% SiSU insert 5.0 @title: SiSU :subtitle: Installation @creator: :author: Amissah, Ralph @date: :published: 2007-09-16 :created: 2002-11-12 :issued: 2002-11-12 :available: 2002-11-12 :modified: 2014-02-05 @rights: :copyright: Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah 2007 :license: GPL 3 (part of SiSU documentation) :A~? SiSU Installation notes 1~source_tree Source tree 2~ run off source package directory tree (without installing) ={ SiSU program:run off source package directory tree;SiSU:run off source package directory tree } Download & unpack the latest source tarball or Git clone the latest source, to clone the latest source without the repo history: ``` code git clone --depth 1 git://git.sisudoc.org/git/code/sisu.git --branch upstream ``` Provided you have Ruby, SiSU can be run without installation straight from the source package directory tree. Run ruby against the full path to bin/sisu (in the unzipped source package directory tree) Note however, that additional external package dependencies, such as texlive (for pdfs), sqlite3 or postgresql (for search) should you desire to use them are not taken care of for you. 2~ Gem install ={ SiSU program:gem;SiSU:ruby gem } Gem install, you need to: (i) create the gemspec; (ii) build the gem (from the gemspec); (iii) install the gem 3~ Gem install with qi (quick install) script (This requires that ruby-thor is installed). qi (quick install) can go through the steps required to install the gem: _1 qi gem --create --build --install --stable or _1 qi gem --create --build --install --unstable 3~ Gem install with rake Provided you have ruby & rake, this can be done with the single command: _1 rake gem_create_build_install # (to build and install sisu v5 & sisu v6, alias gemcbi) separate gems are made/installed for sisu v5 & sisu v6 contained in source: _1 rake gem_create_build_install_stable # (to build and install sisu v5, alias gem5cbi) _1 rake gem_create_build_install_unstable # (to build and install sisu v6, alias gem6cbi) for individual steps (create, build, install) see rake options, rake -T to specify sisu version for sisu installed via gem For a list of alternative actions you may type: _1 rake help _1 rake -T Rake: http://rake.rubyforge.org/ http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=50 3~ misc Gem gem search sisu _1 sisu _${sisu_stable}_ --version _1 sisu _${sisu_dev}_ --version to uninstall sisu installed via gem _1 sudo gem uninstall --verbose sisu 2~ direct installation with qi (quick install) script (This requires that ruby-thor is installed). Root will be requested as required: _1 qi setup --bin --lib --conf --data --share --man or _1 qi setup --all You may wish to do a dryrun to see where files would be installed without copying them, to do so add the flag --dryrun 2~ installation with setup.rb ={ SiSU program:setup.rb;SiSU:setup.rb } It should also be possible to install sisu using setup.rb this is a three step process, in the root directory of the unpacked SiSU as root type: ``` code ruby setup.rb config ruby setup.rb setup #[as root:] ruby setup.rb install ``` further information: \\ http://i.loveruby.net/en/projects/setup/ \\ http://i.loveruby.net/en/projects/setup/doc/usage.html _1 ruby setup.rb config && ruby setup.rb setup && sudo ruby setup.rb install 1~distribution_install Unix/Linux Distribution A distribution install should take care of the dependencies of sisu for producing various outputs. 2~ Debian ={ SiSU program:Debian;SiSU:Debian } SiSU is available off the Debian archives. It should necessary only to run as root, Using apt-get: code{ apt-get update apt get install sisu-complete }code (all sisu dependencies should be taken care of) If there are newer versions of SiSU upstream, they will be available by adding the following to your sources list /etc/apt/sources.list *~sources.list code{ #/etc/apt/sources.list deb http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/archive unstable main non-free deb-src http://www.jus.uio.no/sisu/archive unstable main non-free }code The non-free section is for sisu markup samples provided, which contain authored works the substantive text of which cannot be changed, and which as a result do not meet the debian free software guidelines. SiSU is developed on Debian, and packages are available for Debian that take care of the dependencies encountered on installation. The package is divided into the following components: _1 *sisu*, the base code, (the main package on which the others depend), without any dependencies other than ruby (and for convenience the ruby webrick web server), this generates a number of types of output on its own, other packages provide additional functionality, and have their dependencies _1 *sisu-complete*, a dummy package that installs the whole of greater sisu as described below, apart from sisu-examples _1 *sisu-pdf*, dependencies used by sisu to produce pdf from LaTeX generated _1 *sisu-postgresql*, dependencies used by sisu to populate postgresql database (further configuration is necessary) _1 *sisu-sqlite*, dependencies used by sisu to populate sqlite database _1 *sisu-markup-samples*, sisu markup samples and other miscellany (under Debian Free Software Guidelines non-free) SiSU is available off { Debian Unstable and Testing }http://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?searchon=names&subword=1&version=all&release=all&keywords=sisu ~{ http://packages.qa.debian.org/s/sisu.html }~ install it using apt-get, aptitude or alternative Debian install tools. *~apt-get 1~dependencies Dependencies ={ SiSU program:dependencies;SiSU:dependencies } Here is a list of sisu's current dependencies,~{from the Debian control file}~ which depend on such factors as whether you want to generate pdf, whether you will be using SiSU with or without a database, ...). sisu_markup-samples may also be of interest. ``` code Package: sisu Depends: ruby | ruby-interpreter, openssl, rsync, unzip, zip Recommends: sisu-pdf, sisu-sqlite, sisu-postgresql, imagemagick | graphicsmagick, keychain, openssh-client | lsh-client, po4a, qrencode, rake, ruby-rmagick, tidy, tree, vim-addon-manager Suggests: lv, calibre, pinfo, poedit, texinfo, trang ``` ``` code Package: sisu-complete Depends: ruby | ruby-interpreter, sisu (= ${source:Version}), sisu-pdf (= ${source:Version}), sisu-postgresql (= ${source:Version}), sisu-sqlite (= ${source:Version}) Description-en: installs all SiSU related packages ``` ``` code Package: sisu-pdf Depends: ruby | ruby-interpreter, sisu (= ${source:Version}), texlive-latex-base, texlive-fonts-recommended, texlive-generic-recommended, texlive-latex-recommended, texlive-latex-extra, texlive-math-extra, texlive-xetex, fonts-liberation, lmodern, latex-cjk-all, texlive-lang-cjk Suggests: evince | pdf-viewer ``` ``` code Package: sisu-postgresql Depends: ruby | ruby-interpreter, sisu (= ${source:Version}), postgresql, ruby-dbd-pg, ruby-dbi, ruby-fcgi Suggests: postgresql-contrib ``` ``` code Package: sisu-sqlite Depends: ruby | ruby-interpreter, sisu (= ${source:Version}), sqlite3, ruby-sqlite3, ruby-dbd-sqlite3, ruby-dbi, ruby-fcgi ``` ``` code Package: sisu-markup-samples Depends: sisu ```