***** urls #% rST #% rST v markdown ***** rb file lib/sisu/v6/txt_rst.rb ***** transformations :transformations:markup_rst: #% #% structure - headings, levels [] sisu (A-C, 1-3) [] collapsed (1-6) (decoration) [inline] N/A [underscore] Titles are underlined (or over- and underlined) with a printing nonalphanumeric 7-bit ASCII character. Recommended choices are "= - ` : ' " ~ ^ _ * + # < >". The underline/overline must be at least as long as the title text. '=' '-' '`' ':' "'" '"' [] node (child, parent ...) #% font face [] bold '**' [] italics '*' [] underscore '+' [] superscript '^' [] subscript [] strike '-' [] add [] monospace '``' #% para [] default [] indent [] default, all [] first line hang or indent further [] bullet "-", "*" or "+" '-' [] numbered list '#.' #% blocks [] code [] [type of markup if any] [] poem [] group [] alt [] tables #% notes [] footnotes [binary] Footnote references, like [5]_. Note that footnotes may get rearranged, e.g., to the bottom of the "page". .. [5] A numerical footnote. -- Autonumbered footnotes are possible, like using [#]_ and [#]_. .. [#] This is the first one. .. [#] This is the second one. [] [bibliography?] #% links, linking [] links - external, web, url Typical result External hyperlinks, like Python_. .. _Python: or External hyperlinks, like `Python `_. [] links - internal Internal crossreferences, like example_. .. _example: This is an example crossreference target. -- Titles are targets, too ======================= Implict references, like `Titles are targets, too`_. #% images [multimedia?] [] images [] [base 64] #% object numbers [] ocn (object numbers) #% contents [] toc (table of contents) [] index (book index) #% breaks [] line break [] horizontal rule [] column break [] page break #% misc **** TODO [#F] textile :feature: ***** urls #% textile v2.4 v2 ***** rb file lib/sisu/v6/txt_textile.rb ***** transformations :transformations:markup_textile: #% #% structure - headings, levels [] sisu (A-C, 1-3) [] collapsed (1-6) (decoration) [inline] h1(#id). An HTML first-level heading h2. An HTML second-level heading h3. An HTML third-level heading h4. An HTML fourth-level heading h5. An HTML fifth-level heading h6. An HTML sixth-level heading [underscore] N/A [] node (child, parent ...) #% font face [] bold *bold text* [] italics _italic text_ [] underscore +underlined text+ [] superscript ^TM^ [] subscript ~subscript~ [] strike -strikethrough text- [] add #% para [] default [] indent [] default, all [] first line hang or indent further [] bullet * bulleted list ** 2-level #% blocks [] code [] [type of markup if any] [] poem [] group [] alt [] tables |Table | with two columns | |and two | rows | #% notes [] footnotes Text with a link to some reference[1] fn1. Footnote explanation [] [bibliography?] #% links, linking [] links - external, web, url "(classname)link text(title tooltip)":link_address "Link to Wikipedia":http://www.wikipedia.org [] links - internal #% images [multimedia?] [] images !http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:Filepath/Wikipedia-logo-en.png! !imageurl(alt text)! [] [base 64] #% object numbers [] ocn (object numbers) #% contents [] toc (table of contents) [] index (book index) #% breaks [] line break [] horizontal rule [] column break [] page break #% misc [] *_bold italic text_* [] *-bold strikethrough text-* [] *_-bold italic strikethrough text-_* [] *+bold underlined text+* [] *_+italic underlined text+_ [] *_+bold italic underlined text+_ [] *_-+bold italic strikethrough underlined text+-_* %{font-size:18pt}font size% %{color:red}text in red% # Chapter 1 #% notes heading inline only footnotes uses marker and endnote, check