Spine, Doc Reform - SiSU Markup
Ralph Amissah (2008-05-22)


1. From sometime after SiSU 0.58 it should be possible to describe SiSU markup using SiSU, which though not an original design goal is useful.

2. files should be prepared using UTF-8 character encoding

3. a footnote or endnote

4. self contained endnote marker & endnote in one

*. unnumbered asterisk footnote/endnote, insert multiple asterisks if required

**. another unnumbered asterisk footnote/endnote

5. https://www.sisudoc.org/

6. https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/

7. https://github.com/dlang-community/d-mans

8. endnote test

9. stress test

10. endnote test

11. stress test

12. published in 1916 as the first poem in the collection Mountain Interval.

13. published in 1916 as the first poem in the collection Mountain Interval.

14. Table from the Wealth of Networks by Yochai Benkler

15. for which you may alternatively use the full form author: title: and year:

16. Quixote and Panza, Taming Windmills (1605), pp 1000 - 1001 also, Benkler, Wealth of Networks (2006), p 1

17. As Maria Cattaui Livanos suggests in The global economy - an opportunity to be seized in Business World the Electronic magazine of the International Chamber of Commerce (Paris, July 1997) at https://www.iccwbo.org/html/globalec.htm
“Globalization is unstoppable. Even though it may be only in its early stages, it is already intrinsic to the world economy. We have to live with it, recognize its advantages and learn to manage it.
That imperative applies to governments, who would be unwise to attempt to stem the tide for reasons of political expediency. It also goes for companies of all sizes, who must now compete on global markets and learn to adjust their strategies accordingly, seizing the opportunities that globalization offers.”

18. To remain successful, being in competition, the business community is compelled to take advantage of the opportunities provided by globalisation.

19. Realists would contend that law is contextual and best understood by exploring the interrelationships between law and the other social sciences, such as sociology, psychology, political science, and economics.

20. Part of a section cited in Mercuro and Steven G. Medema, Economics and the Law: from Posner to Post-Modernism (Princeton, 1997) p. 11, with reference to Karl N. Llewellyn The Effect of Legal Institutions upon Economics, American Economic Review 15 (December 1925) pp 655-683, Mark M. Litchman Economics, the Basis of Law, American Law Review 61 (May-June 1927) pp 357-387, and W. S. Holdsworth A Neglected Aspect of the Relations between Economic and Legal History, Economic History Review 1 (January 1927-1928) pp 114-123.

21. For a good introduction see Nicholas Mercuro and Steven G. Medema, Economics and the Law: from Posner to Post-Modernism (Princeton, 1997). These include: Chicago law and economics (New law and economics); New Haven School of law and economics; Public Choice Theory; Institutional law and economics; Neoinstitutional law and economics; Critical Legal Studies.

22. puzzle away

License: GPL 3 (part of SiSU documentation)

≅ SiSU Spine ፨ (object numbering & object search)

(web 1993, object numbering 1997, object search 2002 ...) 2024