module Project_details def 'SiSU' end def self.thor "ruby-thor files for the installation/setup of #{name}" end def self.platform_notice "[#{name} is for Linux/Unix Platforms]" end def self.env RbConfig::CONFIG end def env['host'] end def self.dir def self.proj end def self.arch env['archdir'] end def self.sitearch env['sitearchdir'] end def self.bin env['bindir'] end def self.lib env['sitelibdir'] end def env['datadir'] end def self.share "#{env['datadir']}/sisu" end def self.conf env['sysconfdir'] end def env['mandir'] end def self.vim "#{env['datadir']}/sisu/vim" end def self.out "#{env['localstatedir']}/#{proj}" end def self.rubylib env['LIBRUBYARG_SHARED'] end def self.pwd Dir.pwd #ENV['PWD'] end self end def self.version stamp={} v="#{dir.pwd}/conf/sisu/version.yml" if File.exist?(v) stamp=YAML::load(File::open(v)) stamp[:version] else '' end end def self.system_info ##{Project_details.platform_notice} puts <<-WOK Host host: #{} arch: #{Project_details.dir.arch} sitearch: #{Project_details.dir.sitearch} Directories for installation bin: #{Project_details.dir.bin} lib (site-ruby): #{Project_details.dir.lib}/#{Project_details.dir.proj}/v* conf [etc]: #{Project_details.dir.conf}/#{Project_details.dir.proj} data (odf, shared images): #{Project_details.dir.share} vim (vim syntax, highlighting, ftplugin): #{}/sisu/vim data (README, version_manifest): #{}/doc/#{Project_details.dir.proj} man (manual pages): #{} output: #{Project_details.dir.out} processing: #{Project_details.dir.out}/processing www: #{Project_details.dir.out}/www rubylib: #{Project_details.dir.rubylib} WOK end end module Utils def self.answer?(ask) resp='redo' print ask + " ['yes', 'no' or 'quit']: "'/dev/tty').gets.strip #resp=gets.strip if resp == 'yes' then true elsif resp == 'no' then false elsif resp =~/^quit|exit$/ then exit else puts "[please type: 'yes', 'no' or 'quit']" answer?(ask) end end def self.default_notice # local help not implemented description incorrect ans= %{#{Project_details.thor} Information on alternative actions is available using: [if ruby-thor is installed:] "#{$called_as} help") Default action selected - "install #{}" proceed? } resp=answer?(ans) exit unless resp end def self.chmod_file(place) if place =~/\/bin/; File.chmod(0755,place) else File.chmod(0644,place) end end def self.chmod_util(place) if place =~/\/bin/; chmod(0755,place) else chmod(0644,place) end end def self.system_date `date "+%Y-%m-%d"`.strip end def self.system_date_stamp `date "+%Yw%W/%u"`.strip end def self.program_found?(prog) found=`which #{prog}` #`whereis #{make}` (found =~/bin\/#{prog}\b/) ? :true : :false end end module Version_info def self.contents(vi) <<-WOK --- :project: #{vi[:project]} :version: #{vi[:version]} :date_stamp: #{vi[:date_stamp]} :date: "#{vi[:date]}" WOK end module Current def self.yml_file_path(version) "data/sisu/version/#{version}.yml" end def self.settings(file) v="#{Dir.pwd}/#{file}" if File.exist?(v) YAML::load(File::open(v)) else '' end end def self.file_stable yml_file_path(SiSU_version_dir_stable) end def self.file_unstable yml_file_path(SiSU_version_dir_unstable) end def self.setting_stable settings(file_stable) end def self.setting_unstable settings(file_unstable) end def self.content_stable Version_info.contents(setting_stable) end def self.content_unstable Version_info.contents(setting_unstable) end end module Next def self.settings(v) { project: "#{}", version: "#{v}", date: "#{Utils.system_date}", date_stamp: "#{Utils.system_date_stamp}", } end def self.setting_stable settings(SiSU_version_next_stable) end def self.setting_unstable settings(SiSU_version_next_unstable) end def self.content_stable Version_info.contents(setting_stable) end def self.content_unstable Version_info.contents(setting_unstable) end end module Update def self.version_info_update_commit(filename,vi_hash_current,vi_content_current,vi_hash_next,vi_content_next) ans=%{update #{} version info replacing: #{vi_hash_current.sort} with: #{vi_hash_next.sort} #{vi_content_current} becoming: #{vi_content_next} proceed? } resp=Utils.answer?(ans) if resp fn="#{Dir.pwd}/#{filename}" if File.writable?("#{Dir.pwd}/."),'w+') file_version << vi_content_next file_version.close else puts %{*WARN* is the file or directory writable? could not create #{filename}} end end end def self.update_stable version_info_update_commit( Version_info::Current.file_stable, Version_info::Current.setting_stable, Version_info::Current.content_stable, Version_info::Next.setting_stable, Version_info::Next.content_stable ) end def self.update_unstable version_info_update_commit( Version_info::Current.file_unstable, Version_info::Current.setting_unstable, Version_info::Current.content_unstable, Version_info::Next.setting_unstable, Version_info::Next.content_unstable ) end def self.changelog_header(vi) <<-WOK ** #{vi[:version]}.orig.tar.xz (#{vi[:date]}:#{vi[:date_stamp].gsub(/20\d\dw/,'')});a=log;h=refs/tags/sisu_#{vi[:version]}{vi[:version]}.orig.tar.xz sisu_#{vi[:version]}.orig.tar.xz WOK end def self.changelog_header_stable changelog_header(Version_info::Current.setting_stable) end def self.changelog_header_unstable changelog_header(Version_info::Current.setting_unstable) end end self end module Package def self.sequence puts <<-WOK --update-version # update package version --tag # git tags upstream version --merge # git merge upstream tag into debian/sid --dch # dch create and edit --dch-commit # dch commit --build # git-buildpackage --git_push # git push changes --dput # dput package --reprepro_update # reprepro update --reprepro_push # reprepro rsync changes WOK end def self.tag_upstream_and_merge_into_debian_sid system(%{ git tag -a sisu_#{SiSU_VERSION} -m"SiSU #{SiSU_VERSION}" && git checkout debian/sid && git merge sisu_#{SiSU_VERSION} }) end def self.tag_upstream system(%{ git tag -a sisu_#{SiSU_VERSION} -m"SiSU #{SiSU_VERSION}" }) end def self.merge_into_debian_sid system(%{ git checkout debian/sid && git merge sisu_#{SiSU_VERSION} }) end def self.debian_changelog_create if'./debian') system(%{ git-dch -R -N #{SiSU_VERSION}-1 --full }) else puts 'not in git branch: debian/sid ?' end end def self.debian_changelog_commit system(%{ git commit -a -m"debian/changelog (#{SiSU_VERSION}-1)" }) end def self.debian_package_build system(%{ git-buildpackage --git-upstream-tag=sisu_%(version)s --git-debian-tag=debian/sisu_%(version)s --git-tag --git-keyid=#{Dev::GPGpubKey} }) end def self.debian_package_dput #system(%{ # dput -s sisu_#{SiSU_VERSION}-1_amd64.changes #}) system(%{ dput sisu_#{SiSU_VERSION}-1_amd64.changes }) end def self.debian_package_push system(%{ git push --all && git push --tags }) end def self.reqprepro_update "#{Dir.home}/grotto/repo/deb.repo/debian/rep" ) "#{Dir.home}/grotto/repo/git.repo/code/builds/sisu_#{SiSU_VERSION}-1_amd64.changes" ) system(%{ cd #{dir_repo.dirname} && reprepro -Vb . include unstable #{dir_build} cd - }) end def self.reprepro_push "#{Dir.home}/grotto/repo/deb.repo/debian/rep" ) system(%{ cd #{dir_repo} && rsync -av --delete-after {dists,pool} sisudoc:/srv/www/sisu/archive/. && rsync -av --delete-after {dists,pool} ralpha@uio:./sisu/archive/. }) end end