386BSD 729
Abelson, Hal 438
Agre, Phil 971
AI Lab (Artificial Intelligence Laboratory) 49, 64, 250-290, 256, 452, 471,
borrowing source code for, 64,
ITS demise, 452,
lock hacking at, 256,
Symbolics and, 471
Allison, Jeramy 646-647
anti-feature 71
AOL (America OnLine) 104
Argonne (Illinois) 525
ARPAnet 466-468
Art.net 310
artificial intelligence 247
assembler language 189
Augustin, Larry 759
Autobiography of Malcolm X, The (Haley) 883-884
Barksdale, Jim 759
batch processing 411
Bell Labs 506
BeOpen.com 886-889
binary files 62
Boerries, Marco 836-838
Bolt, Beranek & Newman engineering firm 65
Boston Globe 989
Brooks, Fred P. 750
Bryan, Willliam Jennings 853
BSD 68
C+ programming language 635
Chassell, Robert 516-522
Church of Emacs 567-575
Commodore computers 488
community source, license of Sun Microsystems 836
Compaq computers 104
Compatible Time Sharing System (CTSS) 259
computer bums 399
Computer Power and Human Reason (Weizenbaum) 399
computer security, opposition to 285
Computer Systems Research Group 621
Control-R (^R) 674
copyleft 618
Copyright Act of 1976 591
copyright laws 591
copyrighted works, categories of 368
crackers 991
CTSS (Compatible Time Sharing System) 259
Currier House (Harvard University) 395
de Icaza, Miguel 304
Debian 698-717
Debian Manifesto 699-702
DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) 459
Dell computers 104
Democratic party 210-213
DeSapio, Carmine 212
display terminals, replacing teletypes 414
divorce of Alice and Daniel Stallman 178
draft (Vietnam War) 217-223
Dreyfus, Hubert 254
Dylan, Bob 360
E edit program 418
Eine (Eine is not Emacs) text editor 433
Electric Fence Unix utility 716
Elmhurst (New York) 207
Emacs text editor 101, 429-440, 506, 513, 567-578, 590, 598, 707,
copyrights and, 598,
GNU Emacs License and, 598,
Lisp-based free software version, 590,
Lucid software company and, 707,
rewriting for Unix, 506
Engelbart, Doug 413
ethics of hacking 255
fetchmail 749
Feynman, Richard 401
Fischer, Mark 600-602
Foresight Institute 759
forks (code) 706-709
Freax 667
Free Software Foundation (FSF) 99-100, 411, 515, 688, 699, 729, 831,
Debian Manifesto and, 699,
GNU Project and, 515,
Linux and, 688,
QT graphic tools and, 831,
TECO text-editor and, 411
Freeware Summit 764
Future of Ideas, The (Lessig) 864
Garfinkel, Simson 691
Geek Syndrome, The (Silberman) 170-171
Gell-Mann, Murray 401
GNOME 1.0 302
GNU Emacs 101, 429-440, 506, 513, 567-578, 590, 598, 707,
copyrights and, 598,
GNU Emacs License and, 598,
List-based free software version, 590,
Lucid software company and, 707,
rewriting for Unix, 506
GNU Project 99, 108, 301, 303, 329, 444, 500, 515, 691, 727,
Emacs, release of, 515,
GNOME 1.0, 301,
kernel, 303, 691,
Linux and, 303, 329,
Linux and, mutual success of, 108,
new UNIX implementation, 444,
open source movement and, 727,
web site for, 99
Gosling, James 508-511
graphial interfaces 413
Grateful Dead, The 531-532
Guttman, Henning 908
Haley, Alex 883
Hall of Hacks 988
Harbater, David 227-229
Helsinki, Finland 657-660
Hillel 495-496
Hoffman, Abbie 220
IBM 101, 189, 533, 780,
Apache web server and, 780,
free software community and, 101,
New York Scientific Center, 189
IBM New York Scientific Center 189
IBM SP Power3 supercomputer 526
Indochina 214
interpreters for LISP 508-509
Ishi 479
Jefferson, Thomas 860
kernel (Linux) 681
King, Stephen 903
KL-10 mainframe 459-470
Lanai Islands (Hawaii) 809
Leonard, Andrew 299
Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL) 831
LIFE mathematical game 254
Lignux (Linux with GNU) 702
Linux Kongress 751-757
linux.com 569
LinuxWorld 301-309
LinuxWorld Conventions 778-780
Lippman, Andrew 215
LISP Machines Inc. (LMI) 516
LISP programming language 254, 409, 446, 470-471, 474, 508,
EMACS and, 508,
GNU system and, 446,
operating system for, 474
LMI (LISP Machines Inc.) 516
London Guardian 299
Los Alamos (New Mexico) 525
Lotus Development Corp. 650
Louis D. Brandeis High School 195-198
Lucid software company 707
Luke Skywalker 829
MacArthur Fellowship Program 99
MacHack 254
MACLISP language 474
macro modes, adding to TECO 419-430
Markoff, John 786
Marshall, Thurgood 875
Marx, Groucho 572-573
Math 55 (Harvard University) 226-235
Maui FreeBSD Users Group 531
Maui High Performance Computing Center (MHPCC) 525
McCarthy, John 474
MHPCC (Maui High Performance Computing Center) 525
mice, as video pointers 413
Micro-Soft 489
MicroVAX 660-661
MIT Museum 972
MOCKLISP language 508
Monterey (California) 887
Morin, Rich 781-782
Muir, John 853
Multics operating system 68
Murdock, Ian 684-722
music 356-360
Mythical Man-Month, The (Brooks) 750
National Security Administration 840
Nelson, Theodor Holm 857-859
NetBSD 729
Netscape 758-766
New York University computer science department 96-140
Newitz, Annalee 345
Newquist, Harvey 475
Ney, Tim 324
NYU Stern School of Business 100
On Civil Disobedience (Thoreau) 853
Onion, The 647
Open Letter to Hobbyists (Gates) 489-490
Open Publication License (OPL) 940-948
OpenOffice application suite 831-835
OPL (Open Publication License) 940-948
Ousterhout, John 780
Oz 461-469
Palo Alto (California) 309
Paperback Software International 650
password-based systems, hacking into 280-285
patches, inserting into source code 607
Pattison, Tracy 887
PDP-6 computer 259-260
Peter, Paul and Mary 360
Peterson, Christine 759-763
Petrycki, Laurie 949
PL/I programming language 189
Plant, The (King) 903
Polytechnic University (Finland) 657
PowerPoint (Microsoft) 737-740
Prime Time Freeware 781
Project Xanadu 948
punch cards, for batch processing 411
Purdue University 684
Putnam exam 238-239
Qt 831-832
Queens public library 207
R2D2 829
Reid, Brian 434-435
Rockefeller University 191
Rubin, Jerry 220
Ryan, Randolph 989
Ryan, William Fitts 213
S&P (Signals and Power) Committee 975-977
Safari Tech Books Online subscription service 940
Salus, Peter 729-733
San Mateo (California) 332-334
Sartre, Jean Paul 813
Schonberg, Ed. 119-121
Scriptics 780
sendmail Unix mail program 765
Shockley, William 401
Shut Up and Show Them the Code (Raymond) 549-550
Sierra Club 853
Signals and Power (S&P) Committee 975-977
Silberman, Steve 170-171
Silicon Valley 309-310
Sine (Sine is not Emacs) text editor 433
SISSL (Sun Industry Standards Source Licence) 831
Slackware 720
Slashdot 886
source code 61, 595, 607, 758,
copy rights for, 595,
Netscape, 758,
patches, 607,
Xerox Corporation publishing, 61
South Korea 340
Sprite 781
Sproull, Robert (Xerox PARC researcher) 77
Stallman, Richard M. 141, 170, 171, 189, 288, 320, 391, 391, 443, 589, 676, 727,
AI Lab, as a programmer, 391,
behavioral disorders, 170,
childhood, 141, 589,
childhood, behavioral disorders, 171,
childhood, first computer program, 189,
Emacs Commune and, 391,
folk dancing, 288, 320,
GNU General Public License, 589,
GNU Linux, 676,
GNU Project, 443,
open source and, 727
Stanford Research Institute 413
Stanford University 632
Star Wars 829
Stern School of Business (NYU) 100
strike, at the Laboratory for Computer Science 435
Sun Industry Standards Source License (SISSL) 831
Sun Laboratories 77
Sun Microsystems 101, 439, 450, 533, 575, 606, 831,
developing workstations, 450,
free software community and, 101,
OpenOffice application suite, 831
Sun User Group 629
Symbolics 470-485
System V 689
Takeda Awards 955
Tammany Hall 211-212
Tcl scripting language 780-781
Tech Model Railroad Club 975
TECO editor program 410-433
Teimann, Michael 720
teletype interfaces vs. batch processing 412-415
text file source code, publishing 62
third-party software developers supporting Microsoft 108
Thomas Aquinas, saint 407
Thompson, Ken 506
Thoreau, Henry David 853
Top500.org 526
TOPS-20 operating system 459-460
Toronto Star 170
Torvalds, Linus 101, 303-306, 657-673, 681, 737, 829-830,
Minix, reworking for Linux, 681,
PowerPoint and, 737
tree (source code) 706
Troll Tech 831-832
Twenex operating systems 459-463
TX-0 computer 977
U.S Air Force 526
U.S. Patent Office 545
Udanax 948
UniPress software company 508-509
University of California 621-625
University of Glasgow 152
University of Hawaii 526
University of Pennsylvania 227
Unix operating system 68, 445, 451, 661,
adoption through flexibility, 451,
GNU system and, 445,
Minix and, 661
Upside Today web magazine 938
Uretsky, Mike 114-119
VA Software, Inc. 886
van Rossum, Guido 765
VAX 11/780 450
video screens 414
Vietnam War 213-223
VUCK compiler 505
War on Drugs 381
Warren Weaver Hall 96-98
Weber, Max 619
Weizenbaum, Joseph 399-400
Woodrow Wilson/FDR Reform Democratic Club 211
World Trade Organization 381
X graphic user interface 681
Xerox Corporation 52-62, 62, 77,
Palo Alto Research Center, 52, 77,
PARC, 77,
source code, publishing, 62
Yahi 479
Zimmerman, Phillip 840
Zwei (Zwei was Eine initially) text editor 433
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