# coding: utf-8 =begin * Name: SiSU * Description: a framework for document structuring, publishing and search * Author: Ralph Amissah * Copyright: (C) 1997 - 2010, Ralph Amissah, All Rights Reserved. * License: GPL 3 or later: SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be available at these locations: * SiSU uses: * Standard SiSU markup syntax, * Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the * Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system * Hompages: * Download: * Ralph Amissah ** Description: system environment, resource control and configuration details =end module SiSU_Git require "#{SiSU_lib}/param" # param.rb require "#{SiSU_lib}/sysenv" # sysenv.rb require "#{SiSU_lib}/dal" # dal.rb class Source include FileUtils #::Verbose def initialize(opt) @opt=opt @env=SiSU_Env::Info_env.new @md=SiSU_Param::Parameters.new(@opt).get @file=SiSU_Env::SiSU_file.new(@md) l=SiSU_Env::Standardise_language.new.file_to_language(@opt.fns) unless @md.i18n[0]==l[:c] p "using: #{@md.i18n[0]} (@make: :language:); filename #{@md.fns} filename language: #{l[:c]}, mismatch" end if @env.multilingual? m=/((.+?)(?:\~\w{2,3})?)\.((?:-|ssm\.)?sst|ssm)$/ #watch added match for sss fnn,fnb,fnt=@opt.fns[m,1],@opt.fns[m,2],@opt.fns[m,3] else m=/(.+?)\.((?:-|ssm\.)?sst|ssm)$/ fnb=@fnn=@opt.fns[m,1] fnt=@opt.fns[m,2] end git_path_fnb=@env.path.processing_path_git + '/' + fnb #unless @opt.cmd =~/q/ # @opt.cmd=~/[MVvz]/ \ # ? SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,'Git path',@git_path[:fnb]).green_hi_blue \ # : SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,'Git path',@git_path[:fnb]).green_title_hi # SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,"Git path","#{@opt.fns} -> #{@git_path[:fnb]}").warn if @opt.cmd =~/[MVv]/ #end lng=(@md.opt.f_pth[:lng]) ? (@md.opt.f_pth[:lng]) : (@md.i18n[0]) @git_path={ :fnb=> git_path_fnb, :src=> git_path_fnb + '/' + Gt[:src] + '/' + lng, :po=> git_path_fnb + '/' + Gt[:po] + '/' + lng, :pot=> git_path_fnb + '/' + Gt[:pot], :conf=> git_path_fnb + '/' + Gt[:conf], :skin=> git_path_fnb + '/' + Gt[:skin], :image=>git_path_fnb + '/' + Gt[:image], :audio=>git_path_fnb + '/' + Gt[:audio], :video=>git_path_fnb + '/' + Gt[:video], :conf=> git_path_fnb + '/' + Gt[:conf] } SiSU_DAL::Source.new(@opt).read # -m end def create_file_structure_git make_dir_fnb if program_found? git_init end end def read create_file_structure_git populate.sisusrc_files if program_found? git_commit end unless @opt.cmd =~/q/ @opt.cmd=~/[MVvz]/ \ ? SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,'Git path',@git_path[:fnb]).green_hi_blue \ : SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,'Git path',@git_path[:fnb]).green_title_hi SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(@opt.cmd,"Git path","#{@opt.fns} -> #{@git_path[:fnb]}").warn if @opt.cmd =~/[MVv]/ end end def program_found? found=`whereis git` (found =~/bin\/git\b/) ? true : false end def make_dir_fnb mkdir_p(@git_path[:fnb]) unless FileTest.directory?(@git_path[:fnb]) mkdir_p(@git_path[:src]) unless FileTest.directory?(@git_path[:src]) mkdir_p(@git_path[:po]) unless FileTest.directory?(@git_path[:po]) mkdir_p(@git_path[:pot]) unless FileTest.directory?(@git_path[:pot]) mkdir_p(@git_path[:conf]) unless FileTest.directory?(@git_path[:conf]) mkdir_p(@git_path[:skin]) unless FileTest.directory?(@git_path[:skin]) mkdir_p(@git_path[:image]) unless FileTest.directory?(@git_path[:image]) #mkdir_p(@git_path[:audio]) unless FileTest.directory?(@git_path[:audio]) #mkdir_p(@git_path[:video]) unless FileTest.directory?(@git_path[:video]) end def git_init unless FileTest.directory?("#{@git_path[:fnb]}/.git") system("cd #{@git_path[:fnb]}\ && git init ") end end def git_commit system("cd #{@git_path[:fnb]} \ && git add . \ && git commit -a ") end def populate def identify_language_versions print __FILE__ + ':' p __LINE__ end def copy_src_head if @opt.f_pth[:lng] cp_r("#{@env.path.pwd}/#{@opt.f_pth[:lng]}/#{@opt.fns}",@git_path[:src]) elsif @opt.fns =~/\.ssm\.sst/ ssm=@opt.fns.gsub(/\.ssm\.sst/,'.ssm') cp_r("#{@env.path.pwd}/#{ssm}",@git_path[:src]) else cp_r("#{@env.path.pwd}/#{@opt.fns}",@git_path[:src]) end end def copy_related_sst_ssi doc_import=[] @rgx_doc_import=/^<<\s(\S+?\.ss[ti])/ file_array=IO.readlines(@opt.fns,'') file_array.each do |f| if f =~@rgx_doc_import doc_import = doc_import + f.scan(@rgx_doc_import).uniq.flatten end end doc_import.each do |f| if @opt.f_pth[:lng] cp_r("#{@env.path.pwd}/#{@opt.f_pth[:lng]}/#{f}",@git_path[:src]) else cp_r("#{@env.path.pwd}/#{f}",@git_path[:src]) end end end def locate_parse_file composite_src=@opt.fns=~/\.ssm$/ ? true : false parse_file=if composite_src \ and @opt.cmd.inspect !~/m/ ##SiSU_Assemble::Composite.new(@opt).read #SiSU_DAL::Source.new(@opt).read # -m "#{@env.path.composite_file}/#{@opt.fnb}.ssm.sst" elsif composite_src "#{@env.path.composite_file}/#{@opt.fnb}.ssm.sst" else "#{@env.path.pwd}/#{@opt.fns}" end end def locate_skin SiSU_Env::Info_skin.new(@md).select end def read_composite #print __FILE__ + ':' #p __LINE__ end def extract_skin #print __FILE__ + ':' #p __LINE__ end def extract_skin_and_images #(parse_file) parse_file_name=locate_parse_file parse_file=IO.readlines(parse_file_name,'') rgx_image=/(?:^|[^_\\])\{\s*(\S+?\.(?:png|jpg|gif))/ #rgx_rb_image=/["'](\S+?\.(?:png|jpg|gif))["']/ #rgx_rb_image=/[^\/]?([a-z]\S+?\.(?:png|jpg|gif))/ rgx_rb_image=/([a-z][^ \/]+?\.(?:png|jpg|gif))/ rgx_skin=/^\s+:skin:\s+(\S+)/ skin_get=nil images=[] skin_get parse_file.each do |f| #% work area if f !~/^%+\s/ skin_get ||= f.scan(rgx_skin).uniq.flatten if f =~rgx_skin if f =~rgx_image images << f.scan(rgx_image).uniq end end end skin=skin_get[0] if skin_get skin=locate_skin parse_skin=IO.readlines(skin,"\n") parse_skin.each do |f| #% work area if f !~/^#/ \ and f =~rgx_rb_image images << f.scan(rgx_rb_image).uniq end end image_path="#{@env.path.pwd}/_sisu/image" images.flatten.each do |i| if FileTest.file?("#{image_path}/#{i}") cp_r("#{image_path}/#{i}",@git_path[:image]) end end if FileTest.file?(skin) cp_r(skin,"#{@git_path[:conf]}/skin") end {:skin =>skin, :images =>images} end def sisuyaml_rc sisurc=@env.path.sisurc_path if FileTest.file?(sisurc) cp_r(sisurc,@git_path[:conf]) end end def read_src print __FILE__ + ':' p __LINE__ end def composite_src? @opt.fns=~/\.ssm$/ ? true : false end def sisusrc_files populate.copy_src_head if composite_src? populate.copy_related_sst_ssi end populate.extract_skin #parse_file_name=locate_parse_file #parse_file=IO.readlines(parse_file_name,'') populate.sisuyaml_rc #(parse_file) populate.extract_skin_and_images #(parse_file) #populate.extract_composite_source #populate.read_composite # or read_each_composite populate.identify_language_versions end self end end end __END__ @file.output_path.sisugit