path: root/org/utils.org
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'org/utils.org')
1 files changed, 863 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/org/utils.org b/org/utils.org
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d5d64ebc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org/utils.org
@@ -0,0 +1,863 @@
+-*- mode: org -*-
+#+TITLE: sisu utils
+#+DESCRIPTION: documents - structuring, various output representations & search
+#+FILETAGS: :sisu:utils:
+#+AUTHOR: Ralph Amissah
+#+EMAIL: [[mailto:ralph.amissah@gmail.com][ralph.amissah@gmail.com]]
+#+COPYRIGHT: Copyright (C) 2015 - 2021 Ralph Amissah
+#+STARTUP: content hideblocks hidestars noindent entitiespretty
+#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:nil _:nil -:t f:t *:t <:t
+#+PROPERTY: header-args :exports code
+#+PROPERTY: header-args+ :noweb yes
+#+PROPERTY: header-args+ :eval no
+#+PROPERTY: header-args+ :results no
+#+PROPERTY: header-args+ :cache no
+#+PROPERTY: header-args+ :padline no
+#+PROPERTY: header-args+ :mkdirp yes
+* utils
+** utils.rb
+#+HEADER: :tangle "../lib/sisu/utils.rb"
+#+BEGIN_SRC ruby
+module SiSU_Utils
+ class CodeMarker
+ def initialize(line,file,color=:red)
+ @line,@file,@color=line.to_s,file,color
+ end
+ def ansi(color=nil)
+ @color=color ? color : @color
+ c={}
+ c[:on]=case @color
+ when :red then ANSI_C[:red]
+ when :green then ANSI_C[:green]
+ when :yellow then ANSI_C[:yellow]
+ when :blue then ANSI_C[:blue]
+ when :fuchsia then ANSI_C[:fuchsia]
+ when :cyan then ANSI_C[:cyan]
+ when :inv_red then ANSI_C[:inv_red]
+ when :inv_green then ANSI_C[:inv_green]
+ when :inv_yellow then ANSI_C[:inv_yellow]
+ when :inv_blue then ANSI_C[:inv_blue]
+ when :inv_fuchsia then ANSI_C[:inv_fuchsia]
+ when :inv_cyan then ANSI_C[:inv_cyan]
+ when :b_red then ANSI_C[:b_red]
+ when :b_green then ANSI_C[:b_green]
+ when :b_yellow then ANSI_C[:b_yellow]
+ when :b_blue then ANSI_C[:b_blue]
+ when :b_fuchsia then ANSI_C[:b_fuchsia]
+ when :b_cyan then ANSI_C[:b_cyan]
+ else ANSI_C[:red]
+ end
+ c[:off]= ANSI_C[:off]
+ #ansi_color + @line.to_s + ansi_color_off + ' ' + @file.gsub(/([^\/]+$)/,"#{ansi_color}\\1#{ansi_color_off}")
+ c
+ end
+ def var(v,x)
+ h={ c: nil, m: '' }
+ if v.is_a?(Hash)
+ h[:c] = (defined? v[:c]) ? v[:c] : ''
+ h[:m] = (defined? v[:m]) ? v[:m] : ''
+ elsif (v.is_a?(Symbol) \
+ and x.is_a?(String))
+ if v.is_a?(Symbol)
+ h[:c]=v
+ elsif v.is_a?(String)
+ h[:m]=v
+ end
+ if x.is_a?(String)
+ h[:m]=x
+ end
+ elsif (v.is_a?(Symbol) \
+ or v.is_a?(String))
+ if v.is_a?(Symbol)
+ h[:c]=v
+ elsif v.is_a?(String)
+ h[:m]=v
+ end
+ end
+ h[:c] = (defined? h[:c]) ? h[:c] : ''
+ h[:m] = (defined? h[:m]) ? h[:m] : ''
+ h[:c]=ansi(h[:c])
+ h[:m]=message(h[:m])
+ h
+ end
+ def message(msg='')
+ @message=(msg.nil? || msg.empty?) \
+ ? ''
+ : ' ' + msg
+ end
+ def set(v=nil,x=nil)
+ v=var(v,x)
+ file,path=File.basename(@file),File.dirname(@file)
+ v[:c][:on] + @line + v[:c][:off] + ' ' \
+ + path + '/' \
+ + "#{v[:c][:on]}#{file}#{v[:c][:off]}" \
+ + v[:m]
+ end
+ def mark(v=nil,x=nil)
+ puts set(v,x)
+ end
+ def tell(v=nil,x=nil)
+ puts set(v,x)
+ end
+ def report(v=nil,x=nil)
+ puts set(v,x)
+ end
+ def ok(v=nil,x=nil)
+ if (v.is_a?(Symbol) \
+ and x.is_a?(String))
+ x= '*OK* ' + x
+ elsif v.is_a?(String)
+ v='*OK* ' + v
+ x=nil
+ else
+ v,x='*OK*',nil
+ end
+ puts set(v,x)
+ end
+ def warn(v=nil,x=nil)
+ if (v.is_a?(Symbol) \
+ and x.is_a?(String))
+ x="\n " + '*WARN* ' + x
+ elsif v.is_a?(String)
+ v="\n " + '*WARN* ' + v
+ x=nil
+ else
+ v,x='*WARN*',nil
+ end
+ puts set(v,x)
+ end
+ def error(v=nil,x=nil)
+ if (v.is_a?(Symbol) \
+ and x.is_a?(String))
+ x="\n " + '*ERROR* ' + x
+ elsif v.is_a?(String)
+ v="\n " + '*ERROR* ' + v
+ x=nil
+ else
+ v,x='*ERROR*',nil
+ end
+ STDERR.puts set(v,x)
+ end
+ end
+ class Path
+ def initialize(dir=Dir.pwd)
+ @dir=dir
+ end
+ def base_markup(call_path=nil)
+ call_path = call_path \
+ ? call_path \
+ : Dir.pwd
+ (/(\S+?)(?:\/(?:#{Px[:lng_lst_rgx]}))?$/).match(call_path)[1]
+ end
+ def base_markup_stub
+ m=/.+\/(?:src\/)?(\S+)/im
+ base_markup[m,1]
+ end
+ def image_src
+ if base_markup =~/sisupod\/doc[\/]?$/
+ base_markup.gsub(/\/doc[\/]?$/,'/image')
+ elsif FileTest.directory?("#{base_markup}/_sisu/image")
+ "#{base_markup}/_sisu/image"
+ end
+ end
+ def bmd
+ base_markup
+ end
+ end
+SiSU_Utils::CodeMarker.new(__LINE__,__FILE__,:green).mark({ m: %{
+ code: #{@@flag[:code]}, <-- close "#{t_o}"
+SiSU_Utils::CodeMarker.new(__LINE__,__FILE__).mark({ m: %{
+ code: #{@@flag['code']}, <-- close "#{t_o}"
+}, c: :green})
+SiSU_Utils::CodeMarker.new(__LINE__,__FILE__,:green).mark({ m: %{
+ code: #{@@flag['code']}, open --> "#{t_o}"
+}}) if t_o=~/^```/m
+SiSU_Utils::CodeMarker.new(__LINE__,__FILE__,:green).mark(%{ code: #{@@flag['code']}, open --> "#{t_o}" }) \
+if t_o=~/^```/m
+SiSU_Utils::CodeMarker.new(__LINE__,__FILE__,:green).mark("open -->")
+SiSU_Utils::CodeMarker.new(__LINE__,__FILE__,:fuchsia).mark("open -->")
+SiSU_Utils::CodeMarker.new(__LINE__,__FILE__).mark("open -->",:green)
+SiSU_Utils::CodeMarker.new(__LINE__,__FILE__).mark(:green,"open -->")
+SiSU_Utils::CodeMarker.new(__LINE__,__FILE__).mark("open -->")
+SiSU_Utils::CodeMarker.new(__LINE__,__FILE__,:green).mark("open -->")
+SiSU_Utils::CodeMarker.new(__LINE__,__FILE__).mark('open -->',:green)
+puts SiSU_Utils::CodeMarker.new(__LINE__,__FILE__,:red).set
+puts SiSU_Utils::CodeMarker.new(__LINE__,__FILE__).set('',:green)
+puts SiSU_Utils::CodeMarker.new(__LINE__,__FILE__).set('',:fuchsia)
+puts ANSI_C[:red] + __LINE__.to_s + ANSI_C[:off] + ' ' + __FILE__
+puts "#{ANSI_C[:red]} #{__LINE__.to_s} #{ANSI_C[:off]} #{__FILE__}"
+puts ANSI_C[:fuchsia] + __LINE__.to_s + ANSI_C[:off] + ' ' + __FILE__.gsub(/([^\/]+$)/,"#{ANSI_C[:fuchsia]}\\1#{ANSI_C[:off]}")
+puts ANSI_C[:red] + __LINE__.to_s + ANSI_C[:off] + ' ' + __FILE__.gsub(/([^\/]+$)/,"#{ANSI_C[:red]}\\1#{ANSI_C[:off]}")
+** utils_spell.rb
+#+HEADER: :tangle "../lib/sisu/utils_spell.rb"
+#+BEGIN_SRC ruby
+module SiSU_SpellUtility
+ class Spell
+ def initialize(input,filesrc,flg)
+ @flg=flg
+ @filename, @filetype = /(.+?)(\.\w\w\w0$)/.match(filesrc)[1,2] #.gsub(/\.\w\w\w0$/, "")
+ @input=input
+ @allwords=[]
+ puts @filename
+ @speller='aspell' # 'ispell'
+ @dictionary='british'
+ @lang='en_GB'
+ end
+ def check
+ @input.each do |data|
+ data=data.gsub(/(https?|www|ftp|gopher|png|jpg|gif|html|htm)\S+/i,' ').
+ gsub(/(&nbsp;|#{Mx[:nbsp]})/i,' ').
+ gsub(/<\/?(table|tr|td|b|p|href).*?>/i,' ').
+ gsub(/(<==.+|<:\S+>|<!.+?!>|^@\S+?:.+|\{\{\{|~)/,' ').
+ gsub(/(["|<>)(\n'`.;&_-]|\=)/,' ').
+ gsub(/\b(altExternal|
+ target|externalimg|
+ srcimagebext|
+ img|src|toc|pdf|
+ cd|org|
+ helvetica|roman
+ )\b/i,' ').
+ gsub(/EOF/,'')
+ @words=data.scan(/\S+/)
+ @words.each { |y| @allwords << y }
+ end
+ @allwords=@allwords.uniq
+ if @flg =~ /S/
+ File.open('/home/ralph/spell_error','a+') do |file| #fix
+ file.puts %{\n\n[ #{@filename} ]}
+ end
+ @allwords.each { |y| puts y.inspect; system(%{cat #{y} | /usr/bin/#{@speller} -l -d #{@dictionary} >> ~/spell_error })}
+ else
+ @allwords.each { |y| sp=%x{echo #{y}|#{@speller} -l }; puts sp unless sp.empty?}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+** utils_response.rb
+#+HEADER: :tangle "../lib/sisu/utils_response.rb"
+#+BEGIN_SRC ruby
+module SiSU_Response
+ def available_selections_
+ %{'yes', 'no', 'quit' or 'exit'; [ynqx]}
+ end
+ def response?(ask)
+ response='redo'
+ print ask + %{ [#{available_selections_}]: }
+ response=File.new('/dev/tty').gets.strip
+ case response
+ when /^(?:y|yes)$/ then true
+ when /^(?:n|no)$/ then false
+ when /^(?:[qx]|quit|exit)$/ then exit
+ else puts %{[please type: #{available_selections_}]}
+ response?(ask)
+ end
+ end
+ def query
+ def selections_available_(selections=:strict)
+ short_options=(selections == :strict) ? '' : '; [ynqx]'
+ %{'yes', 'no', 'quit' or 'exit'#{short_options}}
+ end
+ def selection_options
+ def response_strict(resp)
+ case resp
+ when /^(?:yes)$/ then true
+ when /^(?:no)$/ then false
+ when /^(?:quit|exit)$/ then exit
+ else
+ puts %{response was: #{resp}}
+ puts %{[please type to select: #{selections_available_(:strict)}]}
+ answer?('',:strict)
+ end
+ end
+ def response_short(resp)
+ case resp
+ when /^(?:y|yes)$/ then true
+ when /^(?:n|no)$/ then false
+ when /^(?:[qx]|quit|exit)$/ then exit
+ else
+ puts %{response was: #{resp}}
+ puts %{[please type to select: #{selections_available_(:short)}]}
+ answer?('',:short)
+ end
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def answer?(ask,selections=:strict)
+ resp='redo'
+ print ask + %{PROCEED? [#{selections_available_(selections)}]: }
+ resp=File.new('/dev/tty').gets.strip
+ (selections==:strict) \
+ ? selection_options.response_strict(resp)
+ : selection_options.response_short(resp)
+ end
+ self
+ end
+** utils_composite.rb
+#+HEADER: :tangle "../lib/sisu/utils_composite.rb"
+#+BEGIN_SRC ruby
+module SiSU_Composite_Doc_Utils
+ def inserts_array(loadfilename)
+ IO.readlines(loadfilename,'')
+ end
+ def insert_filename?(para)
+ if para =~ /^<<\s+((?:https?|file):\/\/\S+?\.ss[it])$/ # and NetTest
+ url($1.strip)
+ elsif para =~/^<<\s*(\S+?\.ss[it])$/
+ $1.strip
+ end
+ end
+ def extract_filenames(loadfilename,file_names_arr)
+ file_names_arr << loadfilename
+ ssi_files=[]
+ if loadfilename =~/\S+?\.ss[im]$/
+ inserts_array(loadfilename).each do |para|
+ filen=insert_filename?(para)
+ file_names_arr << filen
+ if filen =~/\S+?\.ssi$/
+ ssi_files << filen
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ssi_files.each do |fn|
+ extract_filenames(fn,file_names_arr)
+ end
+ file_names_arr.flatten.compact.uniq.sort
+ end
+ def composite_and_imported_filenames_array(loadfilename)
+ file_names_arr=[]
+ begin
+ if FileTest.file?(loadfilename)
+ if loadfilename =~/\S+?\.ss[itm]$/
+ if (@opt.act[:verbose][:set]==:on \
+ || @opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \
+ || @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on)
+ SiSU_Screen::Ansi.new(
+ @opt.act[:color_state][:set],
+ 'loading:',
+ loadfilename,
+ ).txt_grey
+ end
+ file_names_arr=extract_filenames(loadfilename,file_names_arr)
+ end
+ end
+ if (@opt.act[:verbose_plus][:set]==:on \
+ || @opt.act[:maintenance][:set]==:on)
+ p file_names_arr ;p file_names_arr.length
+ end
+ file_names_arr
+ rescue
+ SiSU_Errors::Rescued.new($!,$@,@opt.selections.str,@opt.fns).location do
+ __LINE__.to_s + ':' + __FILE__
+ end
+ ensure
+ end
+ end
+** utils_screen_text_color.rb
+#+HEADER: :tangle "../lib/sisu/utils_screen_text_color.rb"
+#+BEGIN_SRC ruby
+module SiSU_Screen
+ class Color
+ attr_accessor :off,:marker,:bold,:underline,:invert,:darkgrey_hi,:grey_hi,:pink_hi,:fuchsia_hi,:red_hi,:orange_hi,:yellow_hi,:brown_hi,:lightgreen_hi,:green_hi,:cyan_hi,:blue_hi,:navy_hi,:white,:white_bold,:grey,:pink,:fuchsia,:ruby,:red,:orange,:yellow,:brown,:green,:darkgreen,:cyan,:blue,:navy,:black
+ def initialize(&block)
+ instance_eval &block
+ end
+ end
+ class Ansi < Color
+ attr_reader :cX
+ def initialize(color_state,*txt)
+ @color_state,@txt=color_state,txt
+ @color_instruct=txt[0]
+ @cX=if color_state==:on
+ Color.new do
+ self.off=self.white=self.white_bold=self.marker=self.bold=self.underline=self.invert=self.darkgrey_hi=self.grey_hi=self.pink_hi=self.fuchsia_hi=self.red_hi=self.orange_hi=self.yellow_hi=self.brown_hi=self.lightgreen_hi=self.green_hi=self.cyan_hi=self.blue_hi=self.navy_hi=self.grey=self.pink=self.fuchsia=self.ruby=self.red=self.orange=self.yellow=self.brown=self.green=self.darkgreen=self.cyan=self.blue=self.navy=self.black=''
+ end
+ else #default set to colors on
+ Color.new do
+ self.off = "\033[0m"
+ self.white = "\033[37m"
+ self.white_bold = "\033[1m"
+ self.marker = "\033[42m"
+ self.bold = "\033[1m"
+ self.underline = "\033[4m"
+ self.invert = "\033[7m"
+ self.darkgrey_hi = "\033[100m"
+ self.grey_hi = "\033[47m"
+ self.pink_hi = "\033[105m"
+ self.fuchsia_hi = "\033[45m"
+ self.red_hi = "\033[41m"
+ self.orange_hi = "\033[101m"
+ self.yellow_hi = "\033[103m"
+ self.brown_hi = "\033[43m"
+ self.lightgreen_hi = "\033[102m"
+ self.green_hi = "\033[42m"
+ self.cyan_hi = "\033[106m"
+ self.blue_hi = "\033[104m"
+ self.navy_hi = "\033[44m"
+ self.grey = "\033[90m"
+ self.pink = "\033[95m"
+ self.fuchsia = "\033[35m"
+ self.ruby = "\033[31m"
+ self.red = "\033[91m" #check
+ self.orange = "\033[91m"
+ self.yellow = "\033[93m"
+ self.brown = "\033[33m"
+ self.green = "\033[92m"
+ self.darkgreen = "\033[32m"
+ self.cyan = "\033[36m"
+ self.blue = "\033[94m"
+ self.navy = "\033[34m"
+ self.black = "\033[30m"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def colors
+ 0.upto(109) {|i| print "\033[#{i}m 33[#{i}m \033[m"}
+ puts ''
+ end
+ def color
+ case @color_instruct
+ when /invert/ then @cX.invert
+ when /darkgrey_hi/ then @cX.darkgrey_hi
+ when /grey_hi/ then @cX.grey_hi
+ when /pink_hi/ then @cX.pink_hi
+ when /fuchsia_hi/ then @cX.fuchsia_hi
+ when /red_hi/ then @cX.red_hi
+ when /orange_hi/ then @cX.orange_hi
+ when /yellow_hi/ then @cX.yellow_hi
+ when /brown_hi/ then @cX.brown_hi
+ when /lightgreen_hi/ then @cX.lightgreen_hi
+ when /green_hi/ then @cX.green_hi
+ when /cyan_hi/ then @cX.cyan_hi
+ when /blue_hi/ then @cX.blue_hi
+ when /navy_hi/ then @cX.navy_hi
+ when /white/ then @cX.white
+ when /grey/ then @cX.grey
+ when /pink/ then @cX.pink
+ when /fuchsia/ then @cX.fuchsia
+ when /ruby/ then @cX.ruby
+ when /red/ then @cX.red
+ when /orange/ then @cX.orange
+ when /yellow/ then @cX.yellow
+ when /brown/ then @cX.brown
+ when /green/ then @cX.green
+ when /darkgreen/ then @cX.darkgreen
+ when /cyan/ then @cX.cyan
+ when /blue/ then @cX.blue
+ when /navy/ then @cX.navy
+ when /close/ then @cX.off
+ when /off/ then @cX.off
+ end
+ end
+ def colorize
+ case @color_instruct
+ when /invert/ then puts "#{@cX.invert}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.blue}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[3]}#{@cX.off}"
+ when /darkgrey_hi/ then puts "#{@cX.darkgrey_hi}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.blue}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[3]}#{@cX.off}"
+ when /grey_hi/ then puts "#{@cX.grey_hi}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.blue}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[3]}#{@cX.off}"
+ when /pink_hi/ then puts "#{@cX.pink_hi}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.blue}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[3]}#{@cX.off}"
+ when /fuchsia_hi/ then puts "#{@cX.fuchsia_hi}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.blue}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[3]}#{@cX.off}"
+ when /red_hi/ then puts "#{@cX.red_hi}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.blue}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[3]}#{@cX.off}"
+ when /orange_hi/ then puts "#{@cX.orange_hi}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.blue}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[3]}#{@cX.off}"
+ when /yellow_hi/ then puts "#{@cX.yellow_hi}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.blue}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[3]}#{@cX.off}"
+ when /brown_hi/ then puts "#{@cX.brown_hi}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.blue}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[3]}#{@cX.off}"
+ when /lightgreen_hi/ then puts "#{@cX.lightgreen_hi}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.blue}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[3]}#{@cX.off}"
+ when /green_hi/ then puts "#{@cX.green_hi}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.blue}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[3]}#{@cX.off}"
+ when /cyan_hi/ then puts "#{@cX.cyan_hi}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.blue}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[3]}#{@cX.off}"
+ when /blue_hi/ then puts "#{@cX.blue_hi}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.blue}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[3]}#{@cX.off}"
+ when /navy_hi/ then puts "#{@cX.navy_hi}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.blue}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[3]}#{@cX.off}"
+ when /bold/ then puts "#{@cX.bold}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off}"
+ when /white/ then puts "#{@cX.off}#{@txt[1]} #{@txt[2]}"
+ when /grey/ then puts "#{@cX.grey}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off}"
+ when /pink/ then puts "#{@cX.pink}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off}"
+ when /fuchsia/ then puts "#{@cX.fuchsia}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off}"
+ when /ruby/ then puts "#{@cX.ruby}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off}"
+ when /red/ then puts "#{@cX.red}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off}"
+ when /orange/ then puts "#{@cX.orange}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off}"
+ when /yellow/ then puts "#{@cX.yellow}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off}"
+ when /brown/ then puts "#{@cX.brown}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off}"
+ when /green/ then puts "#{@cX.green}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off}"
+ when /darkgreen/ then puts "#{@cX.darkgreen}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off}"
+ when /cyan/ then puts "#{@cX.cyan}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off}"
+ when /blue/ then puts "#{@cX.blue}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off}"
+ when /navy/ then puts "#{@cX.navy}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off}"
+ end
+ end
+ def sourcename(sourcefilename)
+ @sourcefilename=sourcefilename
+ end
+ def basename(sourcefilename)
+ @basename=sourcefilename.sub(/\.(?:(?:-|ssm\.)?sst|ssm)$/,'')
+ end
+ def sisu
+ end
+ def rescue
+ STDERR.puts %{\t #{@cX.orange}Rescued#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{yield if block_given?}\n\t An#{@cX.off} #{@cX.fuchsia}ERROR#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}occurred, message:#{@cX.off} #{@cX.fuchsia}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.brown}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off}}
+ end
+ def warn
+ STDERR.puts "\t #{@cX.brown}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}"
+ end
+ def error
+ STDERR.puts "\t #{@cX.fuchsia}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.brown}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}"
+ end
+ def error2
+ STDERR.puts "\t #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.fuchsia}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off}"
+ end
+ def version
+ puts "#{@cX.blue_hi}#{@txt[0]} #{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey} (#{@txt[3]} [#{@txt[2]}])#{@txt[4]} &#{@cX.off} #{@cX.ruby}Ruby#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}(#{@txt[5]})#{@cX.off}\n"
+ end
+ def html3numbers
+ puts %{\t#{@cX.green}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.cyan}files processed#{@cX.off}. } +
+ %{#{@cX.grey}} +
+ %{scroll only: #{@txt[1]}, seg only: #{@txt[2]},} +
+ %{#{@cX.off} } +
+ %{#{@cX.cyan}joint scroll & seg: #{@txt[3]},#{@cX.off}} +
+ %{#{@cX.grey} } +
+ %{nav only: #{@txt[4]}} +
+ %{#{@cX.off}}
+ end
+ def html2numbers
+ puts %{\t#{@cX.green}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.cyan}files processed#{@cX.off}. } +
+ %{#{@cX.grey}} +
+ %{scroll only: #{@txt[1]},} +
+ %{#{@cX.off} } +
+ %{#{@cX.cyan}seg only: #{@txt[2]},#{@cX.off}} +
+ %{#{@cX.grey} } +
+ %{joint scroll & seg: #{@txt[3]}, nav only: #{@n_files_nav}} +
+ %{#{@cX.off}}
+ end
+ def html1numbers
+ puts %{\t#{@cX.green}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.cyan}files processed#{@cX.off}. } +
+ %{#{@cX.cyan}scroll only: #{@txt[1]},#{@cX.off}} +
+ %{#{@cX.grey} } +
+ %{seg only: #{@txt[2]}, } +
+ %{joint scroll & seg: #{@txt[3]}, nav only: #{@n_files_nav}} +
+ %{#{@cX.off}}
+ end
+ def html0_numbers
+ puts %{\t#{@cX.ruby}#{@txt[0]} files processed#{@cX.off}. } +
+ %{#{@cX.grey}} +
+ %{scroll only: #{@txt[1]}, seg only: #{@txt[2]}, joint scroll & seg: #{@txt[3]},} +
+ %{#{@cX.off} } +
+ %{#{@cX.cyan}nav only: #{@txt[4]}#{@cX.off}.}
+ end
+ def grey
+ puts "#{@cX.grey}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.cyan}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}"
+ end
+ def txt_white
+ puts "\t#{@cX.white}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.white}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}"
+ end
+ def txt_grey
+ puts "\t#{@cX.grey}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.cyan}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}"
+ end
+ def txt_cyan
+ puts "\t#{@cX.cyan}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}"
+ end
+ def txt_blue
+ puts "\t#{@cX.blue}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}"
+ end
+ def txt_red
+ puts "\t#{@cX.red}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.cyan}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}"
+ end
+ def txt_green
+ puts "\t#{@cX.green}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}"
+ end
+ def url #clean
+ blue
+ end
+ def result
+ puts "\t#{@cX.grey}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.green}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.blue}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off}"
+ end
+ def maintenance
+ puts "\t#{@cX.grey}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.brown}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off}"
+ end
+ def instruct
+ puts %{\t #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.cyan}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.cyan}#{@txt[3]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[4]}#{@cX.off} "#{@cX.brown}#{@f}#{@cX.off}"}
+ end
+ def grey_open
+ print @cX.grey
+ end
+ def p_off
+ print @cX.off
+ end
+ def p_close
+ print @cX.off
+ end
+ def flow
+ puts %{\t#{@cX.grey}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.ruby}->#{@cX.off}\n\t #{@cX.blue}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}}
+ end
+ def output
+ puts %{\t#{@cX.grey}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.ruby}->#{@cX.off}\n\t #{@cX.blue}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}}
+ end
+ def generic
+ puts %{\t#{@cX.navy}#{@txt[0]} #{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}. }
+ end
+ def files_processed
+ puts %{\t#{@cX.green}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}}
+ end
+ def print_blue
+ print "#{@cX.blue}#{@txt[0]} #{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}"
+ end
+ def puts_blue
+ puts "#{@cX.blue}#{@txt[0]} #{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}"
+ end
+ def print_brown
+ print "#{@cX.brown}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off}"
+ end
+ def blue_tab
+ print "\t#{@cX.blue}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off}\n"
+ end
+ def print_grey
+ print "#{@cX.grey}#{@txt[0]} #{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}"
+ end
+ def puts_grey
+ puts "#{@cX.grey}#{@txt[0]} #{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}"
+ end
+ def puts_brown
+ puts "#{@cX.brown}#{@txt[0]} #{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}"
+ end
+ def grey_tab
+ print "\t#{@cX.grey}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off}\n"
+ end
+ def green_title
+ puts %{#{@cX.green}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}}
+ end
+ def green_title_hi
+ puts %{#{@cX.green_hi}#{@cX.black}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off*2} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}}
+ end
+ def green_hi_blue
+ puts %{#{@cX.green_hi}#{@cX.black}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off*2} #{@cX.blue}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}}
+ end
+ def blue_title_hi
+ puts %{#{@cX.blue_hi}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off*2} #{@cX.blue}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}}
+ end
+ def grey_title_hi
+ puts %{#{@cX.grey_hi}#{@cX.black}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off*2} #{@cX.blue}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}}
+ end
+ def grey_title_grey_blue
+ puts %{#{@cX.grey_hi}#{@cX.black}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off*2} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.blue}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off}}
+ end
+ def dark_grey_title_hi
+ puts %{#{@cX.darkgrey_hi}#{@cX.black}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off*2} #{@cX.blue}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}}
+ end
+ def cyan_title_hi
+ puts %{#{@cX.cyan_hi}#{@cX.black}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off*2} #{@cX.blue}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}}
+ end
+ def cyan_hi_blue
+ puts %{#{@cX.cyan_hi}#{@cX.black}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off*2} #{@cX.blue}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}}
+ end
+ def dbi_title
+ puts %{#{@cX.blue_hi}#{@cX.black}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off*2} #{@cX.cyan}#{@cX.grey}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off*2} #{@cX.green}#{@txt[2]}#{@cX.off}}
+ end
+ def yellow_title_hi
+ puts %{#{@cX.yellow_hi}#{@cX.black}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off*2} #{@cX.blue}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}}
+ end
+ def term_sheet_title
+ puts %{\t#{@cX.green}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.red_hi}#{@cX.black}#{@txt[1]}.#{@cX.off*2} }
+ end
+ def generic_number
+ puts "#{@cX.green}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}"
+ end
+ def tex_numbers
+ puts %{ #{@cX.green}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.cyan}tex/pdf files processed#{@cX.off}.}
+ end
+ def tex_info_numbers
+ puts %{ #{@cX.green}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.cyan}texinfo files processed#{@cX.off}.}
+ end
+ def lout_numbers
+ puts %{ #{@cX.green}#{@n_lout}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.cyan}lout/pdf files processed#{@cX.off}.}
+ end
+ def parameters
+ end
+ def reserved
+ puts %{ #{@cX.grey_hi}#{@cX.black}reserved#{@cX.off*2}}
+ end
+ def meta_verse_title
+ puts %{#{@cX.green_hi}#{@cX.black}MetaVerse#{@cX.off*2} }
+ end
+ def meta_verse_title_v
+ b=sourcename(@txt[0])
+ puts %{#{@cX.green_hi}#{@cX.black}MetaVerse#{@cX.off*2} } +
+ %{#{@cX.grey}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.ruby}->#{@cX.off}\n\t #{@cX.blue}~meta/#{b}.meta#{@cX.off}}
+ end
+ def meta_verse
+ puts "\t#{@cX.grey}MetaVerse#{@cX.off}"
+ end
+ def meta_verse_skipped
+ puts %{\t#{@cX.grey}MetaVerse: MarshalLoad (creation of metaVerse skipped)#{@cX.off}}
+ end
+ def meta_verse_load
+ puts %{\t[ MetaVerse: MarshalLoad ]}
+ end
+ def html_title
+ puts %{#{@cX.green_hi}#{@cX.black}HTML#{@cX.off*2}}
+ end
+ def html_output
+ puts %{\t#{@cX.grey}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.ruby}->#{@cX.off}\n\t #{@cX.blue}#{@txt[1]}#{@cX.off}}
+ end
+ def segmented
+ puts "\t#{@cX.grey}Seg#{@cX.off} #{@cX.green}#{@txt[0]}#{@cX.off} #{@cX.grey}segments#{@cX.off}"
+ end
+ end
+ Color.new do
+ self.off = "\033[0m"
+ self.white = "\033[37m"
+ self.white_bold = "\033[1m"
+ self.marker = "\033[42m"
+ self.bold = "\033[1m"
+ self.underline = "\033[4m"
+ self.invert = "\033[7m"
+ self.darkgrey_hi = "\033[100m"
+ self.grey_hi = "\033[47m"
+ self.pink_hi = "\033[105m"
+ self.fuchsia_hi = "\033[45m"
+ self.red_hi = "\033[41m"
+ self.orange_hi = "\033[101m"
+ self.yellow_hi = "\033[103m"
+ self.brown_hi = "\033[43m"
+ self.lightgreen_hi = "\033[102m"
+ self.green_hi = "\033[42m"
+ self.cyan_hi = "\033[106m"
+ self.blue_hi = "\033[104m"
+ self.navy_hi = "\033[44m"
+ self.grey = "\033[90m"
+ self.pink = "\033[95m"
+ self.fuchsia = "\033[35m"
+ self.ruby = "\033[31m"
+ self.red = "\033[91m" #check
+ self.orange = "\033[91m"
+ self.yellow = "\033[93m"
+ self.brown = "\033[33m"
+ self.green = "\033[92m"
+ self.darkgreen = "\033[32m"
+ self.cyan = "\033[36m"
+ self.blue = "\033[94m"
+ self.navy = "\033[34m"
+ self.black = "\033[30m"
+ end
+# fewer colors
+ Color.new do
+ self.off = "\033[0m"
+ self.white = "\033[0m"
+ self.marker = "\033[42m"
+ self.bold = "\033[1m"
+ self.underline = "\033[4m"
+ self.invert = "\033[7m"
+ self.darkgrey_hi = "\033[100m"
+ self.grey_hi = "\033[47m"
+ self.pink_hi = "\033[105m"
+ self.fuchsia_hi = "\033[45m"
+ self.red_hi = "\033[41m"
+ self.orange_hi = "\033[101m"
+ self.yellow_hi = "\033[103m"
+ self.brown_hi = "\033[43m"
+ self.lightgreen_hi = "\033[102m"
+ self.green_hi = "\033[42m"
+ self.cyan_hi = "\033[106m"
+ self.blue_hi = "\033[104m"
+ self.navy_hi = "\033[44m"
+ self.grey = "\033[90m"
+ self.pink = "\033[95m"
+ self.fuchsia = "\033[35m"
+ self.ruby = "\033[31m"
+ self.red = "\033[31m" #check
+ self.orange = "\033[91m"
+ self.yellow = "\033[33m"
+ self.brown = "\033[33m"
+ self.green = "\033[32m"
+ self.darkgreen = "\033[32m"
+ self.cyan = "\033[36m"
+ self.blue = "\033[34m"
+ self.navy = "\033[34m"
+ self.black = "\033[30m"
+ end
+* document header
+#+NAME: sisu_document_header
+#+BEGIN_SRC text
+encoding: utf-8
+- Name: SiSU
+ - Description: documents, structuring, processing, publishing, search
+ utils
+ - Author: Ralph Amissah
+ <ralph.amissah@gmail.com>
+ - Copyright: (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006,
+ 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019,
+ 2020, 2021, Ralph Amissah,
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ - License: GPL 3 or later:
+ SiSU, a framework for document structuring, publishing and search
+ Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the GPL should be
+ available at these locations:
+ <http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl.html>
+ <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
+ <http://www.sisudoc.org/sisu/en/manifest/gpl.fsf.html>
+ - SiSU uses:
+ - Standard SiSU markup syntax,
+ - Standard SiSU meta-markup syntax, and the
+ - Standard SiSU object citation numbering and system
+ - Homepages:
+ <http://www.sisudoc.org>
+ - Git
+ <https://git.sisudoc.org/projects/>
+ <https://git.sisudoc.org/projects/sisu>
+ <https://git.sisudoc.org/projects/sisu-markup>