example should be writable)
-cp \-rv /usr/share/sisu\-examples/sample/document_samples_sisu_markup ~/.
-.B (3) use sisu to create an sqlite database
-within the sisu\-examples directory
-sisu \-dv createall
-.B (4) use sisu tp populate a database with some text
-within the sisu\-examples directory
-sisu \-div free_*.sst
-sisu \-dv import free_*.sst debian_constitution_v1.2.sst
-debian_social_contract_v1.1.sst gpl2.fsf.sst
-.B (5) use sisu to start the webrick (httpd) server (if it has not already
-been started):
-sisu \-W
-.B (6) use sisu to create a search form (for use with the webrick server, and
-your sample documents)
-within the sisu\-examples directory
-sisu \-F webrick
-#here i run into a problem, you are working from a read only #directory..., not
-my usual mode of operation, to complete the example #the following is necessary
-sudo touch sisu_sqlite.cgi sisu_pgsql.cgi sudo \-P chown $USER sisu_sqlite.cgi
-#now this should be possible: sisu \-F webrick
-.B (7) copy the search form to the cgi directory
-the string should be provided as output from the previous command
-sudo cp \-vi
-sudo chmod \-v 755 /usr/lib/cgi\-bin/sisu_sqlite.cgi
-.B (8) open up the form in your browser and query it
-or as instructed by command sisu \-F webrick
-.B (9) query the database using the search form
-if there are other options in the dropdown menu select
-and search for some text, e.g.:
-aim OR project
-* selecting the
-.B index
-radio button gives an index of results using the object numbers
-* selecting the
-.B text
-radio button gives the content of the matched paragraphs with the match
-.B (10) to start again with a new database
-to start from scratch you can drop the database with the command
-sisu \-dv dropall
-and go to step 3
-to get to step 3 in one step with a single command
-sisu \-dv recreate
-continue subsequent steps
-2.2 MISC
- sisu \-uv[and \ other \ flags] \ [filename/wildcard]
- sisu \-Uv \ [filename/wildcard]
- sisu \-cv[and \ processing \ flags] \ [filename/wildcard]
- sisu \-v[and \ processing \ flags] \ [filename/wildcard]
- sisu \-V[and \ processing \ flags] \ [filename/wildcard]
- sisu \-q[and \ processing \ flags] \ [filename/wildcard]
- sisu \-Mv[and \ other \ flags] \ [filename/wildcard]
- sisu \-W
-configuration is necessary
- sisu \-vr[and \ processing \ flags] \ [filename/wildcard]
- sisu \-vR[and \ processing \ flags] \ [filename/wildcard]
-Sample provided, on untarring the source tarball:
- conf/sisu/sisurc.yaml
-and on installation under:
- /etc/sisu/sisurc.yaml
-The following paths are searched:
- \./_sisu/sisurc.yaml
- ~/.sisu/sisurc.yaml
- \./etc/sisu/sisurc.yaml
-See sample markup provided on
-in particular for each of the document output samples provided, the source
-document is provided as well
-on untarring the source tarball:
- data/sisu\-examples/sample/document_samples_sisu_markup/
-or the same once source is installed (or sisu\-examples) under:
- /usr/share/sisu\-examples/sample/document_samples_sisu_markup/
-Some notes are contained within the man page,
-.B man sisu
-and within sisu help via the commands
-.B sisu help markup
-.B sisu help headers
-.B SiSU
-is for literary and legal text, also for some social science material. In
-particular it does not do formula, and is not particularly suited to technical
-documentation. Despite the latter caveat, some notes will be provided here and
-added to over time:
-Headers @headername: provide information related to the document, this may
-relate to
-1. how it is to be processed, such as whether headings are to be numbered, what
-skin is to be used and markup instructions, such as the document structure, or
-words to be made bold within the document
-2. semantic information about the document including the dublin core
-Defaults are set. You may change the face to: bold, italics, underscore,
-strikethrough, \...
-4.2.1 BOLD
-\@bold: \ [list \ of \ words \ that \ should \ be \ made \ bold \ within \
-.B bold line
-!_ bold line
-.B bold word or sentence
-!{ bold word or sentence }!
-*{ bold word or sentence }*
-.B boldword
-.B boldword
-*boldword* or !boldword!
-4.2.2 ITALICS
-\@italics: \ [list \ of \ words \ that \ should \ be \ italicised \ within \
-.I italicise word or sentence
-/{ italicise word or sentence }/
-.I italicisedword
-.I underscore word or sentence
-_{ underscore word or sentence }_
-.I underscoreword
-<del> strikethrough word or sentence </del>
-\-{ strikethrough word or sentence }\-
-There are two forms of markup for endnotes, they cannot be mixed within the
-same document
-1. preferred endnote markup
-here~{ this is an endnote }~
-2. alternative markup equivalent, kept because it is possible to search and
-replace to get markup in existing texts such as Project Gutenberg
-^~ this is an endote
-4.4 LINKS
-SiSU <http://sisudoc.org>
-.B SiSU
-sisu.png 120x39 <http://sisudoc.org>
-{sisu.png }http://sisudoc.org
-[ tux.png ]
-{ tux.png 64x80 }image
-SiSU <http://sisudoc.org> \ [^8]
-.B SiSU
-is equivalent to:
-.B SiSU
-}http://sisudoc.org ~{ <http://sisudoc.org> }~
-the same can be done with an image:
-sisu.png 120x39 \"SiSU\" <http://sisudoc.org> \ [^10]
-{ sisu.png \"
-.B SiSU
-\" }http://sisudoc.org
-Set with the header @markup:
-Line Operations (marker placed at start of line)
-!_ bold line
-.B bold line
-_1 indent paragraph one level
- indent paragraph one level
-_2 indent paragraph two steps
- indent paragraph two steps
-_* bullet paragraph
-* bullet paragraph
-# number paragraph (see headers for numbering document headings)
-1. number paragraph (see headers for numbering document headings)
-_# number paragraph level 2 (see headers for numbering document headings)
- a. number paragraph level 2 (see headers for numbering document headings)
-Table markup sample
-table{~h c3; 26; 32; 32;
-This is a table, column1
-this would become row one of column two
-column three of row one is here
-column one row 2
-column two of row two
-column three of row two, and so on
-column one row three
-and so on
-Alternative form of table markup
- {t\~h}
- |Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun
- 0 | * | * | * | * | * | * | *
- 1 | * | * | * | * | | |
- 2 | \- | * | * | * | * | * |
- 3 | \- | * | * | * | * | * | *
- 4 | \- | | | * | * | * |
- 5 | * | * | * | * | * | * | *
- 5.times { puts \'Ruby\' }
- 5.times { puts \'Ruby\' }
-A Limerick
-There was a young lady from Clyde,
-who ate a green apple and died,
-but the apple fermented inside the lamented,
-and made cider inside her inside.
-There was a young lady from Clyde,
-who ate a green apple and died,
-but the apple fermented inside the lamented,
-and made cider inside her inside.
-To import another document, the master document or importing document should be
-named filename.r3 (r for require)
-&lt;&lt; { filename.sst }
-&lt;&lt; { filename.ssi }
-5.1 SKINS
-\"Skins\" may be used to change various aspects related to the output documents
-appearance, including such things as the url for the home page on which the
-material will be published, information on the credit band, and for html
-documents colours and icons used in navigation bars. Skins are ruby files which
-permit changing of the default values set within the program for
-.B SiSU
-There are a few examples provided, on untarring the source tarball:
- conf/sisu/skin/doc/
- data/sisu\-examples/sample/document_samples_sisu_markup/_sisu/skin/doc
-and on installation under:
- /etc/sisu/skin/doc/
- /usr/share/sisu\-examples/sample/document_samples_sisu_markup/_sisu/skin/doc
-The following paths are searched:
- \./_sisu/skin
- ~/.sisu/skin
- /etc/sisu/skin
-Skins under the searched paths in a per document directory, a per directory
-directory, or a site directory, named:
-doc \ [may \ be \ specified \ individually \ in \ each \ document]
-dir \ [used \ if \ identifier \ part \ of \ name \ matches \ markup \ directory
-\ name]
-It is usual to place all skins in the document directory, with symbolic links
-as required from dir or site directories.
-5.2 CSS
-The appearance of html and XML related output can be changed for an ouput
-collection directory by prepareing and placing a new css file in one of the
-sisu css directories searched in the sisu configuration path. These are located
-The contents of the first directory found in the search path are copied to the
-corresponding sisu output directory with the commnd:
-sisu \-CC
-.B SiSU
-standard css files for
-.B SiSU
-output are:
-dom.css html.css html_tables.css index.css sax.css xhtml.css
-A document may specify its own/bespoke css file using the css header.
-.B SiSU
-0.55 2007w27/6 2007\-07\-07
-Homepage: <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu>
-.B Description
-.B SiSU
-is lightweight markup based document creation and publishing framework that
-is controlled from the command line. Prepare documents for
-.B SiSU
-using your text editor of choice, then use
-.B SiSU
-to generate various output document formats.
-With minimal preparation of a plain\-text (UTF\-8) file using its native
-.B SiSU
-produces: plain\-text, HTML, XHTML, XML, ODF:ODT (Opendocument), LaTeX, PDF,
-and populates an SQL database (PostgreSQL or SQLite) in paragraph sized chunks
-so that document searches are done at this \"atomic\" level of granularity.
-Outputs share a common citation numbering system, and any semantic meta\-data
-provided about the document.
-.B SiSU
-also provides concordance files, document content certificates and manifests
-of generated output.
-.B SiSU
-takes advantage of well established open standard ways of representing text,
-and provides a bridge to take advantage of the strengths of each, while
-remaining simple.
-.B SiSU
-implements across document formats a \"useful common feature set\" \ [coming
-\ from \ a \ humanities, \ law, \ and \ possibly \ social \ sciences \
-perspective, \ rather \ than \ technical \ or \ scientific \ writing] \...
-focus is primarily on content and data integrity rather than appearance,
-(though outputs in the various formats are respectable).
-A vim syntax highlighting file and an ftplugin with folds for sisu markup is
-provided. Vim 7 includes syntax highlighting for
-.B SiSU
-man pages, and interactive help are provided.
-Dependencies for various features are taken care of in sisu related packages.
-The package sisu\-complete installs the whole of
-.B SiSU
-Additional document markup samples are provided in the package
-sisu\-markup\-samples which is found in the non\-free archive the licenses for
-the substantive content of the marked up documents provided is that provided by
-the author or original publisher.
-Homepage: <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu>
-.B SiSU
-\- simple information structuring universe, is a publishing tool, document
-generation and management, (and search enabling) tool primarily for literary,
-academic and legal published works.
-.B SiSU
-can be used for Internet, Intranet, local filesystem or cd publishing.
-.B SiSU
-can be used directly off the filesystem, or from a database.
-.B SiSU
-\'s scalability, is be dependent on your hardware, and filesystem (in my case
-Reiserfs), and/or database Postgresql.
-Amongst it\'s characteristics are:
-* simple mnemonoic markup style,
-* the ability to produce multiple output formats, including html, structured
-XML, LaTeX, pdf (via LaTeX), stream to a relational database whilst retaining
-document structure \- Postgresql and Sqlite,
-* that all share a common citation system (a simple idea from which much good),
-possibly most exciting, the following: if fed into a relational database (as it
-can be automatically), the document set is searchable, with results displayed
-at a paragraph level, or the possibility of an indexed display of documents in
-which the match is found together with a hyperlinked listing for each of each
-paragraph in which the match is found. In any event citations using this system
-(with or without the relational database) are relevant for all output formats.
-* it is command line driven, and can be set up on a remote server
-* Documents are marked up in
-.B SiSU
-syntax in your favourite editor.
-.B SiSU
-syntax may be regarded as a type of smart ascii \- which in its basic form is
-simpler than the most elementary html. There is currently a syntax highlighter,
-and folding for Vim. Syntax highlighters for other editors are welcome.
-Input files should be UTF\-8
-Once set up it is simple to use.
-Download Sources:
- <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/SiSU/download.html#current>
- <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/SiSU/download.html#debian>
-NB. Platform is Unix / Linux.
-6.2.1 DEBIAN
-If you use
-.B Debian
-use the
-.B Debian
-packages, check the information at:
- <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/SiSU/download.html#debian>
-.B SiSU
-is available directly off the
-.B Debian
-archives for Sid and testing. It should necessary only to run as root:
- aptitude update
- aptitude install sisu\-complete
-(B) If there are newer versions of
-.B SiSU
-upstream of the
-.B Debian
-archives, they will be available by adding the following to your
- deb <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/archive> unstable main non\-free
- deb\-src <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/archive> unstable main non\-free
-[the \ non\-free \ line \ is \ for \ document \ markup \ samples, \ for \ which
-\ the \ substantive \ text \ is \ provided \ under \ the \ author \ or \
-original \ publisher\'s \ license \ and \ which \ in \ most \ cases \ will \
-not \ be \ debian \ free \ software \ guideline \ compliant]
-Then as root run:
- aptitude update
- aptitude install sisu\-complete
-6.2.2 RPM
-RPMs are provided though untested, they are prepared by running alien against
-the source package, and against the debs.
-They may be downloaded from:
- <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/SiSU/download.html#rpm>
-Otherwise to install
-.B SiSU
-from source, check information at:
- <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/SiSU/download.html#current>
-alternative modes of installation from source are provided, setup.rb (by Minero
-Aoki), rake (by Jim Weirich) built install file, rant (by Stefan Lang) built
-install file,
-.B Ruby
-is the essential dependency for the basic operation of
-.B SiSU
-1. Download the latest source (information available) from:
- <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/SiSU/download.html#current>
-2. Unpack the source
-Note however, that additional external package dependencies, such as texlive or
-postgresql should you desire to use it are not taken care of for you.
-this is a three step process, in the root directory of the unpacked
-.B SiSU
-as root type:
- ruby setup.rb config
- ruby setup.rb setup
-as root:
- ruby setup.rb install
-further information:
- <http://i.loveruby.net/en/projects/setup/>
- <http://i.loveruby.net/en/projects/setup/doc/usage.html>
-Rake must be installed on your system:
- <http://rake.rubyforge.org/>
- <http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=50>
-in the root directory of the unpacked
-.B SiSU
-as root type:
- rake
- rake base
-This makes use of Rake (by Jim Weirich) and the provided Rakefile
-For a list of alternative actions you may type:
- rake help
- rake \-T
-(you may use the instructions above for rake substituting rant if rant is
-installed on your system, or you may use an independent installer created using
-rant as follows:)
-in the root directory of the unpacked
-.B SiSU
-as root type:
- ruby \./sisu\-install
- ruby \./sisu\-install base
-This makes use of Rant (by Stefan Lang) and the provided Rantfile. It has been
-configured to do post installation setup setup configuration and generation of
-first test file. Note however, that additional external package dependencies,
-such as tetex\-extra are not taken care of for you.
-further information:
- <http://make.rubyforge.org/>
- <http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=615>
-For a list of alternative actions you may type:
- ruby \./sisu\-install help
- ruby \./sisu\-install \-T
-Once installed see \'man 8 sisu\' for some information on additional programs
-that sisu makes use of, and that you may need or wish to install. (this will
-depend on such factors as whether you want to generate pdf, whether you will be
-.B SiSU
-with or without a database, \...) \'man sisu_markup\-samples\' may also be of
-interest if the sisu\-markup\-samples package has also been installed.
-The information in man 8 may not be most up to date, and it is possible that
-more useful information can be gleaned from the following notes taken from the
-.B Debian
-control file (end edited), gives an idea of additional packages that
-.B SiSU
-can make use of if available, (the use/requirement of some of which are
-interdependent for specific actions by
-.B SiSU
-The following is from the debian/control file of sisu\-0.58.2, which amongst
-other things provides the dependencies of sisu within
-.B Debian
- Package: sisu
- Architecture: all
- Depends: ruby (>= 1.8.2), libwebrick\-ruby, unzip, zip
- Conflicts: vim\-sisu, sisu\-vim, sisu\-remote
- Replaces: vim\-sisu, sisu\-vim
- Recommends: sisu\-pdf, sisu\-sqlite, sisu\-postgresql, librmagick\-ruby, trang,
- tidy, librexml\-ruby, openssl, rsync, openssh\-client | lsh\-client, keychain,
- hyperestraier, kdissert, vim\-addon\-manager
- Suggests: rcs | cvs, lv, texinfo, pinfo
- Package: sisu\-complete
- Depends: ruby (>= 1.8.4), sisu, sisu\-pdf, sisu\-postgresql, sisu\-sqlite
- Recommends: hyperestraier
- Package: sisu\-pdf
- Architecture: all
- Depends: sisu, texlive\-latex\-base, texlive\-fonts\-recommended,
- texlive\-latex\-recommended, texlive\-latex\-extra
- Suggests: evince, xpdf
- Package: sisu\-postgresql
- Depends: sisu, postgresql\-8.1, libdbi\-ruby, libdbm\-ruby, libdbd\-pg\-ruby
- Suggests: pgaccess, libdbd\-pgsql, postgresql\-contrib\-8.1
- Package: sisu\-sqlite
- Depends: sisu, sqlite, libdbi\-ruby, libdbm\-ruby, libdbd\-sqlite\-ruby
- Suggests: libdbd\-sqlite
- Package: sisu\-markup\-samples
- Depends: sisu
- Source: sisu
- Section: text
- Priority: optional
- Maintainer: Ralph Amissah <ralph@amissah.com>
- Build\-Depends: debhelper (>= 5)
- Standards\-Version: 3.7.2
- Package: sisu
- Architecture: all
- Depends: ruby (>= 1.8.2), ruby (<< 1.9), libwebrick\-ruby, unzip, zip
- Conflicts: vim\-sisu, sisu\-vim, sisu\-remote
- Replaces: vim\-sisu, sisu\-vim
- Recommends: sisu\-doc, sisu\-pdf, sisu\-sqlite, sisu\-postgresql, hyperestraier, keychain, librmagick\-ruby, librexml\-ruby, openssl, openssh\-client | lsh\-client, rsync, tidy, vim\-addon\-manager
- Suggests: kdissert, lv, rcs | cvs, pinfo, texinfo, trang
- Description: documents \- structuring, publishing in multiple formats and search
- SiSU is a lightweight markup based, command line oriented, document
- structuring, publishing and search framework for document collections.
- \.
- With minimal preparation of a plain\-text, (UTF\-8) file, using its native
- markup syntax in your text editor of choice, SiSU can generate various
- document formats (most of which share a common object numbering system for
- locating content), including plain text, HTML, XHTML, XML, OpenDocument text
- (ODF:ODT), LaTeX, PDF files, and populate an SQL database with objects
- (roughly paragraph\-sized chunks) so searches may be performed and matches
- returned with that degree of granularity: your search criteria is met by these
- documents and at these locations within each document. Object numbering is
- particularly suitable for \"published\" works (finalized texts as opposed to
- works that are frequently changed or updated) for which it provides a fixed
- means of reference of content. Document outputs also share semantic meta\-data
- provided.
- \.
- SiSU also provides concordance files, document content certificates and
- manifests of generated output.
- \.
- A vim syntax highlighting file and an ftplugin with folds for sisu markup is
- provided, as are syntax highlighting files for kate, kwrite, gedit and
- diakonos. Vim 7 includes syntax highlighting for SiSU.
- \.
- man pages, and interactive help are provided.
- \.
- Dependencies for various features are taken care of in sisu related packages.
- The package sisu\-complete installs the whole of SiSU.
- \.
- Additional document markup samples are provided in the package
- sisu\-markup\-samples which is found in the non\-free archive the licenses for
- the substantive content of the marked up documents provided is that provided
- by the author or original publisher.
- \.
- Homepage: <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu>
- Package: sisu\-complete
- Architecture: all
- Depends: ruby (>= 1.8.2), ruby (<< 1.9), sisu, sisu\-doc, sisu\-pdf, sisu\-postgresql, sisu\-sqlite
- Recommends: hyperestraier
- Description: installs all SiSU related packages
- This package installs SiSU and related packages that enable sisu to produce
- pdf and to populate postgresql and sqlite databases.
- \.
- SiSU is a lightweight markup based document structuring, publishing and search
- framework for document collections.
- \.
- See sisu for a description of the package.
- \.
- Homepage: <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu>
- Package: sisu\-doc
- Architecture: all
- Depends: sisu
- Recommends: sisu\-pdf, sisu\-postgresql, sisu\-sqlite
- Description: sisu manual and other documentation for sisu
- Multiple file formats generated output of sisu documentation generated from
- sisu markup source documents included in the main package
- \.
- SiSU is a lightweight markup based document structuring, publishing and search
- framework for document collections.
- \.
- Homepage: <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu>
- Package: sisu\-pdf
- Architecture: all
- Depends: sisu, texlive\-latex\-base, texlive\-fonts\-recommended, texlive\-latex\-recommended, texlive\-latex\-extra
- Recommends: sisu\-doc
- Description: dependencies to convert SiSU LaTeX output to pdf
- This package enables the conversion of SiSU LaTeX output to pdf.
- \.
- SiSU is a lightweight markup based document structuring, publishing and search
- framework for document collections.
- \.
- Homepage: <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu>
- Package: sisu\-postgresql
- Architecture: all
- Depends: sisu, libdbd\-pg\-ruby, libdbi\-ruby, libdbm\-ruby, postgresql
- Recommends: sisu\-doc, libfcgi\-ruby
- Suggests: postgresql\-contrib
- Description: SiSU dependencies for use with postgresql database
- This package enables SiSU to populate a postgresql database. This is done at
- an object/paragraph level, making granular searches of documents possible.
- \.
- This relational database feature of SiSU is not required but provides
- interesting possibilities, including that of granular searches of documents
- for matching units of text, primarily paragraphs that can be displayed or
- identified by object citation number, from which an index of documents
- matched and each matched paragraph within them can be displayed.
- \.
- SiSU is a lightweight markup based document structuring, publishing and search
- framework for document collections.
- \.
- Homepage: <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu>
- Package: sisu\-sqlite
- Architecture: all
- Depends: sisu, sqlite, libdbd\-sqlite\-ruby, libdbi\-ruby, libdbm\-ruby
- Recommends: sisu\-doc, libfcgi\-ruby
- Description: SiSU dependencies for use with sqlite database
- This package enables SiSU to populate an sqlite database. This is done at an
- object/paragraph level, making granular searches of documents possible.
- \.
- This relational database feature of SiSU is not required but provides
- interesting possibilities, including that of granular searches of documents
- for matching units of text, primarily paragraphs that can be displayed or
- identified by object citation number, from which an index of documents
- matched and each matched paragraph within them can be displayed.
- \.
- SiSU is a lightweight markup based document structuring, publishing and search
- framework for document collections.
- \.
- Homepage: <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu>
-Most of the installation should be taken care of by the aptitude or rant
-install. (The rant install if run in full will also test run the generation of
-the first document).
-After installation of sisu\-complete, move to the document samples directory
- cd /usr/share/doc/sisu/sisu_markup_samples/dfsg
-and run
- sisu \-3 free_as_in_freedom.rms_and_free_software.sam_williams.sst
-or the same:
- sisu \-NhwpoabxXyv free_as_in_freedom.rms_and_free_software.sam_williams.sst
-look at output results, see the \"sisu_manifest\" page created for the document
-or to generate an online document move to a writable directory, as the file
-will be downloaded there and e.g.
-sisu \-3
-the database stuff is extra perhaps, the latex stuff could be considered extra
-perhaps but neither needs to be installed for most of sisu output to work
-examine source document, vim has syntax support
-gvim free_as_in_freedom.rms_and_free_software.sam_williams.sst
-additional markup samples in
- <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/SiSU/2.html>
-For help
- man sisu
- sisu \-\-help
-for the way sisu \"sees/maps\" your system
- sisu \-\-help env
-for list of commands and so on
- sisu \-\-help commands
-The default configuration/setup is contained within the program and is altered
-by configuration settings in
-.I etc
-[sisu \ version]/sisurc.yml or in ~/.sisu/sisurc.yml
-* configuration file \- a yaml file
- /etc/sisu/[sisu \ version]/sisurc.yml
- ~/.sisu/sisurc.yml
-* directory structure \- setting up of output and working directory.
-* skins \- changing the appearance of a project, directory or individual
-documents within ~/.sisu/skin
- ~/.sisu/skin/doc contains individual skins, with symbolic links from
- ~/.sisu/skin/dir if the contents of a directory are to take a particular
- document skin.
-* additional software \- eg. Tex and LaTeX (tetex, tetex\-base, tetex\-extra on
-.B Debian
-), Postgresql, \ [sqlite], trang, tidy, makeinfo, \... none of which are
-required for basic html or XML processing.
-* if you use Vim as editor there is a syntax highlighter and fold resource
-config file for
-.B SiSU
-. I hope more syntax highlighters follow.
-There are post installation steps (which are really part of the overall
-sisu \-C in your marked up document directory, should do some auto\-configuring
-provided you have the right permissions for the output directories. (and
-provided the output directories have already been specified if you are not
-using the defaults).
-Documents are marked up in
-.B SiSU
-syntax and kept in an ordinary text editable file, named with the suffix
-\.sst, or \.ssm
-Marked up
-.B SiSU
-documents are usually kept in a sub\-directory of your choosing
-use the interactive help and man pages
- sisu \-\-help
- man sisu
-6.7 HELP
-interactive help described below, or man page:
- man sisu
- man 8 sisu
-\'man sisu_markup\-samples\' \ [if \ the \ sisu\-markup\-samples \ package \ is
-\ also \ installed]
-Once installed an interactive help is available typing \'sisu\' (without) any
-flags, and select an option:
- sisu
-alternatively, you could type e.g.
- sisu \-\-help commands
- sisu \-\-help env
- sisu \-\-help headers
- sisu \-\-help markup
- sisu \-\-help headings
-for questions about mappings, output paths etc.
- sisu \-\-help env
- sisu \-\-help path
- sisu \-\-help directory
-Once installed, type:
- sisu \-\-help env
- sisu \-V
-The defaults can be changed via
-.B SiSU
-\'s configure file sisurc.yml which the program expects to find in \./_sisu
-~/.sisu or /etc/sisu (searched in that order, stopping on the first one found)
-6.10 MARKUP
-See man pages.
- man sisu
- man 8 sisu
-Once installed there is some information on
-.B SiSU
-Markup in its help:
- sisu \-\-help markup
- sisu \-\-help headers
-Sample marked up document are provided with the download tarball in the
- \./data/doc/sisu/sisu_markup_samples/dfsg
-These are installed on the system usually at:
- /usr/share/doc/sisu/sisu_markup_samples/dfsg
-More markup samples are available in the package sisu\-markup\-samples
- <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/SiSU/download.html#sisu\-markup\-samples>
-Many more are available online off:
- <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/SiSU/2.html>
-There is syntax support for some editors provided (together with a README file)
- \./data/sisu/conf/syntax
-usually installed to:
- /usr/share/sisu/conf/syntax
-License: GPL 3 or later see the copyright file in
- \./data/doc/sisu
-usually installed to:
- /usr/share/doc/sisu
-.B SiSU
-* Standard
-.B SiSU
-markup syntax,
-* Standard
-.B SiSU
-meta\-markup syntax, and the
-* Standard
-.B SiSU
-object citation numbering and system
-© Ralph Amissah 1997, current 2006 All Rights Reserved.
-* however note the License section
-and see
- <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/SiSU/changelog.html>
- <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/SiSU/changelog_markup_samples.html>
-After installation of sisu\-complete, move to the document samples directory,
- cd /usr/share/doc/sisu/sisu_markup_samples/dfsg
-[this \ is \ not \ where \ you \ would \ normally \ work \ but \ provides \
-sample \ documents \ for \ testing, \ you \ may \ prefer \ instead \ to \ copy
-\ the \ contents \ of \ that \ directory \ to \ a \ local \ directory \ before
-\ proceeding]
-and in that directory, initialise the output directory with the command
- sisu \-CC
-then run:
- sisu \-1 free_as_in_freedom.rms_and_free_software.sam_williams.sst
-or the same:
- sisu \-NhwpoabxXyv free_as_in_freedom.rms_and_free_software.sam_williams.sst
-look at output results, see the \"sisu_manifest\" page created for the document
-for an overview of your current sisu setup, type:
- sisu \-\-help env
- sisu \-V
-To generate a document from a remote url accessible location move to a writable
-directory, (create a work directory and cd into it) as the file will be
-downloaded there and e.g.
- sisu \-1 <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/gpl3.fsf/gpl3.fsf.sst>
- sisu \-3
- <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/free_culture.lawrence_lessig/free_culture.lawrence_lessig.sst>
-examine source document, vim has syntax highlighting support
-gvim free_as_in_freedom.rms_and_free_software.sam_williams.sst
-additional markup samples in
- <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/SiSU/2.html>
-it should also be possible to run sisu against sisupods (prepared zip files,
-created by running the command sisu \-S \ [filename]), whether stored locally
-or remotely.
- sisu \-3
- <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/free_culture.lawrence_lessig/sisupod.zip>
-there is a security issue associated with the running of document skins that
-are not your own, so these are turned of by default, and the use of the
-following command, which switches on the associated skin is not recommended:
- sisu \-3 \-\-trust
- <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/free_culture.lawrence_lessig/sisupod.zip>
-For help
- man sisu
- sisu \-\-help
- sisu \-\-help env for the way sisu \"sees/maps\" your system
- sisu \-\-help commands for list of commands and so on
-Perhaps the easiest way to begin is to create a directory for sisu marked up
-documents within your home directory, and copy the file structure (and document
-samples) provided in the document sample directory:
- mkdir ~/sisu_test
- cd ~/sisu_test
- cp \-a /usr/share/doc/sisu/sisu_markup_samples/dfsg/* ~/sisu_test/.
-.B Tip:
-the markup syntax examples may be of interest
- <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/sample/>
-.B Tip:
- sisu \-U \ [sisu \ markup \ filename]
-should printout the different possible outputs and where sisu would place them.
-.B Tip:
-if you want to toggle ansi color add
- c
-to your flags.
-.B SiSU
-configuration file search path is:
- \./_sisu/sisurc.yaml
- ~/.sisu/sisurc.yaml
- /etc/sisu/sisurc.yaml
-.B Debian
-Installation Note
-It is best you see
- <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/SiSU/download.html#debian>
-for up the most up to date information.
-notes taken from the
-.B Debian
-control file (end edited), gives an idea of additional packages that
-.B SiSU
-can make use of if available, (the use/requirement of some of which are
-interdependent for specific actions by
-.B SiSU
-Package: sisu
-.B SiSU
-is a lightweight markup based, command line oriented, document structuring,
-publishing and search framework for document collections.
-With minimal preparation of a plain\-text, (UTF\-8) file, using its native
-markup syntax in your text editor of choice,
-.B SiSU
-can generate various document formats (most of which share a common object
-numbering system for locating content), including plain text, HTML, XHTML, XML,
-OpenDocument text (ODF:ODT), LaTeX, PDF files, and populate an SQL database
-with objects (roughly paragraph\-sized chunks) so searches may be performed and
-matches returned with that degree of granularity: your search criteria is met
-by these documents and at these locations within each document. Object
-numbering is particularly suitable for \"published\" works (finalized texts as
-opposed to works that are frequently changed or updated) for which it provides
-a fixed means of reference of content. Document outputs also share semantic
-meta\-data provided.
-.B SiSU
-also provides concordance files, document content certificates and manifests
-of generated output.
-A vim syntax highlighting file and an ftplugin with folds for sisu markup is
-provided, as are syntax highlighting files for kate, kwrite, gedit and
-diakonos. Vim 7 includes syntax highlighting for
-.B SiSU
-man pages, and interactive help are provided.
-Dependencies for various features are taken care of in sisu related packages.
-The package sisu\-complete installs the whole of
-.B SiSU
-Additional document markup samples are provided in the package
-sisu\-markup\-samples which is found in the non\-free archive the licenses for
-the substantive content of the marked up documents provided is that provided by
-the author or original publisher.
-Homepage: <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu>
-.B sisu
-resource configuration information is obtained from sources (where they
- ~/.sisu/sisurc.yaml
- /etc/sisu/[sisu \ version]/sisurc.yaml
- sisu program defaults
-7.2.4 SKINS
-.B Skins
-default document appearance may be modified using skins contained in
-sub\-directories located at the following paths:
- \./_sisu/skin
- ~/.sisu/skin
- /etc/sisu/skin
-more specifically, the following locations (or their /etc/sisu equivalent)
-should be used:
- ~/.sisu/skin/doc
-skins for individual documents;
- ~/.sisu/skin/dir
-skins for directories of matching names;
- ~/.sisu/skin/site
-site\-wide skin modifying the site\-wide appearance of documents.
-Usually all skin files are placed in the document skin directory:
- ~/.sisu/skin/doc
-with softlinks being made to the skins contained there from other skin
-directories as required.
-Document Manifest @
-.B Dublin Core
-.I DC tags included with this document are provided here.
-DC Title:
-.I SiSU \- Technical, Howto
-DC Creator:
-.I Ralph Amissah
-DC Rights:
-.I Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah 2007, part of SiSU documentation, License GPL
-DC Type:
-.I information
-DC Date created:
-.I 2002\-11\-12
-DC Date issued:
-.I 2002\-11\-12
-DC Date available:
-.I 2002\-11\-12
-DC Date modified:
-.I 2007\-09\-16
-DC Date:
-.I 2007\-09\-16
-.B Version Information
-.I sisu_howto.sst
-.I SiSU text insert 0.57
-Sourcefile Digest, MD5(sisu_howto.sst)=
-.I c0491e0093434f4d962ce3b59e4985ca
-.I 20fc43cf3eb6590bc3399a1aef65c5a9
-.B Generated
-Document (metaverse) last generated:
-.I Tue Sep 25 02:54:45 +0100 2007
-Generated by:
-.I SiSU
-.I 0.59.1
-of 2007w39/2 (2007\-09\-25)
-Ruby version:
-.I ruby 1.8.6 (2007\-06\-07 patchlevel 36) \ [i486\-linux]
-.BI 1.
-generated from source using rman
- <http://polyglotman.sourceforge.net/rman.html>
- With regard to
-.B SiSU
-man pages the formatting generated for markup syntax is not quite right, for
-that you might prefer the links under:
- <http://www.jus.uio.no/sample>
-.BI 2.
-.BI 3.
-.BI 4.
-.BI 5.
-.BI 6.
-.BI 7.
-this is an endnote
-.BI 8.
-.BI 10.
-Other versions of this document:
-manifest: <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/sisu_howto/sisu_manifest.html>
-html: <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/sisu_howto/toc.html>
-pdf: <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/sisu_howto/portrait.pdf>
-pdf: <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/sisu_howto/landscape.pdf>
-." .TP
-." manpage: http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/sisu_howto/sisu_howto.1
-at: <http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu>
-* Generated by: SiSU 0.59.1 of 2007w39/2 (2007-09-25)
-* Ruby version: ruby 1.8.6 (2007-06-07 patchlevel 36) [i486-linux]
-* Last Generated on: Tue Sep 25 02:54:51 +0100 2007
-* SiSU http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu