// Written in the D programming language. /** Copyright: Copyright Digital Mars 2000-2013. License: $(HTTP boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0). Authors: $(HTTP walterbright.com, Walter Bright), $(HTTP erdani.com, Andrei Alexandrescu), and Kenji Hara Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/_format.d) */ module undead.doformat; //debug=format; // uncomment to turn on debugging printf's import core.vararg; import std.exception; import std.meta; import std.range.primitives; import std.traits; import std.format; version(CRuntime_DigitalMars) { version = DigitalMarsC; } version (DigitalMarsC) { // This is DMC's internal floating point formatting function extern (C) { extern shared char* function(int c, int flags, int precision, in real* pdval, char* buf, size_t* psl, int width) __pfloatfmt; } } /********************************************************************** * Signals a mismatch between a format and its corresponding argument. */ class FormatException : Exception { @safe pure nothrow this() { super("format error"); } @safe pure nothrow this(string msg, string fn = __FILE__, size_t ln = __LINE__, Throwable next = null) { super(msg, fn, ln, next); } } // Legacy implementation enum Mangle : char { Tvoid = 'v', Tbool = 'b', Tbyte = 'g', Tubyte = 'h', Tshort = 's', Tushort = 't', Tint = 'i', Tuint = 'k', Tlong = 'l', Tulong = 'm', Tfloat = 'f', Tdouble = 'd', Treal = 'e', Tifloat = 'o', Tidouble = 'p', Tireal = 'j', Tcfloat = 'q', Tcdouble = 'r', Tcreal = 'c', Tchar = 'a', Twchar = 'u', Tdchar = 'w', Tarray = 'A', Tsarray = 'G', Taarray = 'H', Tpointer = 'P', Tfunction = 'F', Tident = 'I', Tclass = 'C', Tstruct = 'S', Tenum = 'E', Ttypedef = 'T', Tdelegate = 'D', Tconst = 'x', Timmutable = 'y', } // return the TypeInfo for a primitive type and null otherwise. This // is required since for arrays of ints we only have the mangled char // to work from. If arrays always subclassed TypeInfo_Array this // routine could go away. private TypeInfo primitiveTypeInfo(Mangle m) { // BUG: should fix this in static this() to avoid double checked locking bug __gshared TypeInfo[Mangle] dic; if (!dic.length) { dic = [ Mangle.Tvoid : typeid(void), Mangle.Tbool : typeid(bool), Mangle.Tbyte : typeid(byte), Mangle.Tubyte : typeid(ubyte), Mangle.Tshort : typeid(short), Mangle.Tushort : typeid(ushort), Mangle.Tint : typeid(int), Mangle.Tuint : typeid(uint), Mangle.Tlong : typeid(long), Mangle.Tulong : typeid(ulong), Mangle.Tfloat : typeid(float), Mangle.Tdouble : typeid(double), Mangle.Treal : typeid(real), Mangle.Tifloat : typeid(ifloat), Mangle.Tidouble : typeid(idouble), Mangle.Tireal : typeid(ireal), Mangle.Tcfloat : typeid(cfloat), Mangle.Tcdouble : typeid(cdouble), Mangle.Tcreal : typeid(creal), Mangle.Tchar : typeid(char), Mangle.Twchar : typeid(wchar), Mangle.Tdchar : typeid(dchar) ]; } auto p = m in dic; return p ? *p : null; } // This stuff has been removed from the docs and is planned for deprecation. /* * Interprets variadic argument list pointed to by argptr whose types * are given by arguments[], formats them according to embedded format * strings in the variadic argument list, and sends the resulting * characters to putc. * * The variadic arguments are consumed in order. Each is formatted * into a sequence of chars, using the default format specification * for its type, and the characters are sequentially passed to putc. * If a $(D char[]), $(D wchar[]), or $(D dchar[]) argument is * encountered, it is interpreted as a format string. As many * arguments as specified in the format string are consumed and * formatted according to the format specifications in that string and * passed to putc. If there are too few remaining arguments, a * $(D FormatException) is thrown. If there are more remaining arguments than * needed by the format specification, the default processing of * arguments resumes until they are all consumed. * * Params: * putc = Output is sent do this delegate, character by character. * arguments = Array of $(D TypeInfo)s, one for each argument to be formatted. * argptr = Points to variadic argument list. * * Throws: * Mismatched arguments and formats result in a $(D FormatException) being thrown. * * Format_String: * <a name="format-string">$(I Format strings)</a> * consist of characters interspersed with * $(I format specifications). Characters are simply copied * to the output (such as putc) after any necessary conversion * to the corresponding UTF-8 sequence. * * A $(I format specification) starts with a '%' character, * and has the following grammar: $(CONSOLE $(I FormatSpecification): $(B '%%') $(B '%') $(I Flags) $(I Width) $(I Precision) $(I FormatChar) $(I Flags): $(I empty) $(B '-') $(I Flags) $(B '+') $(I Flags) $(B '#') $(I Flags) $(B '0') $(I Flags) $(B ' ') $(I Flags) $(I Width): $(I empty) $(I Integer) $(B '*') $(I Precision): $(I empty) $(B '.') $(B '.') $(I Integer) $(B '.*') $(I Integer): $(I Digit) $(I Digit) $(I Integer) $(I Digit): $(B '0') $(B '1') $(B '2') $(B '3') $(B '4') $(B '5') $(B '6') $(B '7') $(B '8') $(B '9') $(I FormatChar): $(B 's') $(B 'b') $(B 'd') $(B 'o') $(B 'x') $(B 'X') $(B 'e') $(B 'E') $(B 'f') $(B 'F') $(B 'g') $(B 'G') $(B 'a') $(B 'A') ) $(DL $(DT $(I Flags)) $(DL $(DT $(B '-')) $(DD Left justify the result in the field. It overrides any $(B 0) flag.) $(DT $(B '+')) $(DD Prefix positive numbers in a signed conversion with a $(B +). It overrides any $(I space) flag.) $(DT $(B '#')) $(DD Use alternative formatting: $(DL $(DT For $(B 'o'):) $(DD Add to precision as necessary so that the first digit of the octal formatting is a '0', even if both the argument and the $(I Precision) are zero.) $(DT For $(B 'x') ($(B 'X')):) $(DD If non-zero, prefix result with $(B 0x) ($(B 0X)).) $(DT For floating point formatting:) $(DD Always insert the decimal point.) $(DT For $(B 'g') ($(B 'G')):) $(DD Do not elide trailing zeros.) )) $(DT $(B '0')) $(DD For integer and floating point formatting when not nan or infinity, use leading zeros to pad rather than spaces. Ignore if there's a $(I Precision).) $(DT $(B ' ')) $(DD Prefix positive numbers in a signed conversion with a space.) ) $(DT $(I Width)) $(DD Specifies the minimum field width. If the width is a $(B *), the next argument, which must be of type $(B int), is taken as the width. If the width is negative, it is as if the $(B -) was given as a $(I Flags) character.) $(DT $(I Precision)) $(DD Gives the precision for numeric conversions. If the precision is a $(B *), the next argument, which must be of type $(B int), is taken as the precision. If it is negative, it is as if there was no $(I Precision).) $(DT $(I FormatChar)) $(DD $(DL $(DT $(B 's')) $(DD The corresponding argument is formatted in a manner consistent with its type: $(DL $(DT $(B bool)) $(DD The result is <tt>'true'</tt> or <tt>'false'</tt>.) $(DT integral types) $(DD The $(B %d) format is used.) $(DT floating point types) $(DD The $(B %g) format is used.) $(DT string types) $(DD The result is the string converted to UTF-8.) A $(I Precision) specifies the maximum number of characters to use in the result. $(DT classes derived from $(B Object)) $(DD The result is the string returned from the class instance's $(B .toString()) method. A $(I Precision) specifies the maximum number of characters to use in the result.) $(DT non-string static and dynamic arrays) $(DD The result is [s<sub>0</sub>, s<sub>1</sub>, ...] where s<sub>k</sub> is the kth element formatted with the default format.) )) $(DT $(B 'b','d','o','x','X')) $(DD The corresponding argument must be an integral type and is formatted as an integer. If the argument is a signed type and the $(I FormatChar) is $(B d) it is converted to a signed string of characters, otherwise it is treated as unsigned. An argument of type $(B bool) is formatted as '1' or '0'. The base used is binary for $(B b), octal for $(B o), decimal for $(B d), and hexadecimal for $(B x) or $(B X). $(B x) formats using lower case letters, $(B X) uppercase. If there are fewer resulting digits than the $(I Precision), leading zeros are used as necessary. If the $(I Precision) is 0 and the number is 0, no digits result.) $(DT $(B 'e','E')) $(DD A floating point number is formatted as one digit before the decimal point, $(I Precision) digits after, the $(I FormatChar), ±, followed by at least a two digit exponent: $(I d.dddddd)e$(I ±dd). If there is no $(I Precision), six digits are generated after the decimal point. If the $(I Precision) is 0, no decimal point is generated.) $(DT $(B 'f','F')) $(DD A floating point number is formatted in decimal notation. The $(I Precision) specifies the number of digits generated after the decimal point. It defaults to six. At least one digit is generated before the decimal point. If the $(I Precision) is zero, no decimal point is generated.) $(DT $(B 'g','G')) $(DD A floating point number is formatted in either $(B e) or $(B f) format for $(B g); $(B E) or $(B F) format for $(B G). The $(B f) format is used if the exponent for an $(B e) format is greater than -5 and less than the $(I Precision). The $(I Precision) specifies the number of significant digits, and defaults to six. Trailing zeros are elided after the decimal point, if the fractional part is zero then no decimal point is generated.) $(DT $(B 'a','A')) $(DD A floating point number is formatted in hexadecimal exponential notation 0x$(I h.hhhhhh)p$(I ±d). There is one hexadecimal digit before the decimal point, and as many after as specified by the $(I Precision). If the $(I Precision) is zero, no decimal point is generated. If there is no $(I Precision), as many hexadecimal digits as necessary to exactly represent the mantissa are generated. The exponent is written in as few digits as possible, but at least one, is in decimal, and represents a power of 2 as in $(I h.hhhhhh)*2<sup>$(I ±d)</sup>. The exponent for zero is zero. The hexadecimal digits, x and p are in upper case if the $(I FormatChar) is upper case.) ) Floating point NaN's are formatted as $(B nan) if the $(I FormatChar) is lower case, or $(B NAN) if upper. Floating point infinities are formatted as $(B inf) or $(B infinity) if the $(I FormatChar) is lower case, or $(B INF) or $(B INFINITY) if upper. )) Example: ------------------------- import core.stdc.stdio; import std.format; void myPrint(...) { void putc(dchar c) { fputc(c, stdout); } std.format.doFormat(&putc, _arguments, _argptr); } void main() { int x = 27; // prints 'The answer is 27:6' myPrint("The answer is %s:", x, 6); } ------------------------ */ void doFormat()(scope void delegate(dchar) putc, TypeInfo[] arguments, va_list ap) { import std.utf : toUCSindex, isValidDchar, UTFException, toUTF8; import core.stdc.string : strlen; import core.stdc.stdlib : alloca, malloc, realloc, free; import core.stdc.stdio : snprintf; size_t bufLength = 1024; void* argBuffer = malloc(bufLength); scope(exit) free(argBuffer); size_t bufUsed = 0; foreach (ti; arguments) { // Ensure the required alignment bufUsed += ti.talign - 1; bufUsed -= (cast(size_t)argBuffer + bufUsed) & (ti.talign - 1); auto pos = bufUsed; // Align to next word boundary bufUsed += ti.tsize + size_t.sizeof - 1; bufUsed -= (cast(size_t)argBuffer + bufUsed) & (size_t.sizeof - 1); // Resize buffer if necessary while (bufUsed > bufLength) { bufLength *= 2; argBuffer = realloc(argBuffer, bufLength); } // Copy argument into buffer va_arg(ap, ti, argBuffer + pos); } auto argptr = argBuffer; void* skipArg(TypeInfo ti) { // Ensure the required alignment argptr += ti.talign - 1; argptr -= cast(size_t)argptr & (ti.talign - 1); auto p = argptr; // Align to next word boundary argptr += ti.tsize + size_t.sizeof - 1; argptr -= cast(size_t)argptr & (size_t.sizeof - 1); return p; } auto getArg(T)() { return *cast(T*)skipArg(typeid(T)); } TypeInfo ti; Mangle m; uint flags; int field_width; int precision; enum : uint { FLdash = 1, FLplus = 2, FLspace = 4, FLhash = 8, FLlngdbl = 0x20, FL0pad = 0x40, FLprecision = 0x80, } static TypeInfo skipCI(TypeInfo valti) { for (;;) { if (typeid(valti).name.length == 18 && typeid(valti).name[9..18] == "Invariant") valti = (cast(TypeInfo_Invariant)valti).base; else if (typeid(valti).name.length == 14 && typeid(valti).name[9..14] == "Const") valti = (cast(TypeInfo_Const)valti).base; else break; } return valti; } void formatArg(char fc) { bool vbit; ulong vnumber; char vchar; dchar vdchar; Object vobject; real vreal; creal vcreal; Mangle m2; int signed = 0; uint base = 10; int uc; char[ulong.sizeof * 8] tmpbuf; // long enough to print long in binary const(char)* prefix = ""; string s; void putstr(const char[] s) { //printf("putstr: s = %.*s, flags = x%x\n", s.length, s.ptr, flags); ptrdiff_t padding = field_width - (strlen(prefix) + toUCSindex(s, s.length)); ptrdiff_t prepad = 0; ptrdiff_t postpad = 0; if (padding > 0) { if (flags & FLdash) postpad = padding; else prepad = padding; } if (flags & FL0pad) { while (*prefix) putc(*prefix++); while (prepad--) putc('0'); } else { while (prepad--) putc(' '); while (*prefix) putc(*prefix++); } foreach (dchar c; s) putc(c); while (postpad--) putc(' '); } void putreal(real v) { //printf("putreal %Lg\n", vreal); switch (fc) { case 's': fc = 'g'; break; case 'f', 'F', 'e', 'E', 'g', 'G', 'a', 'A': break; default: //printf("fc = '%c'\n", fc); Lerror: throw new FormatException("incompatible format character for floating point type"); } version (DigitalMarsC) { uint sl; char[] fbuf = tmpbuf; if (!(flags & FLprecision)) precision = 6; while (1) { sl = fbuf.length; prefix = (*__pfloatfmt)(fc, flags | FLlngdbl, precision, &v, cast(char*)fbuf, &sl, field_width); if (sl != -1) break; sl = fbuf.length * 2; fbuf = (cast(char*)alloca(sl * char.sizeof))[0 .. sl]; } putstr(fbuf[0 .. sl]); } else { ptrdiff_t sl; char[] fbuf = tmpbuf; char[12] format; format[0] = '%'; int i = 1; if (flags & FLdash) format[i++] = '-'; if (flags & FLplus) format[i++] = '+'; if (flags & FLspace) format[i++] = ' '; if (flags & FLhash) format[i++] = '#'; if (flags & FL0pad) format[i++] = '0'; format[i + 0] = '*'; format[i + 1] = '.'; format[i + 2] = '*'; format[i + 3] = 'L'; format[i + 4] = fc; format[i + 5] = 0; if (!(flags & FLprecision)) precision = -1; while (1) { sl = fbuf.length; int n; version (CRuntime_Microsoft) { import std.math : isNaN, isInfinity; if (isNaN(v)) // snprintf writes 1.#QNAN n = snprintf(fbuf.ptr, sl, "nan"); else if (isInfinity(v)) // snprintf writes 1.#INF n = snprintf(fbuf.ptr, sl, v < 0 ? "-inf" : "inf"); else n = snprintf(fbuf.ptr, sl, format.ptr, field_width, precision, cast(double)v); } else n = snprintf(fbuf.ptr, sl, format.ptr, field_width, precision, v); //printf("format = '%s', n = %d\n", cast(char*)format, n); if (n >= 0 && n < sl) { sl = n; break; } if (n < 0) sl = sl * 2; else sl = n + 1; fbuf = (cast(char*)alloca(sl * char.sizeof))[0 .. sl]; } putstr(fbuf[0 .. sl]); } return; } static Mangle getMan(TypeInfo ti) { auto m = cast(Mangle)typeid(ti).name[9]; if (typeid(ti).name.length == 20 && typeid(ti).name[9..20] == "StaticArray") m = cast(Mangle)'G'; return m; } /* p = pointer to the first element in the array * len = number of elements in the array * valti = type of the elements */ void putArray(void* p, size_t len, TypeInfo valti) { //printf("\nputArray(len = %u), tsize = %u\n", len, valti.tsize); putc('['); valti = skipCI(valti); size_t tsize = valti.tsize; auto argptrSave = argptr; auto tiSave = ti; auto mSave = m; ti = valti; //printf("\n%.*s\n", typeid(valti).name.length, typeid(valti).name.ptr); m = getMan(valti); while (len--) { //doFormat(putc, (&valti)[0 .. 1], p); argptr = p; formatArg('s'); p += tsize; if (len > 0) putc(','); } m = mSave; ti = tiSave; argptr = argptrSave; putc(']'); } void putAArray(ubyte[long] vaa, TypeInfo valti, TypeInfo keyti) { putc('['); bool comma=false; auto argptrSave = argptr; auto tiSave = ti; auto mSave = m; valti = skipCI(valti); keyti = skipCI(keyti); foreach (ref fakevalue; vaa) { if (comma) putc(','); comma = true; void *pkey = &fakevalue; version (D_LP64) pkey -= (long.sizeof + 15) & ~(15); else pkey -= (long.sizeof + size_t.sizeof - 1) & ~(size_t.sizeof - 1); // the key comes before the value auto keysize = keyti.tsize; version (D_LP64) auto keysizet = (keysize + 15) & ~(15); else auto keysizet = (keysize + size_t.sizeof - 1) & ~(size_t.sizeof - 1); void* pvalue = pkey + keysizet; //doFormat(putc, (&keyti)[0..1], pkey); m = getMan(keyti); argptr = pkey; ti = keyti; formatArg('s'); putc(':'); //doFormat(putc, (&valti)[0..1], pvalue); m = getMan(valti); argptr = pvalue; ti = valti; formatArg('s'); } m = mSave; ti = tiSave; argptr = argptrSave; putc(']'); } //printf("formatArg(fc = '%c', m = '%c')\n", fc, m); int mi; switch (m) { case Mangle.Tbool: vbit = getArg!(bool)(); if (fc != 's') { vnumber = vbit; goto Lnumber; } putstr(vbit ? "true" : "false"); return; case Mangle.Tchar: vchar = getArg!(char)(); if (fc != 's') { vnumber = vchar; goto Lnumber; } L2: putstr((&vchar)[0 .. 1]); return; case Mangle.Twchar: vdchar = getArg!(wchar)(); goto L1; case Mangle.Tdchar: vdchar = getArg!(dchar)(); L1: if (fc != 's') { vnumber = vdchar; goto Lnumber; } if (vdchar <= 0x7F) { vchar = cast(char)vdchar; goto L2; } else { if (!isValidDchar(vdchar)) throw new UTFException("invalid dchar in format"); char[4] vbuf; putstr(toUTF8(vbuf, vdchar)); } return; case Mangle.Tbyte: signed = 1; vnumber = getArg!(byte)(); goto Lnumber; case Mangle.Tubyte: vnumber = getArg!(ubyte)(); goto Lnumber; case Mangle.Tshort: signed = 1; vnumber = getArg!(short)(); goto Lnumber; case Mangle.Tushort: vnumber = getArg!(ushort)(); goto Lnumber; case Mangle.Tint: signed = 1; vnumber = getArg!(int)(); goto Lnumber; case Mangle.Tuint: Luint: vnumber = getArg!(uint)(); goto Lnumber; case Mangle.Tlong: signed = 1; vnumber = cast(ulong)getArg!(long)(); goto Lnumber; case Mangle.Tulong: Lulong: vnumber = getArg!(ulong)(); goto Lnumber; case Mangle.Tclass: vobject = getArg!(Object)(); if (vobject is null) s = "null"; else s = vobject.toString(); goto Lputstr; case Mangle.Tpointer: vnumber = cast(ulong)getArg!(void*)(); if (fc != 'x') uc = 1; flags |= FL0pad; if (!(flags & FLprecision)) { flags |= FLprecision; precision = (void*).sizeof; } base = 16; goto Lnumber; case Mangle.Tfloat: case Mangle.Tifloat: if (fc == 'x' || fc == 'X') goto Luint; vreal = getArg!(float)(); goto Lreal; case Mangle.Tdouble: case Mangle.Tidouble: if (fc == 'x' || fc == 'X') goto Lulong; vreal = getArg!(double)(); goto Lreal; case Mangle.Treal: case Mangle.Tireal: vreal = getArg!(real)(); goto Lreal; case Mangle.Tcfloat: vcreal = getArg!(cfloat)(); goto Lcomplex; case Mangle.Tcdouble: vcreal = getArg!(cdouble)(); goto Lcomplex; case Mangle.Tcreal: vcreal = getArg!(creal)(); goto Lcomplex; case Mangle.Tsarray: putArray(argptr, (cast(TypeInfo_StaticArray)ti).len, (cast(TypeInfo_StaticArray)ti).next); return; case Mangle.Tarray: mi = 10; if (typeid(ti).name.length == 14 && typeid(ti).name[9..14] == "Array") { // array of non-primitive types TypeInfo tn = (cast(TypeInfo_Array)ti).next; tn = skipCI(tn); switch (cast(Mangle)typeid(tn).name[9]) { case Mangle.Tchar: goto LarrayChar; case Mangle.Twchar: goto LarrayWchar; case Mangle.Tdchar: goto LarrayDchar; default: break; } void[] va = getArg!(void[])(); putArray(va.ptr, va.length, tn); return; } if (typeid(ti).name.length == 25 && typeid(ti).name[9..25] == "AssociativeArray") { // associative array ubyte[long] vaa = getArg!(ubyte[long])(); putAArray(vaa, (cast(TypeInfo_AssociativeArray)ti).next, (cast(TypeInfo_AssociativeArray)ti).key); return; } while (1) { m2 = cast(Mangle)typeid(ti).name[mi]; switch (m2) { case Mangle.Tchar: LarrayChar: s = getArg!(string)(); goto Lputstr; case Mangle.Twchar: LarrayWchar: wchar[] sw = getArg!(wchar[])(); s = toUTF8(sw); goto Lputstr; case Mangle.Tdchar: LarrayDchar: s = toUTF8(getArg!(dstring)()); Lputstr: if (fc != 's') throw new FormatException("string"); if (flags & FLprecision && precision < s.length) s = s[0 .. precision]; putstr(s); break; case Mangle.Tconst: case Mangle.Timmutable: mi++; continue; default: TypeInfo ti2 = primitiveTypeInfo(m2); if (!ti2) goto Lerror; void[] va = getArg!(void[])(); putArray(va.ptr, va.length, ti2); } return; } assert(0); case Mangle.Ttypedef: ti = (cast(TypeInfo_Typedef)ti).base; m = cast(Mangle)typeid(ti).name[9]; formatArg(fc); return; case Mangle.Tenum: ti = (cast(TypeInfo_Enum)ti).base; m = cast(Mangle)typeid(ti).name[9]; formatArg(fc); return; case Mangle.Tstruct: { TypeInfo_Struct tis = cast(TypeInfo_Struct)ti; if (tis.xtoString is null) throw new FormatException("Can't convert " ~ tis.toString() ~ " to string: \"string toString()\" not defined"); s = tis.xtoString(skipArg(tis)); goto Lputstr; } default: goto Lerror; } Lnumber: switch (fc) { case 's': case 'd': if (signed) { if (cast(long)vnumber < 0) { prefix = "-"; vnumber = -vnumber; } else if (flags & FLplus) prefix = "+"; else if (flags & FLspace) prefix = " "; } break; case 'b': signed = 0; base = 2; break; case 'o': signed = 0; base = 8; break; case 'X': uc = 1; if (flags & FLhash && vnumber) prefix = "0X"; signed = 0; base = 16; break; case 'x': if (flags & FLhash && vnumber) prefix = "0x"; signed = 0; base = 16; break; default: goto Lerror; } if (!signed) { switch (m) { case Mangle.Tbyte: vnumber &= 0xFF; break; case Mangle.Tshort: vnumber &= 0xFFFF; break; case Mangle.Tint: vnumber &= 0xFFFFFFFF; break; default: break; } } if (flags & FLprecision && fc != 'p') flags &= ~FL0pad; if (vnumber < base) { if (vnumber == 0 && precision == 0 && flags & FLprecision && !(fc == 'o' && flags & FLhash)) { putstr(null); return; } if (precision == 0 || !(flags & FLprecision)) { vchar = cast(char)('0' + vnumber); if (vnumber < 10) vchar = cast(char)('0' + vnumber); else vchar = cast(char)((uc ? 'A' - 10 : 'a' - 10) + vnumber); goto L2; } } { ptrdiff_t n = tmpbuf.length; char c; int hexoffset = uc ? ('A' - ('9' + 1)) : ('a' - ('9' + 1)); while (vnumber) { c = cast(char)((vnumber % base) + '0'); if (c > '9') c += hexoffset; vnumber /= base; tmpbuf[--n] = c; } if (tmpbuf.length - n < precision && precision < tmpbuf.length) { ptrdiff_t m = tmpbuf.length - precision; tmpbuf[m .. n] = '0'; n = m; } else if (flags & FLhash && fc == 'o') prefix = "0"; putstr(tmpbuf[n .. tmpbuf.length]); return; } Lreal: putreal(vreal); return; Lcomplex: putreal(vcreal.re); if (vcreal.im >= 0) { putc('+'); } putreal(vcreal.im); putc('i'); return; Lerror: throw new FormatException("formatArg"); } for (int j = 0; j < arguments.length; ) { ti = arguments[j++]; //printf("arg[%d]: '%.*s' %d\n", j, typeid(ti).name.length, typeid(ti).name.ptr, typeid(ti).name.length); //ti.print(); flags = 0; precision = 0; field_width = 0; ti = skipCI(ti); int mi = 9; do { if (typeid(ti).name.length <= mi) goto Lerror; m = cast(Mangle)typeid(ti).name[mi++]; } while (m == Mangle.Tconst || m == Mangle.Timmutable); if (m == Mangle.Tarray) { if (typeid(ti).name.length == 14 && typeid(ti).name[9..14] == "Array") { TypeInfo tn = (cast(TypeInfo_Array)ti).next; tn = skipCI(tn); switch (cast(Mangle)typeid(tn).name[9]) { case Mangle.Tchar: case Mangle.Twchar: case Mangle.Tdchar: ti = tn; mi = 9; break; default: break; } } L1: Mangle m2 = cast(Mangle)typeid(ti).name[mi]; string fmt; // format string wstring wfmt; dstring dfmt; /* For performance reasons, this code takes advantage of the * fact that most format strings will be ASCII, and that the * format specifiers are always ASCII. This means we only need * to deal with UTF in a couple of isolated spots. */ switch (m2) { case Mangle.Tchar: fmt = getArg!(string)(); break; case Mangle.Twchar: wfmt = getArg!(wstring)(); fmt = toUTF8(wfmt); break; case Mangle.Tdchar: dfmt = getArg!(dstring)(); fmt = toUTF8(dfmt); break; case Mangle.Tconst: case Mangle.Timmutable: mi++; goto L1; default: formatArg('s'); continue; } for (size_t i = 0; i < fmt.length; ) { dchar c = fmt[i++]; dchar getFmtChar() { // Valid format specifier characters will never be UTF if (i == fmt.length) throw new FormatException("invalid specifier"); return fmt[i++]; } int getFmtInt() { int n; while (1) { n = n * 10 + (c - '0'); if (n < 0) // overflow throw new FormatException("int overflow"); c = getFmtChar(); if (c < '0' || c > '9') break; } return n; } int getFmtStar() { Mangle m; TypeInfo ti; if (j == arguments.length) throw new FormatException("too few arguments"); ti = arguments[j++]; m = cast(Mangle)typeid(ti).name[9]; if (m != Mangle.Tint) throw new FormatException("int argument expected"); return getArg!(int)(); } if (c != '%') { if (c > 0x7F) // if UTF sequence { i--; // back up and decode UTF sequence import std.utf : decode; c = decode(fmt, i); } Lputc: putc(c); continue; } // Get flags {-+ #} flags = 0; while (1) { c = getFmtChar(); switch (c) { case '-': flags |= FLdash; continue; case '+': flags |= FLplus; continue; case ' ': flags |= FLspace; continue; case '#': flags |= FLhash; continue; case '0': flags |= FL0pad; continue; case '%': if (flags == 0) goto Lputc; break; default: break; } break; } // Get field width field_width = 0; if (c == '*') { field_width = getFmtStar(); if (field_width < 0) { flags |= FLdash; field_width = -field_width; } c = getFmtChar(); } else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') field_width = getFmtInt(); if (flags & FLplus) flags &= ~FLspace; if (flags & FLdash) flags &= ~FL0pad; // Get precision precision = 0; if (c == '.') { flags |= FLprecision; //flags &= ~FL0pad; c = getFmtChar(); if (c == '*') { precision = getFmtStar(); if (precision < 0) { precision = 0; flags &= ~FLprecision; } c = getFmtChar(); } else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') precision = getFmtInt(); } if (j == arguments.length) goto Lerror; ti = arguments[j++]; ti = skipCI(ti); mi = 9; do { m = cast(Mangle)typeid(ti).name[mi++]; } while (m == Mangle.Tconst || m == Mangle.Timmutable); if (c > 0x7F) // if UTF sequence goto Lerror; // format specifiers can't be UTF formatArg(cast(char)c); } } else { formatArg('s'); } } return; Lerror: throw new FormatException(); } private bool needToSwapEndianess(Char)(ref FormatSpec!Char f) { import std.system : endian, Endian; return endian == Endian.littleEndian && f.flPlus || endian == Endian.bigEndian && f.flDash; } /* ======================== Unit Tests ====================================== */ unittest { import std.conv : octal; int i; string s; debug(format) printf("std.format.format.unittest\n"); s = format("hello world! %s %s %s%s%s", true, 57, 1_000_000_000, 'x', " foo"); assert(s == "hello world! true 57 1000000000x foo"); s = format("%s %A %s", 1.67, -1.28, float.nan); /* The host C library is used to format floats. * C99 doesn't specify what the hex digit before the decimal point * is for %A. */ //version (linux) // assert(s == "1.67 -0XA.3D70A3D70A3D8P-3 nan"); //else version (OSX) // assert(s == "1.67 -0XA.3D70A3D70A3D8P-3 nan", s); //else version (MinGW) assert(s == "1.67 -0XA.3D70A3D70A3D8P-3 nan", s); else version (CRuntime_Microsoft) assert(s == "1.67 -0X1.47AE14P+0 nan" || s == "1.67 -0X1.47AE147AE147BP+0 nan", s); // MSVCRT 14+ (VS 2015) else assert(s == "1.67 -0X1.47AE147AE147BP+0 nan", s); s = format("%x %X", 0x1234AF, 0xAFAFAFAF); assert(s == "1234af AFAFAFAF"); s = format("%b %o", 0x1234AF, 0xAFAFAFAF); assert(s == "100100011010010101111 25753727657"); s = format("%d %s", 0x1234AF, 0xAFAFAFAF); assert(s == "1193135 2947526575"); //version(X86_64) //{ // pragma(msg, "several format tests disabled on x86_64 due to bug 5625"); //} //else //{ s = format("%s", 1.2 + 3.4i); assert(s == "1.2+3.4i", s); //s = format("%x %X", 1.32, 6.78f); //assert(s == "3ff51eb851eb851f 40D8F5C3"); //} s = format("%#06.*f",2,12.345); assert(s == "012.35"); s = format("%#0*.*f",6,2,12.345); assert(s == "012.35"); s = format("%7.4g:", 12.678); assert(s == " 12.68:"); s = format("%7.4g:", 12.678L); assert(s == " 12.68:"); s = format("%04f|%05d|%#05x|%#5x",-4.0,-10,1,1); assert(s == "-4.000000|-0010|0x001| 0x1"); i = -10; s = format("%d|%3d|%03d|%1d|%01.4f",i,i,i,i,cast(double) i); assert(s == "-10|-10|-10|-10|-10.0000"); i = -5; s = format("%d|%3d|%03d|%1d|%01.4f",i,i,i,i,cast(double) i); assert(s == "-5| -5|-05|-5|-5.0000"); i = 0; s = format("%d|%3d|%03d|%1d|%01.4f",i,i,i,i,cast(double) i); assert(s == "0| 0|000|0|0.0000"); i = 5; s = format("%d|%3d|%03d|%1d|%01.4f",i,i,i,i,cast(double) i); assert(s == "5| 5|005|5|5.0000"); i = 10; s = format("%d|%3d|%03d|%1d|%01.4f",i,i,i,i,cast(double) i); assert(s == "10| 10|010|10|10.0000"); s = format("%.0d", 0); assert(s == ""); s = format("%.g", .34); assert(s == "0.3"); s = format("%.0g", .34); assert(s == "0.3"); s = format("%.2g", .34); assert(s == "0.34"); s = format("%0.0008f", 1e-08); assert(s == "0.00000001"); s = format("%0.0008f", 1e-05); assert(s == "0.00001000"); s = "helloworld"; string r; r = format("%.2s", s[0..5]); assert(r == "he"); r = format("%.20s", s[0..5]); assert(r == "hello"); r = format("%8s", s[0..5]); assert(r == " hello"); byte[] arrbyte = new byte[4]; arrbyte[0] = 100; arrbyte[1] = -99; arrbyte[3] = 0; r = format("%s", arrbyte); assert(r == "[100, -99, 0, 0]"); ubyte[] arrubyte = new ubyte[4]; arrubyte[0] = 100; arrubyte[1] = 200; arrubyte[3] = 0; r = format("%s", arrubyte); assert(r == "[100, 200, 0, 0]"); short[] arrshort = new short[4]; arrshort[0] = 100; arrshort[1] = -999; arrshort[3] = 0; r = format("%s", arrshort); assert(r == "[100, -999, 0, 0]"); ushort[] arrushort = new ushort[4]; arrushort[0] = 100; arrushort[1] = 20_000; arrushort[3] = 0; r = format("%s", arrushort); assert(r == "[100, 20000, 0, 0]"); int[] arrint = new int[4]; arrint[0] = 100; arrint[1] = -999; arrint[3] = 0; r = format("%s", arrint); assert(r == "[100, -999, 0, 0]"); long[] arrlong = new long[4]; arrlong[0] = 100; arrlong[1] = -999; arrlong[3] = 0; r = format("%s", arrlong); assert(r == "[100, -999, 0, 0]"); ulong[] arrulong = new ulong[4]; arrulong[0] = 100; arrulong[1] = 999; arrulong[3] = 0; r = format("%s", arrulong); assert(r == "[100, 999, 0, 0]"); string[] arr2 = new string[4]; arr2[0] = "hello"; arr2[1] = "world"; arr2[3] = "foo"; r = format("%s", arr2); assert(r == `["hello", "world", "", "foo"]`); r = format("%.8d", 7); assert(r == "00000007"); r = format("%.8x", 10); assert(r == "0000000a"); r = format("%-3d", 7); assert(r == "7 "); r = format("%*d", -3, 7); assert(r == "7 "); r = format("%.*d", -3, 7); assert(r == "7"); r = format("abc"c); assert(r == "abc"); //format() returns the same type as inputted. wstring wr; wr = format("def"w); assert(wr == "def"w); dstring dr; dr = format("ghi"d); assert(dr == "ghi"d); void* p = cast(void*)0xDEADBEEF; r = format("%s", p); assert(r == "DEADBEEF"); r = format("%#x", 0xabcd); assert(r == "0xabcd"); r = format("%#X", 0xABCD); assert(r == "0XABCD"); r = format("%#o", octal!12345); assert(r == "012345"); r = format("%o", 9); assert(r == "11"); r = format("%#o", 0); // issue 15663 assert(r == "0"); r = format("%+d", 123); assert(r == "+123"); r = format("%+d", -123); assert(r == "-123"); r = format("% d", 123); assert(r == " 123"); r = format("% d", -123); assert(r == "-123"); r = format("%%"); assert(r == "%"); r = format("%d", true); assert(r == "1"); r = format("%d", false); assert(r == "0"); r = format("%d", 'a'); assert(r == "97"); wchar wc = 'a'; r = format("%d", wc); assert(r == "97"); dchar dc = 'a'; r = format("%d", dc); assert(r == "97"); byte b = byte.max; r = format("%x", b); assert(r == "7f"); r = format("%x", ++b); assert(r == "80"); r = format("%x", ++b); assert(r == "81"); short sh = short.max; r = format("%x", sh); assert(r == "7fff"); r = format("%x", ++sh); assert(r == "8000"); r = format("%x", ++sh); assert(r == "8001"); i = int.max; r = format("%x", i); assert(r == "7fffffff"); r = format("%x", ++i); assert(r == "80000000"); r = format("%x", ++i); assert(r == "80000001"); r = format("%x", 10); assert(r == "a"); r = format("%X", 10); assert(r == "A"); r = format("%x", 15); assert(r == "f"); r = format("%X", 15); assert(r == "F"); Object c = null; r = format("%s", c); assert(r == "null"); enum TestEnum { Value1, Value2 } r = format("%s", TestEnum.Value2); assert(r == "Value2"); immutable(char[5])[int] aa = ([3:"hello", 4:"betty"]); r = format("%s", aa.values); assert(r == `["hello", "betty"]` || r == `["betty", "hello"]`); r = format("%s", aa); assert(r == `[3:"hello", 4:"betty"]` || r == `[4:"betty", 3:"hello"]`); static const dchar[] ds = ['a','b']; for (int j = 0; j < ds.length; ++j) { r = format(" %d", ds[j]); if (j == 0) assert(r == " 97"); else assert(r == " 98"); } r = format(">%14d<, %s", 15, [1,2,3]); assert(r == "> 15<, [1, 2, 3]"); assert(format("%8s", "bar") == " bar"); assert(format("%8s", "b\u00e9ll\u00f4") == " b\u00e9ll\u00f4"); }