path: root/sundry/misc/util/d
diff options
authorRalph Amissah <ralph.amissah@gmail.com>2021-06-27 16:59:44 -0400
committerRalph Amissah <ralph.amissah@gmail.com>2021-08-01 07:46:58 -0400
commit4d5ee2ead874c7a436faa8754eb99215927ea94d (patch)
treec1519c0b8db2302bcf46ffdce04a6580d7a012e5 /sundry/misc/util/d
parentorg-mode code block headers (diff)
dir rename ./sundry (from ./misc)
Diffstat (limited to 'sundry/misc/util/d')
9 files changed, 1995 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sundry/misc/util/d/cgi/search/README b/sundry/misc/util/d/cgi/search/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb8fcde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sundry/misc/util/d/cgi/search/README
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+change db name to match name of db you create
+cv.db_selected = "spine.search.sql.db";
+~dr/bin/spine-ldc -v --sqlite-db-create --sqlite-db-filename="spine.search.db" --cgi-sqlite-search-filename="spine-search" --output=/var/www ~grotto/repo/git.repo/code/project-spine/doc-reform-markup/markup_samples/markup/pod/*
+~dr/bin/spine-ldc -v --sqlite-update --sqlite-db-filename="spine.search.db" --output=/var/www ~grotto/repo/git.repo/code/project-spine/doc-reform-markup/markup_samples/markup/pod/*
+cd util/d/cgi/search/src
+dub --force --compiler=ldc2 && sudo cp -v cgi-bin/spine-search /usr/lib/cgi-bin/.
diff --git a/sundry/misc/util/d/cgi/search/dub.sdl b/sundry/misc/util/d/cgi/search/dub.sdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30b076d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sundry/misc/util/d/cgi/search/dub.sdl
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+name "spine_search"
+description "A minimal D application."
+authors "ralph"
+copyright "Copyright © 2021, ralph"
+license "GPL-3.0+"
+dependency "d2sqlite3" version="~>0.18.3"
+dependency "arsd-official": "7.2.0"
+ subConfiguration "arsd-official:cgi" "cgi"
+targetType "executable"
+targetPath "./cgi-bin"
+mainSourceFile "src/spine_cgi_sqlite_search.d"
+configuration "default" {
+ targetType "executable"
+ targetName "spine-search"
+ postGenerateCommands "notify-send -t 0 'D executable ready' 'spine cgi sqlite search d'"
diff --git a/sundry/misc/util/d/cgi/search/src/spine_cgi_sqlite_search.d b/sundry/misc/util/d/cgi/search/src/spine_cgi_sqlite_search.d
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..987c319
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sundry/misc/util/d/cgi/search/src/spine_cgi_sqlite_search.d
@@ -0,0 +1,963 @@
+- Name: Spine, Doc Reform [a part of]
+ - Description: documents, structuring, processing, publishing, search
+ - static content generator
+ - Author: Ralph Amissah
+ [ralph.amissah@gmail.com]
+ - Copyright: (C) 2015 - 2021 Ralph Amissah, All Rights
+ Reserved.
+ - License: AGPL 3 or later:
+ Spine (SiSU), a framework for document structuring, publishing and
+ search
+ Copyright (C) Ralph Amissah
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU AFERO General Public License as published by the
+ Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+ option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+ more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ this program. If not, see [https://www.gnu.org/licenses/].
+ If you have Internet connection, the latest version of the AGPL should be
+ available at these locations:
+ [https://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl.html]
+ [https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html]
+ - Spine (by Doc Reform, related to SiSU) uses standard:
+ - docReform markup syntax
+ - standard SiSU markup syntax with modified headers and minor modifications
+ - docReform object numbering
+ - standard SiSU object citation numbering & system
+ - Hompages:
+ [https://www.doc_reform.org]
+ [https://www.sisudoc.org]
+ - Git
+ [https://git.sisudoc.org/projects/?p=software/spine.git;a=summary]
+/+ dub.sdl
+ name "spine search"
+ description "spine cgi search"
+import std.format;
+import std.range;
+import std.regex;
+import arsd.cgi;
+import d2sqlite3;
+import std.process : environment;
+void cgi_function_intro(Cgi cgi) {
+ string header;
+ string table;
+ string form;
+ struct Config {
+ string http_request_type;
+ string http_host;
+ // string server_name;
+ string doc_root;
+ string cgi_root;
+ string cgi_script;
+ string data_path_html;
+ string db_path;
+ string query_string;
+ string http_url;
+ string request_method;
+ }
+ auto conf = Config();
+ conf.http_request_type = environment.get("REQUEST_SCHEME", "http");
+ conf.http_host = environment.get("HTTP_HOST", "localhost");
+ // conf.server_name = environment.get("SERVER_NAME", "localhost");
+ conf.doc_root = environment.get("DOCUMENT_ROOT", "/var/www/html");
+ conf.cgi_root = environment.get("CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT", "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/");
+ // conf.cgi_script = environment.get("SCRIPT_NAME", "/cgi-bin/spine-search");
+ conf.query_string = environment.get("QUERY_STRING", "");
+ conf.http_url = environment.get("HTTP_REFERER", conf.http_request_type ~ "://" ~ conf.http_host ~ conf.cgi_script ~ "?" ~ conf.query_string);
+ conf.db_path = "/var/www/html/sqlite/"; // conf.http_host ~ "/sqlite/";
+ conf.request_method = environment.get("REQUEST_METHOD", "POST");
+ struct CGI_val {
+ string db_selected = "";
+ string sql_match_limit = ""; // radio: ( 1000 | 2500 )
+ string sql_match_offset = "";
+ string search_text = "";
+ string results_type = ""; // index
+ bool checked_echo = false;
+ bool checked_stats = false;
+ bool checked_url = false;
+ bool checked_searched = false;
+ bool checked_tip = false;
+ bool checked_sql = false;
+ }
+ auto cv = CGI_val();
+ cv.db_selected = "spine.search.db"; // config, set db name
+ auto text_fields() {
+ string canned_query_str = environment.get("QUERY_STRING", "");
+ if ("query_string" in cgi.post) {
+ canned_query_str = environment.get("QUERY_STRING", "");
+ }
+ string[string] canned_query;
+ if (conf.request_method == "POST") {
+ } else if (conf.request_method == "GET") {
+ foreach (pair_str; canned_query_str.split("&")) {
+ // cgi.write(pair_str ~ "<br>");
+ string[] pair = pair_str.split("=");
+ canned_query[pair[0]] = pair[1];
+ }
+ // foreach (field, content; canned_query) {
+ // cgi.write(field ~ ": " ~ content ~ "<br>");
+ // }
+ }
+ static struct Rgx {
+ // static canned_query = ctRegex!(`\A(?P<matched>.+)\Z`, "m");
+ static search_text_area = ctRegex!(`\A(?P<matched>.+)\Z`, "m");
+ // static fulltext = ctRegex!(`\A(?P<matched>.+)\Z`, "m");
+ static line = ctRegex!(`^(?P<matched>.+?)(?: ~|$)`, "m");
+ static text = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)text:\s+(?P<matched>.+?)(?: ~|$)`, "m");
+ static author = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)author:\s+(?P<matched>.+)$`, "m");
+ static title = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)title:\s+(?P<matched>.+)$`, "m");
+ static uid = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)uid:\s+(?P<matched>.+)$`, "m");
+ static fn = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)fn:\s+(?P<matched>.+)$`, "m");
+ static keywords = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)keywords:\s+(?P<matched>.+)$`, "m");
+ static topic_register = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)topic_register:\s+(?P<matched>.+)$`, "m");
+ static subject = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)subject:\s+(?P<matched>.+)$`, "m");
+ static description = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)description:\s+(?P<matched>.+)$`, "m");
+ static publisher = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)publisher:\s+(?P<matched>.+)$`, "m");
+ static editor = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)editor:\s+(?P<matched>.+)$`, "m");
+ static contributor = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)contributor:\s+(?P<matched>.+)$`, "m");
+ static date = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)date:\s+(?P<matched>.+)$`, "m");
+ static results_type = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)type:\s+(?P<matched>.+)$`, "m");
+ static format = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)format:\s+(?P<matched>.+)$`, "m");
+ static identifier = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)identifier:\s+(?P<matched>.+)$`, "m");
+ static source = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)source:\s+(?P<matched>.+)$`, "m");
+ static language = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)language:\s+(?P<matched>.+)$`, "m");
+ static relation = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)relation:\s+(?P<matched>.+)$`, "m");
+ static coverage = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)coverage:\s+(?P<matched>.+)$`, "m");
+ static rights = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)rights:\s+(?P<matched>.+)$`, "m");
+ static comment = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)comment:\s+(?P<matched>.+)$`, "m");
+ // static abstract_ = ctRegex!(`(?:^|\s~\s*)abstract:\s+(?P<matched>.+)$`, "m");
+ static src_filename_base = ctRegex!(`^src_filename_base:\s+(?P<matched>.+)$`, "m");
+ }
+ struct searchFields {
+ string canned_query = ""; // GET canned_query == cq
+ string search_text_area = ""; // POST search_text_area == tsa
+ string text = ""; // text == txt
+ string author = ""; // author == au
+ string title = ""; // title == ti
+ string uid = ""; // uid == uid
+ string fn = ""; // fn == fn
+ string keywords = ""; // keywords == kw
+ string topic_register = ""; // topic_register == tr
+ string subject = ""; // subject == su
+ string description = ""; // description == de
+ string publisher = ""; // publisher == pb
+ string editor = ""; // editor == ed
+ string contributor = ""; // contributor == ct
+ string date = ""; // date == dt
+ string format = ""; // format == fmt
+ string identifier = ""; // identifier == id
+ string source = ""; // source == src sfn
+ string language = ""; // language == lng
+ string relation = ""; // relation == rl
+ string coverage = ""; // coverage == cv
+ string rights = ""; // rights == rgt
+ string comment = ""; // comment == cmt
+ // string abstract = "";
+ string src_filename_base = ""; // src_filename_base == bfn
+ string results_type = ""; // results_type == rt radio
+ string sql_match_limit = ""; // sql_match_limit == sml radio
+ string sql_match_offset = ""; // sql_match_offset == smo
+ string stats = ""; // stats == sts checked
+ string echo = ""; // echo == ec checked
+ string url = ""; // url == url checked
+ string searched = ""; // searched == se checked
+ string sql = ""; // sql == sql checked
+ }
+ auto rgx = Rgx();
+ auto got = searchFields();
+ if (environment.get("REQUEST_METHOD", "POST") == "POST") {
+ if ("sf" in cgi.post) {
+ got.search_text_area = cgi.post["sf"];
+ if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.text)) {
+ got.text = m["matched"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "sf=" ~ m["matched"];
+ } else if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.line)) {
+ if (
+ !(m["matched"].matchFirst(rgx.author))
+ && !(m["matched"].matchFirst(rgx.title))
+ ) {
+ got.text = m["matched"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "sf=" ~ m["matched"];
+ }
+ }
+ if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.author)) {
+ got.author = m["matched"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&au=" ~ m["matched"];
+ }
+ if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.title)) {
+ got.title = m["matched"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&ti=" ~ m["matched"];
+ }
+ if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.uid)) {
+ got.uid = m["matched"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&uid=" ~ m["matched"];
+ }
+ if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.fn)) {
+ got.fn = m["matched"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&fn=" ~ m["matched"];
+ }
+ if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.keywords)) {
+ got.keywords = m["matched"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&kw=" ~ m["matched"];
+ }
+ if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.topic_register)) {
+ got.topic_register = m["matched"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&tr=" ~ m["matched"];
+ }
+ if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.subject)) {
+ got.subject = m["matched"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&su=" ~ m["matched"];
+ }
+ if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.description)) {
+ got.description = m["matched"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&de=" ~ m["matched"];
+ }
+ if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.publisher)) {
+ got.publisher = m["matched"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&pb=" ~ m["matched"];
+ }
+ if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.editor)) {
+ got.editor = m["matched"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&ed=" ~ m["matched"];
+ }
+ if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.contributor)) {
+ got.contributor = m["matched"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&ct=" ~ m["matched"];
+ }
+ if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.date)) {
+ got.date = m["matched"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&dt=" ~ m["matched"];
+ }
+ // if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.results_type)) {
+ // got.results_type = m["matched"];
+ // got.canned_query ~= "&rt=" ~ m["matched"];
+ // }
+ if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.format)) {
+ got.format = m["matched"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&fmt=" ~ m["matched"];
+ }
+ if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.identifier)) {
+ got.identifier = m["matched"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&id=" ~ m["matched"];
+ }
+ if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.source)) {
+ got.source = m["matched"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&src=" ~ m["matched"];
+ }
+ if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.language)) {
+ got.language = m["matched"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&lng=" ~ m["matched"];
+ }
+ if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.relation)) {
+ got.relation = m["matched"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&rl=" ~ m["matched"];
+ }
+ if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.coverage)) {
+ got.coverage = m["matched"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&cv=" ~ m["matched"];
+ }
+ if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.rights)) {
+ got.rights = m["matched"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&rgt=" ~ m["matched"];
+ }
+ if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.comment)) {
+ got.comment = m["matched"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&cmt=" ~ m["matched"];
+ }
+ // if (auto m = search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.abstract)) {
+ // got.abstract = m["matched"];
+ // }
+ if (auto m = got.search_text_area.matchFirst(rgx.src_filename_base)) {
+ got.src_filename_base = m["matched"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&bfn=" ~ m["matched"];
+ }
+ }
+ if ("fn" in cgi.post) {
+ got.fn = cgi.post["fn"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&fn=" ~ cgi.post["fn"];
+ }
+ if ("rt" in cgi.post) {
+ got.results_type = cgi.post["rt"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&rt=" ~ cgi.post["rt"];
+ }
+ if ("sts" in cgi.post) {
+ got.stats = cgi.post["sts"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&sts=" ~ cgi.post["sts"];
+ }
+ if ("ec" in cgi.post) {
+ got.echo = cgi.post["ec"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&ec=" ~ cgi.post["ec"];
+ }
+ if ("url" in cgi.post) {
+ got.url = cgi.post["url"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&url=" ~ cgi.post["url"];
+ }
+ if ("se" in cgi.post) {
+ got.searched = cgi.post["se"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&se=" ~ cgi.post["se"];
+ }
+ if ("sql" in cgi.post) {
+ got.sql = cgi.post["sql"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&sql=" ~ cgi.post["sql"];
+ }
+ if ("sml" in cgi.post) {
+ got.sql_match_limit = cgi.post["sml"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&sml=" ~ cgi.post["sml"];
+ }
+ if ("smo" in cgi.post) {
+ got.sql_match_offset = "0"; // cgi.post["smo"];
+ got.canned_query ~= "&smo=0"; // ~ cgi.post["smo"];
+ }
+ got.canned_query = got.canned_query.strip.split(" ").join("%20");
+ conf.query_string = got.canned_query;
+ // cgi.write("f.canned_query: " ~ got.canned_query ~ "<br>");
+ } else if (environment.get("REQUEST_METHOD", "POST") == "GET") {
+ got.canned_query = environment.get("QUERY_STRING", "");
+ // cgi.write("f.canned_query: " ~ got.canned_query ~ "<br>");
+ got.search_text_area = "";
+ if ("sf" in canned_query && !(canned_query["sf"]).empty) {
+ got.text = canned_query["sf"].split("%20").join(" ");
+ got.search_text_area ~= "text: " ~ got.text ~ "\n";
+ }
+ if ("au" in canned_query && !(canned_query["au"]).empty) {
+ got.author = canned_query["au"].split("%20").join(" ");
+ got.search_text_area ~= "author: " ~ got.author ~ "\n";
+ }
+ if ("ti" in canned_query && !(canned_query["ti"]).empty) {
+ got.title = canned_query["ti"].split("%20").join(" ");
+ got.search_text_area ~= "title: " ~ got.title ~ "\n";
+ }
+ if ("uid" in canned_query && !(canned_query["uid"]).empty) {
+ got.uid = canned_query["uid"].split("%20").join(" ");
+ got.search_text_area ~= "uid: " ~ got.uid ~ "\n";
+ }
+ if ("fn" in canned_query && !(canned_query["fn"]).empty) {
+ got.fn = canned_query["fn"].split("%20").join(" ");
+ got.search_text_area ~= "fn: " ~ got.fn ~ "\n";
+ }
+ if ("kw" in canned_query && !(canned_query["kw"]).empty) {
+ got.keywords = canned_query["kw"].split("%20").join(" ");
+ got.search_text_area ~= "keywords: " ~ got.keywords ~ "\n";
+ }
+ if ("tr" in canned_query && !(canned_query["tr"]).empty) {
+ got.topic_register = canned_query["tr"].split("%20").join(" ");
+ got.search_text_area ~= "topic_register: " ~ got.topic_register ~ "\n";
+ }
+ if ("su" in canned_query && !(canned_query["su"]).empty) {
+ got.subject = canned_query["su"].split("%20").join(" ");
+ got.search_text_area ~= "subject: " ~ got.subject ~ "\n";
+ }
+ if ("de" in canned_query && !(canned_query["de"]).empty) {
+ got.description = canned_query["de"].split("%20").join(" ");
+ got.search_text_area ~= "description: " ~ got.description ~ "\n";
+ }
+ if ("pb" in canned_query && !(canned_query["pb"]).empty) {
+ got.publisher = canned_query["pb"].split("%20").join(" ");
+ got.search_text_area ~= "publisher: " ~ got.publisher ~ "\n";
+ }
+ if ("ed" in canned_query && !(canned_query["ed"]).empty) {
+ got.editor = canned_query["ed"].split("%20").join(" ");
+ got.search_text_area ~= "editor: " ~ got.editor ~ "\n";
+ }
+ if ("ct" in canned_query && !(canned_query["ct"]).empty) {
+ got.contributor = canned_query["ct"].split("%20").join(" ");
+ got.search_text_area ~= "contributor: " ~ got.contributor ~ "\n";
+ }
+ if ("dt" in canned_query && !(canned_query["dt"]).empty) {
+ got.date = canned_query["dt"].split("%20").join(" ");
+ got.search_text_area ~= "date: " ~ got.date ~ "\n";
+ }
+ if ("rt" in canned_query && !(canned_query["rt"]).empty) {
+ got.results_type = canned_query["rt"].split("%20").join(" ");
+ // got.search_text_area ~= "results_type: " ~ got.results_type ~ "\n";
+ }
+ if ("fmt" in canned_query && !(canned_query["fmt"]).empty) {
+ got.format = canned_query["fmt"].split("%20").join(" ");
+ got.search_text_area ~= "format: " ~ got.format ~ "\n";
+ }
+ if ("id" in canned_query && !(canned_query["id"]).empty) {
+ got.identifier = canned_query["id"].split("%20").join(" ");
+ got.search_text_area ~= "identifier: " ~ got.identifier ~ "\n";
+ }
+ if ("src" in canned_query && !(canned_query["src"]).empty) {
+ got.source = canned_query["src"].split("%20").join(" ");
+ got.search_text_area ~= "source: " ~ got.source ~ "\n";
+ }
+ if ("lng" in canned_query && !(canned_query["lng"]).empty) {
+ got.language = canned_query["lng"].split("%20").join(" ");
+ got.search_text_area ~= "language: " ~ got.language ~ "\n";
+ }
+ if ("rl" in canned_query && !(canned_query["rl"]).empty) {
+ got.relation = canned_query["rl"].split("%20").join(" ");
+ got.search_text_area ~= "relation: " ~ got.relation ~ "\n";
+ }
+ if ("cv" in canned_query && !(canned_query["cv"]).empty) {
+ got.coverage = canned_query["cv"].split("%20").join(" ");
+ got.search_text_area ~= "coverage: " ~ got.coverage ~ "\n";
+ }
+ if ("rgt" in canned_query && !(canned_query["rgt"]).empty) {
+ got.rights = canned_query["rgt"].split("%20").join(" ");
+ got.search_text_area ~= "rights: " ~ got.rights ~ "\n";
+ }
+ if ("cmt" in canned_query && !(canned_query["cmt"]).empty) {
+ got.comment = canned_query["cmt"].split("%20").join(" ");
+ got.search_text_area ~= "comment: " ~ got.comment ~ "\n";
+ }
+ // if ("abstract" in canned_query && !(canned_query["abstract"]).empty) {
+ // got.abstract = canned_query["abstract"];
+ // }
+ if ("bfn" in canned_query && !(canned_query["bfn"]).empty) { // search_field
+ got.src_filename_base = canned_query["bfn"].split("%20").join(" ");
+ got.search_text_area ~= "src_filename_base: " ~ got.src_filename_base ~ "\n";
+ }
+ if ("sml" in canned_query && !(canned_query["sml"]).empty) {
+ got.sql_match_limit = canned_query["sml"].split("%20").join(" ");
+ // got.search_text_area ~= "sql_match_limit: " ~ got.sql_match_limit ~ "\n";
+ }
+ // cgi.write("f.search_text_area: " ~ got.search_text_area ~ "<br>");
+ }
+ return got;
+ }
+ auto tf = text_fields; //
+ struct SQL_select {
+ string the_body = "";
+ string the_range = "";
+ }
+ auto sql_select = SQL_select();
+ string base ; // = "";
+ string tip ; // = "";
+ string search_note ; // = "";
+ uint sql_match_offset_count = 0;
+ string previous_next () {
+ static struct Rgx {
+ static track_offset = ctRegex!(`(?P<offset_key>[&]smo=)(?P<offset_val>[0-9]+)`, "m");
+ }
+ auto rgx = Rgx();
+ string _previous_next = "";
+ int _current_offset_value = 0;
+ string _set_offset_next = "";
+ string _set_offset_previous = "";
+ string _url = "";
+ string _url_previous = "";
+ string _url_next = "";
+ string arrow_previous = "";
+ string arrow_next = "";
+ if (environment.get("REQUEST_METHOD", "POST") == "POST") {
+ _url = conf.http_request_type ~ "://" ~ conf.http_host ~ conf.cgi_script ~ "?" ~ tf.canned_query;
+ } else if (environment.get("REQUEST_METHOD", "POST") == "GET") {
+ _url = conf.http_request_type ~ "://" ~ conf.http_host ~ conf.cgi_script ~ "?" ~ environment.get("QUERY_STRING", "");
+ }
+ if (auto m = _url.matchFirst(rgx.track_offset)) {
+ _current_offset_value = m.captures["offset_val"].to!int;
+ _set_offset_next = m.captures["offset_key"] ~ ((m.captures["offset_val"]).to!int + cv.sql_match_limit.to!int).to!string;
+ _url_next = _url.replace(rgx.track_offset, _set_offset_next);
+ if (_current_offset_value < cv.sql_match_limit.to!int) {
+ _url_previous = "";
+ } else {
+ _url_previous = "";
+ _set_offset_previous = m.captures["offset_key"] ~ ((m.captures["offset_val"]).to!int - cv.sql_match_limit.to!int).to!string;
+ _url_previous = _url.replace(rgx.track_offset, _set_offset_previous);
+ }
+ } else {// _current_offset_value = 0;
+ _url_next = _url ~= "&smo=" ~ cv.sql_match_limit.to!string;
+ }
+ if (_url_previous.empty) {
+ arrow_previous = "";
+ } else {
+ arrow_previous =
+ "<font size=\"2\" color=\"#666666\">"
+ ~ "<a href=\""
+ ~ _url_previous
+ ~ "\">"
+ ~ "&lt;&lt prev"
+ ~ "</a> || </font>";
+ }
+ arrow_next =
+ "<font size=\"2\" color=\"#666666\">"
+ ~ "<a href=\""
+ ~ _url_next
+ ~ "\">"
+ ~ "next &gt;&gt"
+ ~ "</a></font>";
+ _previous_next = "<hr>" ~ arrow_previous ~ arrow_next;
+ return _previous_next;
+ }
+ {
+ header = format(q"┃
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
+ <title>
+ SiSU spine search form (sample)
+ </title>
+ <meta name="sourcefile" content="SiSU.sst" />
+ <link rel="generator" href="sisudoc.org" />
+ <link rel="shortcut icon" href="https://%s/image_sys/spine.ico" />
+ <style media = "all">
+ *{
+ padding : 0px;
+ margin : 2px;
+ }
+ body {
+ height : 100vh;
+ background-color : #FFFFFF;
+ }
+ body {
+ color : #000000;
+ background : #FFFFFF;
+ background-color : #FFFFFF;
+ }
+ a:link {
+ color : #003399;
+ text-decoration : none;
+ }
+ a:visited {
+ color : #003399;
+ text-decoration : none;
+ }
+ a:hover {
+ color : #000000;
+ background-color : #F9F9AA;
+ }
+ a.lnkocn:link {
+ color : #777777;
+ text-decoration : none;
+ }
+ a.lnkocn:visited {
+ color : #32CD32;
+ text-decoration : none;
+ }
+ a.lnkocn:hover {
+ color : #777777;
+ font-size : 15px;
+ }
+ a:hover img {
+ background-color : #FFFFFF;
+ }
+ a:active {
+ color : #003399;
+ text-decoration : underline;
+ }
+ hr {
+ width : 100%%;
+ margin-left : 0%%;
+ margin-right : 0em;
+ margin-top : 0.5em;
+ margin-bottom : 0.5em;
+ }
+<body lang="en" xml:lang="en">
+ conf.http_host,
+ );
+ }
+ {
+ table = format(q"┃
+ <table summary="band" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+ <tr><td width="20%%">
+ <table summary="home button / home information" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+ <tr><td align="left">
+ <br /><a href="https://sisudoc.org/" target="_top">
+ <b>SiSU</b>
+ </a>
+ <br /><a href="https://git.sisudoc.org/" target="_top">
+ git
+ </a>
+ </td></tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <label for="find"><b>SiSU spine (generated) search form</b></label>
+ </td></tr>
+ </table>
+ ┃");
+ }
+ {
+ string post_value(string field_name, string type="box", string set="on") {
+ string val = "";
+ switch (type) {
+ case "field":
+ val = ((field_name in cgi.post && !(cgi.post[field_name]).empty)
+ ? cgi.post[field_name]
+ : (field_name in cgi.get)
+ ? cgi.get[field_name]
+ : "");
+ val = tf.search_text_area;
+ break;
+ case "box": // generic for checkbox or radio; checkbox set == "on" radio set == "name set"
+ val = ((field_name in cgi.post && !(cgi.post[field_name]).empty)
+ ? (cgi.post[field_name] == set ? "checked" : "off")
+ : (field_name in cgi.get)
+ ? (cgi.get[field_name] == set ? "checked" : "off")
+ : "off");
+ break;
+ case "radio": // used generic bo
+ val = ((field_name in cgi.post && !(cgi.post[field_name]).empty)
+ ? (cgi.post[field_name] == set ? "checked" : "off")
+ : (field_name in cgi.get)
+ ? (cgi.get[field_name] == set ? "checked" : "off")
+ : "checked");
+ break;
+ case "checkbox": // used generic bo
+ val = ((field_name in cgi.post && !(cgi.post[field_name]).empty)
+ ? (cgi.post[field_name] == set ? "checked" : "off")
+ : (field_name in cgi.get)
+ ? (cgi.get[field_name] == set ? "checked" : "off")
+ : "checked");
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ return val;
+ }
+ string the_can(string fv) {
+ string show_the_can = post_value("url");
+ string _the_can = "";
+ if (show_the_can == "checked") {
+ tf = text_fields;
+ string method_get_url = conf.http_request_type ~ "://" ~ conf.http_host ~ conf.cgi_script ~ "?" ~ environment.get("QUERY_STRING", "");
+ string method_post_url_construct = conf.http_request_type ~ "://" ~ conf.http_host ~ conf.cgi_script ~ "?" ~ tf.canned_query;
+ // assert(method_get_url == environment.get("HTTP_REFERER", conf.http_request_type ~ "://" ~ conf.http_host ~ conf.cgi_script ~ "?" ~ conf.query_string));
+ if (conf.request_method == "POST") {
+ _the_can =
+ "<font size=\"2\" color=\"#666666\">"
+ ~ "POST:&nbsp;"
+ ~ "<a href=\""
+ ~ method_post_url_construct
+ ~ "\">"
+ ~ method_post_url_construct
+ ~ "</a></font>"
+ ~ "<br>";
+ } else if (conf.request_method == "GET") {
+ _the_can =
+ "<font size=\"2\" color=\"#666666\">"
+ ~ "GET:&nbsp;&nbsp;"
+ ~ "<a href=\""
+ ~ method_get_url
+ ~ "\">"
+ ~ method_get_url
+ ~ "</a></font>";
+ }
+ conf.http_url = conf.http_request_type ~ "://" ~ conf.http_host ~ conf.cgi_script ~ tf.canned_query;
+ }
+ return _the_can;
+ }
+ string provide_tip() {
+ string searched_tip = post_value("se");
+ string tip = "";
+ if (searched_tip == "checked") {
+ string search_field = post_value("sf", "field");
+ tf = text_fields;
+ tip = format(q"┃
+<font size="2" color="#666666">
+<b>database:</b> <font size="2" color="#004000">%s</font>; <b>selected view:</b> <font size="2" color="#004000">index</font>
+<b>search string:</b> %s %s %s %s %s %s<br />
+%s %s %s %s %s %s
+ cv.db_selected,
+ (tf.text.empty ? "" : "\"text: <font size=\"2\" color=\"#004000\">" ~ tf.text ~ "</font>; "),
+ (tf.title.empty ? "" : "\"title: <font size=\"2\" color=\"#004000\">" ~ tf.title ~ "</font>; "),
+ (tf.author.empty ? "" : "\"author: <font size=\"2\" color=\"#004000\">" ~ tf.author ~ "</font>; "),
+ (tf.date.empty ? "" : "\"date <font size=\"2\" color=\"#004000\">" ~ tf.date ~ "</font>; "),
+ (tf.uid.empty ? "" : "\"uid: <font size=\"2\" color=\"#004000\">" ~ tf.uid ~ "</font>; "),
+ (tf.fn.empty ? "" : "\"fn: <font size=\"2\" color=\"#004000\">" ~ tf.fn ~ "</font>; "),
+ (tf.text.empty ? "" : "text: <font size=\"2\" color=\"#004000\">" ~ tf.text ~ "</font><br />"),
+ (tf.title.empty ? "" : "title: <font size=\"2\" color=\"#004000\">" ~ tf.title ~ "</font><br />"),
+ (tf.author.empty ? "" : "author: <font size=\"2\" color=\"#004000\">" ~ tf.author ~ "</font><br />"),
+ (tf.date.empty ? "" : "date: <font size=\"2\" color=\"#004000\">" ~ tf.date ~ "</font><br />"),
+ (tf.uid.empty ? "" : "\"uid: <font size=\"2\" color=\"#004000\">" ~ tf.uid ~ "</font>; "),
+ (tf.fn.empty ? "" : "\"fn: <font size=\"2\" color=\"#004000\">" ~ tf.fn ~ "</font>; "),
+ );
+ }
+ return tip;
+ }
+ form = format(q"┃
+<form action="%s" id="SubmitForm" method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8">
+ <table cellpadding="2">
+ <tr><td valign=\"top\">
+ <textarea id="find" name="sf" type="text" rows="6" cols="40" maxlength="256" wrap="virtual">%s</textarea>
+ </td>
+ <td valign=\"top\">
+ %s
+ %s
+ %s
+ </td></tr></table>
+ <td valign=\"top\"><tr><td>
+ <font size="2" color="#222222">
+ <b>to search:</b> select which database to search (drop-down menu below); enter your search query (in the form above); and <b>click on the search button</b> (below)
+ <br />
+ <select name="db" size="1">
+ %s
+ <option value="%s">spine</option>
+ </select>
+ <input type="submit" value="SiSU search" />
+ <input type="radio" name="rt" id="results_type_index" value="idx" %s> index
+ <input type="radio" name="rt" id="results_type_text" value="txt" %s> text / grep;
+ match limit:
+ <input type="radio" name="sml" id="sql_match_limit_1000" value="1000" %s> 1,000
+ <input type="radio" name="sml" id="sql_match_limit_2500" value="2500" %s> 2,500
+ <br />
+ <input type="checkbox" name="ec" %s> echo query
+ <input type="checkbox" name="sts" %s> result stats
+ <input type="checkbox" name="url" %s> search url
+ <input type="checkbox" name="se" %s> searched
+ <input type="checkbox" name="tip" %s> available fields
+ <input type="checkbox" name="sql" %s> sql statement
+ <input type="hidden" name="smo" value="0">
+ <br />
+ </font>
+ </td></tr>
+ </table>
+ "spine-search",
+ (post_value("ec") == "checked") ? post_value("sf", "field") : "",
+ provide_tip,
+ search_note,
+ the_can(post_value("sf", "field")),
+ cv.db_selected,
+ cv.db_selected,
+ post_value("rt", "box", "idx"),
+ post_value("rt", "box", "txt"),
+ post_value("sml", "box", "1000"),
+ post_value("sml", "box", "2500"),
+ post_value("ec"),
+ post_value("sts"),
+ post_value("url"),
+ post_value("se"),
+ post_value("tip"),
+ post_value("sql"),
+ );
+ {
+ string set_value(string field_name, string default_val) {
+ string val;
+ if (field_name in cgi.post) {
+ val = cgi.post[field_name];
+ } else if (field_name in cgi.get) {
+ val = cgi.get[field_name];
+ } else { val = default_val; }
+ return val;
+ }
+ bool set_bool(string field_name) {
+ bool val;
+ if (field_name in cgi.post
+ && cgi.post[field_name] == "on") {
+ val = true;
+ } else if (field_name in cgi.get
+ && cgi.get[field_name] == "on") {
+ val = true;
+ } else { val = false; }
+ return val;
+ }
+ cv.db_selected = set_value("selected_db", "spine.search.db"); // selected_db == db
+ cv.sql_match_limit = set_value("sml", "1000");
+ cv.sql_match_offset = set_value("smo", "0");
+ cv.search_text = set_value("sf", "test"); // remove test
+ cv.results_type = set_value("rt", "idx");
+ cv.checked_echo = set_bool("ec");
+ cv.checked_stats = set_bool("sts");
+ cv.checked_url = set_bool("url");
+ cv.checked_searched = set_bool("se");
+ cv.checked_tip = set_bool("tip");
+ cv.checked_sql = set_bool("sql");
+ tf = text_fields;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ cgi.write(header);
+ cgi.write(table);
+ cgi.write(form);
+ // cgi.write(previous_next);
+ { // debug environment
+ // foreach (k, d; environment.toAA) {
+ // cgi.write(k ~ ": " ~ d ~ "<br>");
+ // }
+ }
+ { // debug cgi info
+ // cgi.write("db_selected: " ~ cv.db_selected ~ "<br>\n");
+ // cgi.write("search_text: " ~ cv.search_text ~ "<br>\n");
+ // cgi.write("sql_match_limit: " ~ cv.sql_match_limit ~ ";\n");
+ // cgi.write("sql_match_offset: " ~ cv.sql_match_offset ~ ";\n");
+ // cgi.write("results_type: " ~ cv.results_type ~ "<br>\n");
+ // cgi.write("cv.checked_echo: " ~ (cv.checked_echo ? "checked" : "off") ~ "; \n");
+ // cgi.write("cv.checked_stats: " ~ (cv.checked_stats ? "checked" : "off") ~ "; \n");
+ // cgi.write("cv.checked_url: " ~ (cv.checked_url ? "checked" : "off") ~ "; \n");
+ // cgi.write("cv.checked_searched: " ~ (cv.checked_searched ? "checked" : "off") ~ ";<br>\n");
+ // cgi.write("cv.checked_tip: " ~ (cv.checked_tip ? "checked" : "off") ~ "; \n");
+ // cgi.write("cv.checked_sql: " ~ (cv.checked_sql ? "checked" : "off") ~ "<br>\n");
+ }
+ }
+ auto db = Database(conf.db_path ~ cv.db_selected);
+ {
+ uint sql_match_offset_counter(T)(T cv) {
+ sql_match_offset_count += cv.sql_match_limit.to!uint;
+ return sql_match_offset_count;
+ }
+ void sql_search_query() {
+ string select_field_like(string db_field, string search_field) {
+ string where_ = "";
+ if (!(search_field.empty)) {
+ string _sf = search_field.strip.split("%20").join(" ");
+ if (_sf.match(r" OR ")) {
+ _sf = _sf.split(" OR ").join("%' OR " ~ db_field ~ " LIKE '%");
+ }
+ if (_sf.match(r" AND ")) {
+ _sf = _sf.split(" AND ").join("%' AND " ~ db_field ~ " LIKE '%");
+ }
+ _sf = "( " ~ db_field ~ " LIKE\n '%" ~ _sf ~ "%' )";
+ where_ ~= format(q"┃
+ %s
+ _sf
+ );
+ }
+ return where_;
+ }
+ string[] _fields;
+ _fields ~= select_field_like("doc_objects.clean", tf.text);
+ _fields ~= select_field_like("metadata_and_text.title", tf.title);
+ _fields ~= select_field_like("metadata_and_text.creator_author", tf.author);
+ _fields ~= select_field_like("metadata_and_text.uid", tf.uid);
+ _fields ~= select_field_like("metadata_and_text.src_filename_base", tf.fn);
+ _fields ~= select_field_like("metadata_and_text.src_filename_base", tf.src_filename_base);
+ _fields ~= select_field_like("metadata_and_text.language_document_char", tf.language);
+ _fields ~= select_field_like("metadata_and_text.date_published", tf.date);
+ _fields ~= select_field_like("metadata_and_text.classify_keywords", tf.keywords);
+ _fields ~= select_field_like("metadata_and_text.classify_topic_register", tf.topic_register);
+ string[] fields;
+ foreach (f; _fields) {
+ if (!(f.empty)) { fields ~= f; }
+ }
+ string fields_str = "";
+ fields_str ~= fields.join(" AND ");
+ sql_select.the_body ~= format(q"┃
+ metadata_and_text.uid,
+ metadata_and_text.title,
+ metadata_and_text.creator_author_last_first,
+ metadata_and_text.creator_author,
+ metadata_and_text.src_filename_base,
+ metadata_and_text.language_document_char,
+ metadata_and_text.date_published,
+ metadata_and_text.classify_keywords,
+ metadata_and_text.classify_topic_register,
+ doc_objects.body,
+ doc_objects.seg_name,
+ doc_objects.ocn,
+ metadata_and_text.uid
+ doc_objects,
+ metadata_and_text
+ %s
+ )
+ doc_objects.uid_metadata_and_text = metadata_and_text.uid
+ metadata_and_text.creator_author_last_first,
+ metadata_and_text.date_published DESC,
+ metadata_and_text.title,
+ metadata_and_text.language_document_char,
+ metadata_and_text.src_filename_base,
+ doc_objects.ocn
+ fields_str,
+ cv.sql_match_limit,
+ cv.sql_match_offset,
+ );
+ (cv.checked_sql)
+ ? cgi.write(previous_next ~ "<hr><font size=\"2\" color=\"#666666\">" ~ sql_select.the_body.split("\n ").join(" ").split("\n").join("<br>") ~ "</font>\n")
+ : "";
+ cgi.write(previous_next);
+ auto select_query_results = db.execute(sql_select.the_body).cached;
+ string _old_uid = "";
+ if (!select_query_results.empty) {
+ foreach (row; select_query_results) {
+ if (row["uid"].as!string != _old_uid) {
+ _old_uid = row["uid"].as!string;
+ auto m = (row["date_published"].as!string).match(regex(r"^([0-9]{4})")); // breaks if row missing or no match?
+ cgi.write(
+ "<hr><a href=\""
+ ~ "https://" ~ conf.http_host ~ "/"
+ ~ row["language_document_char"].as!string ~ "/html/"
+ ~ row["src_filename_base"].as!string ~ "/"
+ ~ "toc.html"
+ ~ "\">\""
+ ~ row["title"].as!string ~ "\""
+ ~ "</a> ("
+ ~ m.hit
+ ~ ") "
+ ~ "["
+ ~ row["language_document_char"].as!string
+ ~ "] "
+ ~ row["creator_author_last_first"].as!string
+ ~ ":<br>\n"
+ );
+ }
+ if (cv.results_type == "txt") {
+ cgi.write(
+ "<hr><a href=\""
+ ~ "https://" ~ conf.http_host ~ "/"
+ ~ row["language_document_char"].as!string ~ "/html/"
+ ~ row["src_filename_base"].as!string ~ "/"
+ ~ row["seg_name"].as!string ~ ".html#" ~ row["ocn"].as!string
+ ~ "\">"
+ ~ row["ocn"].as!string
+ ~ "</a>"
+ ~ "<br>"
+ ~ row["body"].as!string
+ );
+ } else {
+ cgi.write(
+ "<a href=\""
+ ~ "https://" ~ conf.http_host ~ "/"
+ ~ row["language_document_char"].as!string ~ "/html/"
+ ~ row["src_filename_base"].as!string ~ "/"
+ ~ row["seg_name"].as!string ~ ".html#" ~ row["ocn"].as!string
+ ~ "\">"
+ ~ row["ocn"].as!string
+ ~ "</a>, "
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ cgi.write( previous_next);
+ } else { // offset_not_beyond_limit = false;
+ cgi.write("select_query_results empty<p>\n");
+ }
+ }
+ sql_search_query;
+ }
+ {
+ db.close;
+ }
+ {
+ string tail = format(q"┃
+ cgi.write(tail);
+ }
+mixin GenericMain!cgi_function_intro;
diff --git a/sundry/misc/util/d/tools/markup_conversion/README b/sundry/misc/util/d/tools/markup_conversion/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b13789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sundry/misc/util/d/tools/markup_conversion/README
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/sundry/misc/util/d/tools/markup_conversion/endnotes_inline_from_binary.d b/sundry/misc/util/d/tools/markup_conversion/endnotes_inline_from_binary.d
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b084052
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sundry/misc/util/d/tools/markup_conversion/endnotes_inline_from_binary.d
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env rdmd
+ - read in file .sst .ssi .ssm
+ - loop twice
+ - first
+ - check for and skip code blocks
+ - use unique code marker for endnote markers in text and give an endnote
+ number ★1, increment
+ - extract all endnotes in array
+ - second
+ - check that the footnote marker number count matches the number of notes
+ in the array
+ - if they match either:
+ - substitute each endnote marker with the array footnote[number-1]
+ - substitute each endnote marker with footnote
+ as inlined footnote markup (footnote number not needed)
+ - if they do not match exit
+ - check whether changes have been made
+ - if so write file with inline footnotes in sub-directory converted_output_/
+ using the same name as the original file
+ - else, exit
+import std.stdio;
+import std.file;
+import std.array : split;
+import std.exception;
+import core.stdc.errno;
+import std.regex;
+import std.format;
+import std.conv;
+void main(string[] args) {
+ static comment = ctRegex!(`^%+ `);
+ static block_tic_code_open = ctRegex!("^`{3} code(?:[.](?P<syntax>[a-z][0-9a-z#+_]+))?(?:[(](?P<attrib>[ a-zA-Z0-9;:,]*)[)])?");
+ static block_tic_close = ctRegex!("^(`{3})$","m");
+ static block_curly_code_open = ctRegex!(`^(?:code(?:[.](?P<syntax>[a-z][0-9a-z_]+))?(?:[(](?P<attrib>[ a-zA-Z0-9;:,]*)[)])?[{][ ]*$)`);
+ static block_curly_code_close = ctRegex!(`^([}]code)`);
+ auto rgx_endnote_ref = ctRegex!(`([~]\^)(?P<tail>[)\]]? |$)`, "gm");
+ auto rgx_endnote = ctRegex!(`^\^~\s+(.+|\n)`, "gm");
+ foreach(arg; args[1..$]) {
+ if (
+ !(arg.match(regex(r"--\w+")))
+ && arg.match(regex(r"\w+?\.ss[itm]"))
+ ) {
+ writeln(arg);
+ string filename = arg;
+ try {
+ string[] contents, endnotes, endnote_refs;
+ string text = filename.readText;
+ string[] paragraphs = text.split("\n\n");
+ int endnote_ref_count = 0;
+ int code_block_status = 0;
+ enum codeBlock { off, curly, tic, }
+ foreach (paragraph; paragraphs) { /+ loop to gather binary endnotes +/
+ if (code_block_status == codeBlock.off
+ && paragraph.match(rgx_endnote)
+ ) {
+ endnotes ~= replaceAll!(m => m[1])
+ (paragraph, rgx_endnote);
+ } else {
+ if ((code_block_status == codeBlock.curly
+ && paragraph.matchFirst(block_curly_code_close))
+ || ((code_block_status == codeBlock.tic
+ && paragraph.matchFirst(block_tic_close))
+ ) {
+ code_block_status = codeBlock.off;
+ } else if ( type["curly_code"] == 1 || type["tic_code"] == 1) {
+ // skip, prevent search for endnotes
+ } else if (paragraph.matchFirst(block_curly_code_open)) {
+ code_block_status = codeBlock.curly;
+ } else if (paragraph.matchFirst(block_tic_code_open)) {
+ code_block_status = codeBlock.tic;
+ } else if (auto m = paragraph.matchAll(rgx_endnote_ref)) {
+ foreach (n; m) {
+ endnote_ref_count++; // endnote_refs ~= (n.captures[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ contents ~= paragraph;
+ }
+ }
+ if (endnotes.length == endnote_ref_count) {
+ import std.outbuffer;
+ writeln("endnote ref count: ", endnote_ref_count);
+ writeln("number of binary endnotes: ", endnotes.length);
+ int endnote_count = -1;
+ auto buffer = new OutBuffer();
+ foreach (content; contents) { /+ loop to inline endnotes +/
+ content = replaceAll!(m => "~{ " ~ endnotes[++endnote_count] ~ " }~" ~ m["tail"] )
+ (content, rgx_endnote_ref);
+ buffer.write(content ~ "\n\n");
+ }
+ if (buffer) {
+ try {
+ string dir_out = "converted_output_";
+ string path_and_file_out = dir_out ~ "/" ~ filename;
+ dir_out.mkdirRecurse;
+ auto f = File(path_and_file_out, "w");
+ f.write(buffer);
+ writeln("wrote: ", path_and_file_out);
+ } catch (FileException ex) {
+ writeln("did not write file");
+ // Handle errors
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ writeln("ERROR binary endnote mismatch, check markup,\nmisatch in the number of endnotes & endnote references!");
+ writeln(" number of endnotes: ", endnotes.length);
+ writeln(" number of endnote refs: ", endnote_ref_count); // endnote_refs.length,
+ }
+ // assert(endnotes.length == endnote_ref_count);
+ } catch (ErrnoException ex) {
+ switch(ex.errno) {
+ case EPERM:
+ case EACCES: // Permission denied
+ break;
+ case ENOENT: // File does not exist
+ break;
+ default: // Handle other errors
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/sundry/misc/util/d/tools/markup_conversion/markup_changes.d b/sundry/misc/util/d/tools/markup_conversion/markup_changes.d
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4274f78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sundry/misc/util/d/tools/markup_conversion/markup_changes.d
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env rdmd
+ - read in file .sst .ssi .ssm
+ - loop twice
+ - first
+ - check for and skip code blocks
+ - use unique code marker for endnote markers in text and give an endnote
+ number ★1, increment
+ - extract all endnotes in array
+ - second
+ - check that the footnote marker number count matches the number of notes
+ in the array
+ - if they match either:
+ - substitute each endnote marker with the array footnote[number-1]
+ - substitute each endnote marker with footnote
+ as inlined footnote markup (footnote number not needed)
+ - if they do not match exit
+ - check whether changes have been made
+ - if so write file with inline footnotes in sub-directory converted_output_/
+ using the same name as the original file
+ - else, exit
+import std.stdio;
+import std.file;
+import std.array : split;
+import std.exception;
+import core.stdc.errno;
+import std.regex;
+import std.format;
+import std.conv;
+void main(string[] args) {
+ static comment = ctRegex!(`^%+ `);
+ static block_tic_code_open = ctRegex!("^`{3} code(?:[.](?P<syntax>[a-z][0-9a-z#+_]+))?(?:[(](?P<attrib>[ a-zA-Z0-9;:,]*)[)])?");
+ static block_tic_close = ctRegex!("^(`{3})$","m");
+ static block_curly_code_open = ctRegex!(`^(?:code(?:[.](?P<syntax>[a-z][0-9a-z_]+))?(?:[(](?P<attrib>[ a-zA-Z0-9;:,]*)[)])?[{][ ]*$)`);
+ static block_curly_code_close = ctRegex!(`^([}]code)`);
+ auto rgx_endnote_ref = ctRegex!(`([~]\^)(?P<tail>[)\]]? |$)`, "gm");
+ auto rgx_endnote = ctRegex!(`^\^~\s+(.+|\n)`, "gm");
+ foreach(arg; args[1..$]) {
+ if (
+ !(arg.match(regex(r"--\w+")))
+ && arg.match(regex(r"\w+?\.ss[itm]"))
+ ) {
+ writeln(arg);
+ string filename = arg;
+ try {
+ string[] contents, endnotes, endnote_refs;
+ string text = filename.readText;
+ string[] paragraphs = text.split("\n\n");
+ int endnote_ref_count = 0;
+ int[string] type = [
+ "curly_code" : 0,
+ "tic_code" : 0,
+ ];
+ foreach (paragraph; paragraphs) { /+ loop to gather binary endnotes +/
+ if ( !( type["curly_code"] == 1 || type["tic_code"] == 1)
+ && paragraph.match(rgx_endnote)
+ ) {
+ endnotes ~= replaceAll!(m => m[1])
+ (paragraph, rgx_endnote);
+ } else {
+ if ( type["curly_code"] == 1 || type["tic_code"] == 1
+ || paragraph.matchFirst(block_curly_code_open)
+ || paragraph.matchFirst(block_tic_code_open)
+ ) { /+ code blocks identified, no munging +/
+ if ( type["curly_code"] == 1
+ && paragraph.matchFirst(block_curly_code_close)
+ ) {
+ type["curly_code"] = 0;
+ } else if (type["tic_code"] == 1
+ && paragraph.matchFirst(block_tic_close)
+ ) {
+ type["tic_code"] = 0;
+ } else if (paragraph.matchFirst(block_curly_code_open)) {
+ type["curly_code"] = 1;
+ } else if (paragraph.matchFirst(block_tic_code_open)) {
+ type["tic_code"] = 1;
+ }
+ contents ~= paragraph;
+ } else { /+ regular content, not a code block +/
+ if (auto m = paragraph.matchAll(rgx_endnote_ref)) {
+ foreach (n; m) {
+ endnote_ref_count++; // endnote_refs ~= (n.captures[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ paragraph = replaceAll!(m => " \\\\ " )
+ (paragraph, regex(r"\s*<(?:/\s*|:)?br>\s*")); // (paragraph, regex(r"(<br>)"));
+ contents ~= paragraph;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ import std.outbuffer;
+ auto buffer = new OutBuffer();
+ if (endnotes.length == endnote_ref_count) {
+ // writeln("endnote ref count: ", endnote_ref_count);
+ // writeln("number of binary endnotes: ", endnotes.length);
+ int endnote_count = -1;
+ foreach (content; contents) { /+ loop to inline endnotes +/
+ content = replaceAll!(m => "~{ " ~ endnotes[++endnote_count] ~ " }~" ~ m["tail"] )
+ (content, rgx_endnote_ref); // endnote_ref cannot occur in a code block or else fail
+ buffer.write(content ~ "\n\n");
+ }
+ if (buffer) {
+ try {
+ string dir_out = "converted_output_";
+ string path_and_file_out = dir_out ~ "/" ~ filename;
+ dir_out.mkdirRecurse;
+ auto f = File(path_and_file_out, "w");
+ f.write(buffer);
+ writeln("wrote: ", path_and_file_out);
+ } catch (FileException ex) {
+ writeln("did not write file");
+ // Handle errors
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach (content; contents) { /+ loop to inline endnotes +/
+ buffer.write(content ~ "\n\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (ErrnoException ex) {
+ switch(ex.errno) {
+ case EPERM:
+ case EACCES: // Permission denied
+ break;
+ case ENOENT: // File does not exist
+ break;
+ default: // Handle other errors
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/sundry/misc/util/d/tools/markup_conversion/markup_changes_header_and_content.d b/sundry/misc/util/d/tools/markup_conversion/markup_changes_header_and_content.d
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..86792ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sundry/misc/util/d/tools/markup_conversion/markup_changes_header_and_content.d
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env rdmd
+ - read in file .sst .ssi .ssm
+ - loop twice
+ - first
+ - check for and skip code blocks
+ - use unique code marker for endnote markers in text and give an endnote
+ number ★1, increment
+ - extract all endnotes in array
+ - second
+ - check that the footnote marker number count matches the number of notes
+ in the array
+ - if they match either:
+ - substitute each endnote marker with the array footnote[number-1]
+ - substitute each endnote marker with footnote
+ as inlined footnote markup (footnote number not needed)
+ - if they do not match exit
+ - check whether changes have been made
+ - if so write file with inline footnotes in sub-directory converted_output_/
+ using the same name as the original file
+ - else, exit
+import std.stdio;
+import std.file;
+import std.array : split;
+import std.exception;
+// import std.range;
+import core.stdc.errno;
+import std.regex;
+import std.format;
+import std.conv;
+void main(string[] args) {
+ static heading_a = ctRegex!(`^:?[A][~] `, "m");
+ static comment = ctRegex!(`^%+ `);
+ static block_tic_code_open = ctRegex!("^`{3} code(?:[.](?P<syntax>[a-z][0-9a-z#+_]+))?(?:[(](?P<attrib>[ a-zA-Z0-9;:,]*)[)])?");
+ static block_tic_close = ctRegex!("^(`{3})$","m");
+ static block_curly_code_open = ctRegex!(`^(?:code(?:[.](?P<syntax>[a-z][0-9a-z_]+))?(?:[(](?P<attrib>[ a-zA-Z0-9;:,]*)[)])?[{][ ]*$)`);
+ static block_curly_code_close = ctRegex!(`^([}]code)`);
+ auto rgx_endnote_ref = ctRegex!(`([~]\^)(?P<tail>[)\]]? |$)`, "gm");
+ auto rgx_endnote = ctRegex!(`^\^~\s+(.+|\n)`, "gm");
+ char[][] header0Content1(in string src_text) { // cast(char[])
+ /+ split string on _first_ match of "^:?A~\s" into [header, content] array/tuple +/
+ char[][] header_and_content;
+ auto m = (cast(char[]) src_text).matchFirst(heading_a);
+ header_and_content ~= m.pre;
+ header_and_content ~= m.hit ~ m.post;
+ assert(header_and_content.length == 2,
+ "document markup is broken, header body split == "
+ ~ header_and_content.length.to!string
+ ~ "; (header / body array split should == 2 (split is on level A~))"
+ );
+ return header_and_content;
+ }
+ foreach(arg; args[1..$]) {
+ if (
+ !(arg.match(regex(r"--\w+")))
+ && arg.match(regex(r"\w+?\.ss[itm]"))
+ ) {
+ writeln(arg);
+ string filename = arg;
+ try {
+ string[] munged_header, munged_contents, munged_endnotes, endnote_refs;
+ string text = filename.readText;
+ char[][] hc = header0Content1(text);
+ char[] src_header = hc[0];
+ string[] headers = src_header.to!string.split("\n\n");
+ char[] src_txt = hc[1];
+ string[] paragraphs = src_txt.to!string.split("\n\n");
+ int endnote_ref_count = 0;
+ int[string] type = [
+ "curly_code" : 0,
+ "tic_code" : 0,
+ ];
+ string _tmp_header;
+ foreach (h_; headers) { /+ loop to inline endnotes +/
+ _tmp_header = "";
+ if (h_.match(regex(r"^[@\[]?title[:\]]?"))) { // title
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@title:(?:\s+(?P<c>.+)|$)"))) { // sisu bespoke markup
+ if (m.captures["c"].length == 0) {
+ _tmp_header ~= "title:";
+ } else {
+ _tmp_header ~= "title:\n main: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\"";
+ }
+ } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^title\s*=\s*(?P<c>.+)"))) { // toml?
+ if (m.captures["c"].length == 0) {
+ _tmp_header ~= "title:";
+ } else {
+ _tmp_header ~= "title:\n main: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\"";
+ }
+ } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\[title\]"))) { // toml markup
+ _tmp_header ~= "title:";
+ } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^title(?:\s+(?P<c>.+)|\s+\\$)"))) { // sdlang markup
+ if (m.captures["c"].length == 0) {
+ _tmp_header ~= "title:";
+ } else {
+ _tmp_header ~= "title:\n main: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\"";
+ }
+ }
+ if (h_.match(regex(r"^\s*[:]?(?:main)[:= ]?", "m"))) {
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+(?P<h>:main):(?:\s+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { // sisu bespoke markup
+ _tmp_header ~= " main: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\"";
+ } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s*(?P<h>main)\s*=\s*(?P<c>.+)", "m"))) { // toml?
+ _tmp_header ~= " main: " ~ m.captures["c"];
+ } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+(?P<h>main)(?:\s*\s*(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { // toml markup
+ _tmp_header ~= " main: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\"";
+ } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+(?P<h>main)(?:\s+(?P<c>.+)|\s+\\$)", "m"))) { // sdlang markup
+ _tmp_header ~= " main: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\"";
+ }
+ }
+ if (h_.match(regex(r"^\s*[:]?(?:sub(title)?)[:= ]?", "m"))) {
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:sub(?:title)?:(?:\s+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { // sisu bespoke markup
+ _tmp_header ~= " subtitle: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\"";
+ } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s*sub(?:title)?\s*=\s*(?P<c>.+)$", "m"))) { // toml?
+ _tmp_header ~= " subtitle: " ~ m.captures["c"];
+ } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+(?:title)?(?:\s*\s*(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { // toml markup
+ _tmp_header ~= " subtitle: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\"";
+ } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+(?:title)?(?:\s+(?P<c>.+)|\s+\\$)", "m"))) { // sdlang markup
+ _tmp_header ~= " subtitle: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\"";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (h_.match(regex(r"^[@\[]?rights[:\]]?"))) { // rights
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@rights:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)$"))) { // sisu bespoke markup
+ _tmp_header ~= "rights: \n copyright: \"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\"";
+ } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@rights:"))) { // sisu bespoke markup
+ _tmp_header ~= "rights:";
+ } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\[rights\]", "m"))) { // toml markup
+ _tmp_header ~= "rights:";
+ } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^rights:"))) { // sdlang markup
+ _tmp_header ~= "rights:";
+ }
+ if (h_.match(regex(r"^\s*[:]?copyright[:= ]?", "m"))) {
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:copyright:(?:\s+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { // sisu bespoke markup
+ _tmp_header ~= " copyright: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\"";
+ } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s*copyright\s*=\s*(?P<c>.+)", "m"))) { // toml?
+ _tmp_header ~= " copyright: " ~ m.captures["c"];
+ } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+<h>copyright(?:\s*\s*(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { // toml markup
+ _tmp_header ~= " copyright: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\"";
+ } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+copyright(?:\s+(?P<c>.+)|\s+\\$)", "m"))) { // sdlang markup
+ _tmp_header ~= " copyright: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\"";
+ }
+ }
+ if (h_.match(regex(r"^\s*[:]?licen[cs]e[:= ]?", "m"))) {
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:licen[cs]e:(?:\s+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { // sisu bespoke markup
+ _tmp_header ~= " license: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\"";
+ } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s*licen[cs]e\s*=\s*(?P<c>.+)$", "m"))) { // toml?
+ _tmp_header ~= " license: " ~ m.captures["c"];
+ } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+licen[cs]e(?:\s*\s*(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) { // toml markup
+ _tmp_header ~= " license: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\"";
+ } else if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+licen[cs]e(?:\s+(?P<c>.+)|\s+\\$)", "m"))) { // sdlang markup
+ _tmp_header ~= " license: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\"";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (_tmp_header.length > 0) {
+ munged_header ~= _tmp_header;
+ } else {
+ munged_header ~= h_;
+ }
+ }
+ writeln(munged_header);
+ foreach (paragraph; paragraphs) { /+ loop to gather binary endnotes +/
+ if ( !( type["curly_code"] == 1 || type["tic_code"] == 1)
+ && paragraph.match(rgx_endnote)
+ ) {
+ munged_endnotes ~= replaceAll!(m => m[1])
+ (paragraph, rgx_endnote);
+ } else {
+ if ( type["curly_code"] == 1 || type["tic_code"] == 1
+ || paragraph.matchFirst(block_curly_code_open)
+ || paragraph.matchFirst(block_tic_code_open)
+ ) { /+ code blocks identified, no munging +/
+ if ( type["curly_code"] == 1
+ && paragraph.matchFirst(block_curly_code_close)
+ ) {
+ type["curly_code"] = 0;
+ } else if (type["tic_code"] == 1
+ && paragraph.matchFirst(block_tic_close)
+ ) {
+ type["tic_code"] = 0;
+ } else if (paragraph.matchFirst(block_curly_code_open)) {
+ type["curly_code"] = 1;
+ } else if (paragraph.matchFirst(block_tic_code_open)) {
+ type["tic_code"] = 1;
+ }
+ munged_contents ~= paragraph;
+ } else { /+ regular content, not a code block +/
+ if (auto m = paragraph.matchAll(rgx_endnote_ref)) {
+ foreach (n; m) {
+ endnote_ref_count++; // endnote_refs ~= (n.captures[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ paragraph = replaceAll!(m => " \\\\ " )
+ (paragraph, regex(r"\s*<(?:/\s*|:)?br>\s*")); // (paragraph, regex(r"(<br>)"));
+ munged_contents ~= paragraph;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ import std.outbuffer;
+ auto buffer = new OutBuffer();
+ foreach (header; munged_header) { /+ loop to inline endnotes +/
+ buffer.write(header ~ "\n\n");
+ }
+ if (munged_endnotes.length == endnote_ref_count) {
+ int endnote_count = -1;
+ foreach (content; munged_contents) { /+ loop to inline endnotes +/
+ content = replaceAll!(m => "~{ " ~ munged_endnotes[++endnote_count] ~ " }~" ~ m["tail"] )
+ (content, rgx_endnote_ref); // endnote_ref cannot occur in a code block or else fail
+ buffer.write(content ~ "\n\n");
+ }
+ if (buffer) {
+ try {
+ string dir_out = "converted_output_";
+ string path_and_file_out = dir_out ~ "/" ~ filename;
+ dir_out.mkdirRecurse;
+ auto f = File(path_and_file_out, "w");
+ f.write(buffer);
+ // writeln("wrote: ", path_and_file_out);
+ } catch (FileException ex) {
+ writeln("did not write file");
+ // Handle errors
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach (content; munged_contents) { /+ loop to inline endnotes +/
+ buffer.write(content ~ "\n\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (ErrnoException ex) {
+ switch(ex.errno) {
+ case EPERM:
+ case EACCES: // Permission denied
+ break;
+ case ENOENT: // File does not exist
+ break;
+ default: // Handle other errors
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/sundry/misc/util/d/tools/markup_conversion/markup_conversion_from_sisu_ruby_to_sisu_spine.d b/sundry/misc/util/d/tools/markup_conversion/markup_conversion_from_sisu_ruby_to_sisu_spine.d
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0ec541d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sundry/misc/util/d/tools/markup_conversion/markup_conversion_from_sisu_ruby_to_sisu_spine.d
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env rdmd
+ - read in file .sst .ssi .ssm
+ - loop twice
+ - first
+ - check for and skip code blocks
+ - use unique code marker for endnote markers in text and give an endnote
+ number ★1, increment
+ - extract all endnotes in array
+ - second
+ - check that the footnote marker number count matches the number of notes
+ in the array
+ - if they match either:
+ - substitute each endnote marker with the array footnote[number-1]
+ - substitute each endnote marker with footnote
+ as inlined footnote markup (footnote number not needed)
+ - if they do not match exit
+ - check whether changes have been made
+ - if so write file with inline footnotes in sub-directory converted_output_/
+ using the same name as the original file
+ - else, exit
+import std.stdio;
+import std.file;
+import std.array : split, join;
+import std.exception;
+// import std.range;
+import core.stdc.errno;
+import std.regex;
+import std.format;
+import std.conv;
+void main(string[] args) {
+ static heading_a = ctRegex!(`^:?[A][~] `, "m");
+ static comment = ctRegex!(`^%+ `);
+ static block_tic_code_open = ctRegex!("^`{3} code(?:[.](?P<syntax>[a-z][0-9a-z#+_]+))?(?:[(](?P<attrib>[ a-zA-Z0-9;:,]*)[)])?");
+ static block_tic_close = ctRegex!("^(`{3})$","m");
+ static block_curly_code_open = ctRegex!(`^(?:code(?:[.](?P<syntax>[a-z][0-9a-z_]+))?(?:[(](?P<attrib>[ a-zA-Z0-9;:,]*)[)])?[{][ ]*$)`);
+ static block_curly_code_close = ctRegex!(`^([}]code)`);
+ auto rgx_endnote_ref = ctRegex!(`([~]\^)(?P<tail>[)\]]? |$)`, "gm");
+ auto rgx_endnote = ctRegex!(`^\^~\s+(.+|\n)`, "gm");
+ char[][] header0Content1(in string src_text) { // cast(char[])
+ /+ split string on _first_ match of "^:?A~\s" into [header, content] array/tuple +/
+ char[][] header_and_content;
+ auto m = (cast(char[]) src_text).matchFirst(heading_a);
+ header_and_content ~= m.pre;
+ header_and_content ~= m.hit ~ m.post;
+ assert(header_and_content.length == 2,
+ "document markup is broken, header body split == "
+ ~ header_and_content.length.to!string
+ ~ "; (header / body array split should == 2 (split is on level A~))"
+ );
+ return header_and_content;
+ }
+ string format_body_string(string s) {
+ string o;
+ o = s
+ .replaceAll(regex("^<(?:/[ ]*)?br>[ ]*"), " \\\\ ")
+ .replaceAll(regex("[ ]*<(?:/[ ]*)?br>$"), " \\\\")
+ .replaceAll(regex("[ ]*<(?:/[ ]*)?br>[ ]*"), " \\\\ ");
+ return o;
+ }
+ string format_header_string(string s) {
+ string o;
+ o = s
+ .replaceAll(regex("\""), "\\\"")
+ .replaceAll(regex("[ ]*<(?:/[ ]*)?br>$"), " \\\\")
+ .replaceAll(regex("[ ]*<(?:/[ ]*)?br>[ ]*"), " \\\\ ");
+ return o;
+ }
+ string format_main_header(string hm, string hs = "", string c = "") {
+ string o;
+ if (c.length == 0) {
+ o ~= hm ~ ":\n";
+ } else {
+ o ~= hm ~ ":\n"
+ ~ " " ~ hs ~ ": "
+ ~ "\"" ~ format_header_string(c) ~ "\"\n";
+ }
+ return o;
+ }
+ string format_sub_header(string hs, string c) {
+ string o;
+ o ~= " " ~ hs ~ ": "
+ ~ "\"" ~ format_header_string(c) ~ "\"\n";
+ return o;
+ }
+ foreach(arg; args[1..$]) {
+ if (
+ !(arg.match(regex(r"--\w+")))
+ && arg.match(regex(r"\w+?\.ss[itm]"))
+ ) {
+ writeln(arg);
+ string filename = arg;
+ try {
+ string[] munged_header, munged_contents, munged_endnotes, endnote_refs;
+ char[][] hc;
+ char[] src_header;
+ string[] headers;
+ char[] src_txt;
+ string[] paragraphs;
+ enum codeBlock { off, curly, tic, }
+ string _tmp_header;
+ int endnote_ref_count = 0;
+ int code_block_status = codeBlock.off;
+ string text = filename.readText;
+ if (arg.match(regex(r"\w+?\.ss[tm]"))) {
+ hc = header0Content1(text);
+ src_header = hc[0];
+ headers = src_header.to!string.split("\n\n");
+ src_txt = hc[1];
+ paragraphs = src_txt.to!string.split("\n\n");
+ } else if (arg.match(regex(r"\w+?\.ssi"))) {
+ headers = [];
+ paragraphs = text.split("\n\n");
+ }
+ if (headers.length > 0) {
+ headers[0] = headers[0].replaceFirst(regex(r"^%\s+SiSU.+", "i"), "# SiSU 8.0 spine (auto-conversion)");
+ foreach (h_; headers) {
+ _tmp_header = "";
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^%\s*", "m"))) {
+ h_ = h_.replaceAll(regex(r"^%\s*", "m"), "# ") ~ "\n";
+ }
+ if (h_.match(regex(r"^@title:|@subtitle"))) {
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@(?P<h>title):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|\n)"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_main_header(m.captures["h"], "main", m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@(?P<h>subtitle):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)"))) {
+ if (m.captures["c"].length == 0) {
+ } else {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>main):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:sub(?:title)?:(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header("subtitle", m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ } else if (h_.match(regex(r"^@creator:|@author:"))) {
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^(?:@creator:|@author:)(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|\n)"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_main_header("creator", "author", m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>author):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ } else if (h_.match(regex(r"^@rights:"))) {
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@(?P<h>rights):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|\n)"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_main_header(m.captures["h"], "copyright", m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>copyright):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:licen[cs]e:(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header("license", m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ } else if (h_.match(regex(r"^@date:|@date\."))) {
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@(?P<h>date):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|\n)"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_main_header(m.captures["h"], "published", m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>published):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>available):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>modified):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>created):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>issued):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>valid):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@date\.(?P<h>available):[ ]+(?P<c>.+)$"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@date\.(?P<h>modified):[ ]+(?P<c>.+)$"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@date\.(?P<h>created):[ ]+(?P<c>.+)$"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@date\.(?P<h>issued):[ ]+(?P<c>.+)$"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@date\.(?P<h>valid):[ ]+(?P<c>.+)$"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ } else if (h_.match(regex(r"^@classify:"))) {
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@classify:"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= "classify:\n";
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>topic_register):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:type:(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= "# type: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\"\n";
+ }
+ } else if (h_.match(regex(r"^(?:@identifier:|@identify:)"))) {
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^(?:@identifier:|@idenfify)"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= "identify:\n";
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>oclc):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>isbn):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>dewey):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ } else if (h_.match(regex(r"^@publisher:"))) {
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@publisher:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)$"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= "publisher: " ~ "\"" ~ m.captures["c"] ~ "\"\n";
+ }
+ } else if (h_.match(regex(r"^@make:"))) {
+ // writeln(h_);
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^@make:"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= "make:\n";
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>breaks):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>num_top):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>headings):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>italics):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>bold):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>emphasis):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>substitute):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>texpdf_font):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>home_button_text):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>home_button_image):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>cover_image):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:(?P<h>footer):(?:[ ]+(?P<c>.+)|$)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= format_sub_header(m.captures["h"], m.captures["c"]);
+ }
+ // writeln(_tmp_header);
+ } else if (h_.match(regex(r"^@\w+:"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= "# " ~ h_.split("\n").join("\n# ") ~ "\n";
+ } else if (h_.match(regex(r"^\s+:\w+:", "m"))) {
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^(?P<g>\s+:\w+:.*)"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= "# " ~ m.captures["g"] ~ "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if (h_.match(regex(r"^#", "m"))) {
+ if (auto m = h_.match(regex(r"^(?P<g>#.*)", "m"))) {
+ _tmp_header ~= m.captures["g"] ~ "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if (_tmp_header.length > 0) {
+ munged_header ~= _tmp_header.split("\n\n");
+ } else if (h_.length > 0) {
+ writeln("munging required: ", h_);
+ h_ = h_.replaceAll((regex(r"\n\n\n+", "m")), "\n\n");
+ munged_header ~= h_;
+ }
+ }
+ // writeln(munged_header.join("\n"));
+ }
+ foreach (paragraph; paragraphs) { /+ loop to gather binary endnotes +/
+ if (code_block_status == codeBlock.off
+ && paragraph.match(rgx_endnote)
+ ) {
+ munged_endnotes ~= replaceAll!(m => m[1])
+ (paragraph, rgx_endnote);
+ } else {
+ if ( code_block_status != codeBlock.off
+ || paragraph.matchFirst(block_curly_code_open)
+ || paragraph.matchFirst(block_tic_code_open)
+ ) { /+ code blocks identified, no munging +/
+ if ((code_block_status == codeBlock.curly
+ && paragraph.matchFirst(block_curly_code_close))
+ || (code_block_status == codeBlock.tic
+ && paragraph.matchFirst(block_tic_close))
+ ) {
+ code_block_status = codeBlock.off;
+ } else if (paragraph.matchFirst(block_curly_code_open)) {
+ code_block_status = codeBlock.curly;
+ } else if (paragraph.matchFirst(block_tic_code_open)) {
+ code_block_status = codeBlock.tic;
+ }
+ munged_contents ~= paragraph;
+ } else { /+ regular content, not a code block +/
+ if (auto m = paragraph.matchAll(rgx_endnote_ref)) {
+ foreach (n; m) {
+ endnote_ref_count++; // endnote_refs ~= (n.captures[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ paragraph = format_body_string(paragraph);
+ // paragraph = replaceAll!(m => " \\\\ " )
+ // (paragraph, regex(r"\s*<(?:/\s*|:)?br>\s*")); // (paragraph, regex(r"(<br>)"));
+ munged_contents ~= paragraph;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ import std.outbuffer;
+ auto buffer = new OutBuffer();
+ if (munged_header.length > 0) {
+ foreach (header; munged_header) { /+ loop to inline endnotes +/
+ buffer.write(header ~ "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (munged_endnotes.length == endnote_ref_count) {
+ int endnote_count = -1;
+ foreach (k, content; munged_contents) { /+ loop to inline endnotes +/
+ content = replaceAll!(m => "~{ " ~ munged_endnotes[++endnote_count] ~ " }~" ~ m["tail"] )
+ (content, rgx_endnote_ref); // endnote_ref cannot occur in a code block or else fail
+ buffer.write(content ~ ((k == munged_contents.length - 1) ? "" : "\n\n"));
+ }
+ if (buffer) {
+ try {
+ string dir_out = "converted_output_";
+ string path_and_file_out = dir_out ~ "/" ~ filename;
+ dir_out.mkdirRecurse;
+ auto f = File(path_and_file_out, "w");
+ f.write(buffer);
+ // writeln("wrote: ", path_and_file_out);
+ } catch (FileException ex) {
+ writeln("did not write file");
+ // Handle errors
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach (content; munged_contents) { /+ loop to inline endnotes +/
+ buffer.write(content ~ "\n\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (ErrnoException ex) {
+ switch(ex.errno) {
+ case EPERM:
+ case EACCES: // Permission denied
+ break;
+ case ENOENT: // File does not exist
+ break;
+ default: // Handle other errors
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/sundry/misc/util/d/tools/spine_scaffold.d b/sundry/misc/util/d/tools/spine_scaffold.d
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dbcc857
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sundry/misc/util/d/tools/spine_scaffold.d
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env rund
+void main( string[] args ) {
+ import std;
+ if (args.length > 1) {
+ string base_fn_path = args[1].expandTilde;
+ string base_fn = base_fn_path.baseName;
+ string sst_fn = base_fn ~ ".sst";
+ string txt_for_pod_manifest = format(q"┃doc:
+ filename: %s
+ language: en
+ sst_fn
+ );
+ string txt_for_sisu_document_make = format(q"┃
+ );
+ string txt_for_document_scaffold = format(q"┃# SiSU 8.0
+title: "As Yet Unnamed"
+ author: "Annon, Unnamed"
+:A~ @title @author
+1~ Summary
+To get you started, the first paragraph following a section or chapter heading.
+Spine / SiSU documents minimum requirements:
+_* a header containing document metadata that must at least contain the fields Title and Creator Author.
+_* text body, identified as starting by the A~ marker at the start of a line, followed by at least one level 1~ section heading with the text that follows it.~{ the document provided here would be a valid Spine document, and this text contained within the tilde and curly braces delimiters would be the first footnote/endnote }~
+To generate this document to have html and epub output for example you would run:
+``` code
+spine --html --epub --output=/tmp/spine-sample-output %s
+1~ Conclusion
+This sample pod is provided to get you started.
+Good luck and good speed.
+ base_fn_path
+ );
+ if (!exists(base_fn_path)) {
+ try {
+ base_fn_path.mkdirRecurse;
+ } catch (ErrnoException ex) {
+ writeln(ex);
+ }
+ if (exists(args[1].expandTilde)) {
+ try {
+ base_fn_path.buildPath("conf").mkdirRecurse;
+ } catch (ErrnoException ex) {
+ writeln(ex);
+ }
+ try {
+ base_fn_path.buildPath("media/text/en").mkdirRecurse;
+ } catch (ErrnoException ex) {
+ writeln(ex);
+ }
+ {
+ // 1 // create/write pod.manifest
+ string fn = base_fn_path.buildPath("pod.manifest");
+ File(fn, "w").writeln(txt_for_pod_manifest);
+ string tell = format(q"┃OK - pod.manifest (yaml file containing filename and languages)
+ %s
+ fn,
+ txt_for_pod_manifest.strip
+ );
+ writeln(tell);
+ }
+ if (exists(base_fn_path.buildPath("conf"))) {
+ // 2 // create/write conf/sisu_document_make
+ string fn = base_fn_path.buildPath("conf/sisu_document_make");
+ File(fn, "w").writeln(txt_for_sisu_document_make);
+ // auto f = File(fn, "w");
+ // foreach (line; content_array) {
+ // f.writeln(line);
+ // }
+ string tell = format(q"┃OK - sisu_document_make
+ %s
+ fn
+ );
+ writeln(tell);
+ }
+ if (exists(base_fn_path.buildPath("media/text/en"))) {
+ // 3 // create/write media/text/[lang code]/[filename].sst
+ string fn = base_fn_path.buildPath("media/text/en/" ~ sst_fn);
+ File(fn, "w").writeln(txt_for_document_scaffold);
+ // auto f = File(fn, "w");
+ // foreach (line; content_array) {
+ // f.writeln(line);
+ // }
+ string tell = format(q"┃OK - .sst [document text content]
+ %s
+ - To start editing document (spine pod content):
+ ${EDITOR} %s
+ - To generate this document to have html and epub output for example you would run:
+ spine --html --epub --output=/tmp/spine-sample-output %s
+ fn,
+ fn,
+ base_fn_path
+ );
+ writeln(tell);
+ }
+ }
+ /+
+ pod/[filename]
+ │
+ ├── conf
+ │   └── sisu_document_make
+ ├── media
+ │   └── text
+ │   └── en
+ │   └── [filename].charles_stross.sst
+ └── pod.manifest
+ +/
+ } else {
+ writeln("requested output pod name with path already exists:\n ", args[1].expandTilde);
+ }
+ } else {
+ writeln( "please provide directory path to operate on, e.g.\n spine_scaffold.d ./pod/filetest" );
+ }